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Your search for courses · tagged with BIOC Core · returned 14 results
BIOC 301 Survey of Biochemistry 6 credits
This course applies the principles of chemistry to explore the molecular basis of biological processes. It provides students with a foundational knowledge of biochemistry, with an emphasis on the structure and function of biological macromolecules including nucleic acids and proteins. Topics include enzyme catalysis and kinetics, bioenergetics, and the organization and regulation of metabolic pathways. Biology majors must also complete BIOC 311 in order for BIOC 301 to count towards the Biology major.
- Fall 2024, Winter 2025
- No Exploration QRE, Quantitative Reasoning
Student has completed all of the following course(s): BIOL 126 – Energy Flow of Biological Systems & Lab or equivalent and CHEM 224 – Principles of Chemistry II & Lab and CHEM 234 – Organic Chemistry II & Lab with a grade of C- or better.
BIOC 311 Biochemistry Laboratory 2 credits
This course introduces students to fundamental biochemical laboratory techniques important to studying protein structure and function, such as the manipulation of nucleic acids, electrophoresis, protein purification, and functional assays. Students will apply these techniques to scientific problems drawn from faculty research.
BIOC 301 is a prereq; it cannot be taken concurrently with BIOC 311
- Winter 2025, Spring 2025
- LS, Science with Lab
Student has completed any of the following course(s): BIOC 301 – Survey of Biochemistry with a grade of C- or better.
BIOC 331 Current Topics in Biochemistry 6 credits
An examination of one or more topics of current research interest in biochemistry, focused on reading, interpreting, and understanding the scientific literature. Specific topics vary from year to year but are chosen to illustrate the power of biochemical approaches to address important scientific questions. The bulk of the course will be spent in the close reading and discussion of recent research literature.
- Spring 2025
- No Exploration
Student has completed any of the following course(s): BIOC 301 – Survey of Biochemistry with a grade of C- or better.
BIOL 125 Genes, Evolution & Development & Lab 6 credits
Emphasizes the role of genetic information in biological systems. Under this theme, we cover subjects from the molecular to the population levels of organization, including genetics, structure/function of DNA, gene expression and regulation, the changing genetic makeup of species as they evolve, and the development of individual organisms from zygotes. The active learning format of this course allows time in class to apply new concepts with faculty present. Students enter Carleton from a wide variety of academic experiences and our introductory courses are designed to provide a level playing field for students regardless of previous science background.
Sophomore Priority; Two seats held for Juniors and Seniors until the first day of sophomore registration.
- Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025
- LS, Science with Lab QRE, Quantitative Reasoning
BIOL 126 Energy Flow in Biological Systems and Lab 6 credits
Emphasizes the role of energy flow (acquiring, storing, and using energy) in biological systems. Under this theme, we cover subjects from the molecular to the population levels of organization, including structure/function of proteins and enzymes, transport of molecules within biological systems, and links between organismal physiology and ecosystem function. The active learning format of this course allows time in class to apply new concepts with faculty present. Students enter Carleton from a wide variety of academic experiences and our introductory courses are designed to provide a level playing field for students regardless of previous science background.
Sophomore Priority; Two seats held for Juniors and Seniors until the first day of sophomore registration.
- Winter 2025, Spring 2025
- LS, Science with Lab QRE, Quantitative Reasoning
Student has completed any of the following course(s): CHEM 123 – Principles of Chemistry I, CHEM 124 – Principles of Chemistry I with Problem Solving or CHEM 128 – Principles of Environmental Chemistry with grade of C- or better or received a score of 4 or better on the Chemistry AP exam or received a score of 5 or better on the Chemistry IB exam.
BIOL 380 Biochemistry 6 credits
Biochemistry is an examination of the molecular basis of life processes. The course provides an in depth investigation of metabolic pathways, their interrelationships and regulation, protein structure and function with special emphasis on enzymes. Other topics include the techniques of protein analysis and how they are employed to examine problems of fundamental biochemical importance. This course meets the requirement for the Biochemistry concentration.
Waitlist only
Not offered in 2024-25
- No Exploration
Student has completed any of the following course(s): BIOL 125 – Genes, Evolution and Development & Lab and BIOL 126 – Energy Flow in Biological Systems & Lab (or equivalent) and CHEM 233 – Organic Chemistry & Lab and CHEM 234 – Organic Chemistry II & Lab with a grade of C- or better.
CHEM 123 Principles of Chemistry I & Lab 6 credits
An introduction to chemistry for students who have strong high school preparation in chemistry or who have taken Chemistry 122. Topics include the electronic structure of atoms, periodicity, molecular geometry, thermodynamics, bonding, equilibrium, reaction kinetics, and acids and bases. Each offering will also focus on a special topic(s) selected by the instructor. Students cannot receive credit for both Chemistry 123 and 124.
Placement into Chemistry 123 and 124 is determined by the Chemistry Placement Evaluation, see Chemistry Home Page for more details. Students cannot receive credit for both Chemistry 123 and 124
- Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025
- LS, Science with Lab QRE, Quantitative Reasoning
Student has completed any of the following course(s): CHEM 122 – Introduction to Chemistry with a grade of C- or better or received a score of 3 or better on the Chemistry AP exam or received a score of 123 on the Carleton Chemistry Placement exam. NOT open to students who have taken CHEM 128 – Principles of Environmental Chemistry and Lab or received a score of 4 or better on the Chemistry AP exam or received a score of 5 or better on the Chemistry IB exam. CHEM 123 and CHEM 124 are equivalent courses, if you have taken one you cannot register for the other.
