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Your search for courses · during 25SP · tagged with BIOL Elective · returned 7 results
BIOL 240 Genetics 6 credits
A study of the transmission of genetic information between generations of organisms, and of the mechanism of expression of information within an individual organism. The main emphasis will be on the physical and chemical basis of heredity; mutational, transmissional and functional analysis of the genetic material, and gene expression.
Spring Term Sophomore Priority, requires concurrent registration in BIOL 241
- Spring 2025
- No Exploration QRE, Quantitative Reasoning
Student has completed the following courses: BIOL 125 – Genes, Evolution, and Development & Lab with a grade of C- or better or received a score of 5 or better on the Biology AP exam or received a score of 6 or better on the Biology IB exam AND BIOL 126 – Energy Glow in Biological Systems & Lab with a grade of C- or better or equivalents.
- BIOL 241
BIOL 240.00 Spring 2025
- Faculty:Stephan Zweifel 🏫 👤
- Size:32
- M, WLeighton 305 12:30pm-1:40pm
- FLeighton 305 1:10pm-2:10pm
Requires concurrent registration in Biology 241
Spring Term Sophomore Priority
Sophomore Priority.
BIOL 241 Genetics Laboratory 2 credits
Requires concurrent registration in Biology 240
- Spring 2025
- No Exploration
- BIOL 240
BIOL 241.01 Spring 2025
- Faculty:Stephan Zweifel 🏫 👤
- Size:16
- THulings 203 1:00pm-5:00pm
BIOL 241.02 Spring 2025
- Faculty:Stephan Zweifel 🏫 👤
- Size:16
- THHulings 203 8:00am-12:00pm
BIOL 352 Population Ecology 6 credits
An investigation of the properties of populations and communities. Topics include population growth and regulation, life tables, interspecific and intraspecific competition, predation, parasitism, mutualism, the nature of communities, and biogeography. Expected preparation: previous experience with calculus is necessary, but no specific course is required. Statistics 120 or equivalent exposure to statistical analysis is recommended.
Requires concurrent registration in BIOL 353.
Recommended course: Statistics 120 or equivalent exposure to statistical analysis
- Spring 2025
- QRE, Quantitative Reasoning LS, Science with Lab
Student has completed the following courses: BIOL 125 – Genes, Evolution, and Development & Lab with a grade of C- or better or received a score of 5 or better on the Biology AP exam or received a score of 6 or better on the Biology IB exam AND BIOL 126 – Energy Glow in Biological Systems & Lab with a grade of C- or better or equivalents.
- BIOL 353
BIOL 352.00 Spring 2025
- Faculty:Mark McKone 🏫 👤
- Size:20
- M, WHulings 316 11:10am-12:20pm
- FHulings 316 12:00pm-1:00pm
BIOL 370 Seminar: Selected Topics in Virology 6 credits
An examination of selected animal viruses. The course will focus on the most recent developments in HIV-related research, including implications for HIV-treatment and vaccines and the impact of viral infection on the immune system of the host. In addition to studying the structure and replication of particular viruses we will also discuss the current laboratory techniques used in viral research.
- Spring 2025
- No Exploration QRE, Quantitative Reasoning
Student has completed any of the following course(s): BIOL 240 – Genetics, or BIOL 280 – Cell Biology with grade of C- or better.
BIOL 370.00 Spring 2025
- Faculty:Debby Walser-Kuntz 🏫 👤
- Size:15
- M, WAnderson Hall 323 9:50am-11:00am
- FAnderson Hall 323 9:40am-10:40am
BIOL 378 Seminar: The Origin and Early Evolution of Life 6 credits
The Earth formed four and a half billion years ago. Evidence suggests that within 700 million years, life had gained a foothold on this planet. We will delve into the primary literature to explore fundamental questions about the origin and evolution of life: How did life arise from non-life on the dynamic young Earth? Where on Earth did life begin? Did life only arise once? What did the first living organisms look like? What was the nature of our last universal common ancestor? How did life alter the planet on which it arose? Could life originate elsewhere in the cosmos?
- Spring 2025
- No Exploration QRE, Quantitative Reasoning
Student has completed any of the following course(s): BIOL 125 – Genes, Evolution, and Development & Lab with a grade of C- or better or received a score of 5 or better on the Biology AP exam or received a score of 6 or better on the Biology IB exam AND BIOL 126 – Energy Glow in Biological Systems & Lab with a grade of C- or better AND one 200 or 300 level BIOL course with a grade of C- or better.
NEUR 238 Neurons, Circuits and Behavior 6 credits
Neurons are the building blocks of the nervous system. Molecular and cellular neuroscience seeks to understand the fundamental principles that govern how neurons function, how they communicate with each other, and how they assemble into circuits that generate behavior. This course focuses on the molecular and cellular basis of nervous system function from the level of genes and molecules to neural circuits and behavior. We will take an integrative approach to examine the genetic, molecular and cellular mechanisms that underlie neuronal communication, the molecular basis of sensation and innate behaviors, neural plasticity, and nervous system disorders. This course will emphasize the experimental evidence and techniques that have built our understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of behavior through team-based learning, analysis of primary literature papers and laboratory experimentation. A grade of C- or better must be earned in both Neuroscience 238 and 239 to satisfy the LS requirement.
- Spring 2025
- LS, Science with Lab QRE, Quantitative Reasoning
Student must have completed and of the following course(s): NEUR 127 – Foundations Neuroscience and Lab or BIOL 125 – Genes Evolution and Development with grade of C- or better or received a score of 5 on the Biology AP exam or received a score of 6 or better on the Biology IB exam or equivalent.
- NEUR 239
NEUR 238.00 Spring 2025
- Faculty:Joel Tripp 🏫 👤
- Size:24
- T, THHulings 316 10:10am-11:55am
NEUR 239 Neurons, Circuits and Behavior Lab 2 credits
This laboratory course will provide experience in performing experiments to elucidate the structure and function of neurons and neural circuits using classical and cutting-edge techniques. Students will apply these techniques to develop and carry out an independent research project.
- Spring 2025
- No Exploration
- NEUR 238
NEUR 239.01 Spring 2025
- Faculty:Joel Tripp 🏫 👤
- Size:12
- THulings B04 1:00pm-5:00pm
NEUR 239.02 Spring 2025
- Faculty:Joel Tripp 🏫 👤
- Size:12
- WHulings B04 2:00pm-6:00pm