Search Results
Your search for courses · during 24FA, 25WI, 25SP · tagged with CHEM Elective · returned 4 results
BIOC 301 Survey of Biochemistry 6 credits
This course applies the principles of chemistry to explore the molecular basis of biological processes. It provides students with a foundational knowledge of biochemistry, with an emphasis on the structure and function of biological macromolecules including nucleic acids and proteins. Topics include enzyme catalysis and kinetics, bioenergetics, and the organization and regulation of metabolic pathways. Biology majors must also complete BIOC 311 in order for BIOC 301 to count towards the Biology major.
- Fall 2024, Winter 2025
- No Exploration QRE, Quantitative Reasoning
Student has completed all of the following course(s): BIOL 126 – Energy Flow of Biological Systems & Lab or equivalent and CHEM 224 – Principles of Chemistry II & Lab and CHEM 234 – Organic Chemistry II & Lab with a grade of C- or better.
CHEM 348 Introduction to Computational Chemistry 6 credits
This class will introduce students to computational chemistry with a focus on simulations in chemistry and biology. This course will include hands-on experience in running classical molecular dynamics and quantum chemistry programs, an introduction to methods to simulate large systems, and demonstrations of the use of more sophisticated software to simulate chemical and biological processes. It will also include a survey of the current literature in this area, as well as lecture time in which the background necessary to appreciate this growing area of chemistry will be provided.
Requires concurrent registration in CHEM 349
- Spring 2025
- No Exploration QRE, Quantitative Reasoning
Student has completed all of the following course(s): CHEM 343 – Chemical Thermodynamics, CHEM 344 – Quantum Chemistry with grade greater than or equal to C-
- CHEM 349
CHEM 351 Inorganic Chemistry 6 credits
Symmetry, molecular orbital theory and ligand field theory will provide a framework to explore the bonding, magnetism and spectroscopic properties of coordination complexes. Topics in reactivity (hard and soft acids and bases), bioinorganic chemistry, reaction mechanisms, and organometallic chemistry, will also be introduced.
- Spring 2025
- No Exploration QRE, Quantitative Reasoning
Student has completed any of the following course(s): CHEM 224 – Principles Chemistry II & Lab and CHEM 234 – Organic Chemistry II & Lab with grade of C- or better.
CHEM 362 Chemistry at the Nanoscale 6 credits
This discussion-based seminar involves critical examination of research literature authored by prominent investigators in the interdisciplinary field of nanochemistry. Learning will draw upon the multiple disciplines of chemistry (physical, analytical, inorganic, and organic), physics, and biology. Includes a focus on the integrative themes of design, size, shape, surface, self-assembly, and defects. Novel and emerging applications in technology, biology, and medicine will be explored.
- Spring 2025
- No Exploration
Student has completed or is in the process of completing any of the following course(s): CHEM 343 – Chemical Thermodynamics or CHEM 344 – Quantum Chemistry AND One 300 Level CHEM course with a grade of C- or better.