CHEM 124 Principles of Chemistry I with Problem Solving and Lab 6 credits
An introduction to chemistry for students who have strong high school preparation in chemistry or who have taken Chemistry 122. Topics include the electronic structure of atoms, periodicity, molecular geometry, thermodynamics, bonding, equilibrium, reaction kinetics, and acids and bases. Each offering will also focus on a special topic(s) selected by the instructor. Students may only receive credit for one of Chemistry 123, 124, and 128. This section of Chemistry with problem solving is periodically offered for students who wish to further develop their general analytical and critical thinking skills. The smaller section will have additional class meetings for problem solving and review. Chemistry 124 is appropriate for students who would like to have more scheduled time to work with a faculty member on developing their scientific reasoning skills and understanding of the foundations of chemistry.
Students may only receive credit for one of Chemistry 123, 124, and 128.
- Winter 2025
- LS, Science with Lab QRE, Quantitative Reasoning
Student has completed any of the following course(s): CHEM 122 – Introduction to Chemistry with a grade of C- or better or received a score of 3 or better on the Chemistry AP exam or received a score of 123 on the Carleton Chemistry Placement exam. NOT open to students who have taken CHEM 128 – Principles of Environmental Chemistry and Lab or received a score of 4 or better on the Chemistry AP exam or received a score of 5 or better on the Chemistry IB exam. CHEM 123 and CHEM 124 are equivalent courses, if you have taken one you cannot register for the other.
CHEM 128 Principles of Environmental Chemistry and Lab 6 credits
The core topics of chemistry (i.e. thermodynamics, kinetics, equilibrium, and bonding) are central to understanding major environmental topics such as greenhouse warming, ozone depletion, acid-rain deposition, and general chemical contamination in air, water, and soil. These topics and the chemical principles behind them are addressed through an emphasis on the earth’s atmosphere. One four-hour laboratory per week. Because this course covers the major topics of Chemistry 123 (but with an environmental emphasis), students cannot receive credit for both Chemistry 123 and 128.
Not offered in 2024-25
- LS, Science with Lab QRE, Quantitative Reasoning
Student has completed any of the following course(s): CHEM 122 – Introduction to Chemistry with a grade of C- or better or received a score of 3 or better on the Chemistry AP exam or received a score of 123 on the Carleton Chemistry Placement exam. NOT open to students who have taken CHEM 123 – Principles of Chemistry I and Lab or CHEM 124 – Principles of Chemistry I with Problem Solving and Lab or received a score of 4 or better on the Chemistry AP exam or received a score of 5 or better on the Chemistry IB exam.
CHEM 224 Principles of Chemistry II & Lab 6 credits
A more advanced study of several core introductory chemistry principles. This course is suitable for students with advanced placement in chemistry or students who have completed Chemistry 123, 124 or 128. Topics include coordination chemistry, advanced bonding models, spectroscopy, advanced acid/base and redox equilibria, and electrochemistry. The topics will be taught from varying perspectives using examples from biochemistry, the environment, energy, or materials chemistry. The lab will focus on developing computational, quantitative, and synthetic skills and will prepare students for more advanced laboratory work in chemistry.
- Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025
- LS, Science with Lab QRE, Quantitative Reasoning
Student has completed any of the following course(s): CHEM 123 – Principles of Chemistry I, CHEM 124 – Principles of Chemistry I with Problem Solving or CHEM 128 – Principles of Environmental Chemistry with grade of C- or better or received a score of 4 or better on the Chemistry AP exam or received a score of 5 or better on the Chemistry IB exam.
CHEM 233 Organic Chemistry I & Lab 6 credits
Theoretical aspects of carbon chemistry are examined with reference to structure-reactivity relationships, functional groups, stereochemistry, reaction mechanisms and spectroscopy. Laboratory work concentrates on modern techniques of organic chemistry, inquiry-based projects, and spectroscopic analysis. One laboratory per week.
- Fall 2024, Winter 2025
- LS, Science with Lab QRE, Quantitative Reasoning
Student has completed any of the following course(s): CHEM 123 – Principles of Chemistry I, CHEM 124 – Principles of Chemistry I with Problem Solving or CHEM 128 – Principles of Environmental Chemistry with grade of C- or better or received a score of 4 or better on the Chemistry AP exam or received a score of 5 or better on the Chemistry IB exam.
CHEM 234 Organic Chemistry II and Lab 6 credits
The chemistry of functional groups is continued from Chemistry 233, and is extended to the multifunctional compounds found in nature, in particular carbohydrates and proteins. The laboratory focuses upon inquiry-based projects and spectroscopic analysis. One laboratory per week.
- Winter 2025, Spring 2025
- LS, Science with Lab QRE, Quantitative Reasoning
Student has completed any of the following course(s): CHEM 233 – Organic Chemistry I & Lab with grade of C- or better.
CHEM 320 Biological Chemistry 6 credits
This course involves the natural extension of the principles of chemistry to biological systems. The topics to be examined center around the biochemical formation and cleavage of chemical bonds, with an emphasis on the structure and function of the proteins that mediate these processes.
Not offered in 2024-25
CHEM 321 Biological Chemistry Laboratory 2 credits
Purification and characterization of proteins and nucleic acids, with a focus on enzyme kinetics and mechanism, macromolecular interactions with small molecules and the basis of specificity in biological systems. One laboratory per week.
CHEM 320 required.
Not offered in 2024-25