Search Results
Your search for courses · during 24FA, 25WI, 25SP · tagged with TL: Associated with Comps · returned 16 results
AMST 398 Advanced Research in American Studies 3 credits
This seminar introduces advanced skills in American Studies research, focusing on the shaping and proposing of a major research project. Through a combination of class discussion, small group work and presentations, and one-on-one interactions with the professor, majors learn the process of imaging, creating, and preparing independent interdisciplinary projects as well as the interconnections of disparate scholarly and creative works.
Not offered in 2024-25
- No Exploration
Student has completed any of the following course(s): AMST 345 – Theory and Practice of American Studies with a grade of C- or better.
AMST 399 Senior Seminar in American Studies 3 credits
This seminar focuses on advanced skills in American Studies research, critical reading, writing, and presentation. Engagement with one scholarly talk, keyed to the current year’s comps exam theme, will be part of the course. Through a combination of class discussion, small group work and presentations, and one-on-one interactions with the professor, majors learn the process of crafting and supporting independent interdisciplinary arguments, no matter which option for comps they are pursuing. Students also will learn effective strategies for peer review and oral presentation.
Not offered in 2024-25
- No Exploration
Student has completed any of the following course(s): AMST 345 – Theory and Practice of American Studies with a grade of C- or better.
BIOL 399 Critical Reading and Analysis of Primary Literature 3 credits
Guided instruction in reading and interpretation of contemporary primary literature in Biology.
Concurrent registration in BIOL 400 required.
Not offered in 2024-25
- No Exploration
Student has completed any of the following course(s): BIOL 125 – Genes, Evolution, and Development & Lab with a grade of C- or better or received a score of 5 or better on the Biology AP exam or received a score of 6 or better on the Biology IB exam AND BIOL 126 – Energy Glow in Biological Systems & Lab with a grade of C- or better AND three (3) 200 or 300 level BIOL courses or BIOC 301 – Survey of Biochemistry and two (2) 200 or 300 level BIOL courses with grade of C- or better.
- BIOL 400
CGSC 396 Directed Research in Cognitive Studies 3 credits
Senior majors in cognitive studies will work with the instructor to develop a thesis proposal for their comps project.
Not offered in 2024-25
- No Exploration
Student has completed any of the following course(s): CGSC 130 – Introduction to Cognitive Science and PSYC 200/201 – Measurement and Data Analysis and Lab and CGSC/PSYC 232 – Cognitive Processes and CGSC/PSYC 233 – Laboratory Cognitive Processes with a grade of C- or better and is a senior CGSC major.
CGSC 399 Senior Thesis in Cognitive Science 6 credits
The organizing and writing of a senior thesis in cognitive science, overseen by a CGSC faculty member and in cooperation with other seminar members. Students will present drafts of their theses to the class for feedback and will offer one another constructive criticism on the writing and organization of each paper. Students will be expected to produce a 25-40 page paper that will eventually serve as a capstone to their CGSC major during CGSC 400.
Open only to Senior CGSC majors
Not offered in 2024-25
- WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student has completed the following course(s): CGSC 396 – Directed Research with a grade of C- or better AND is a Senior CGSC major
CS 399 Senior Seminar 3 credits
As part of their senior capstone experience, majors will work together in small teams on faculty-specified topics to design and implement the first stage of a project. Required of all senior majors. Students are strongly encouraged to complete CS 252 and CS 257 before starting CS 399.
Not offered in 2024-25
- No Exploration
Student is a Computer Science major and has senior priority.
ECON 398 Advanced Research in Economics 6 credits
This course is designed to support majors in developing advanced skills in economic research and communication. Through a combination of class discussion, small group work, and/or one-on-one interactions with the professor, majors learn the process of constructing strong, theoretically-grounded arguments through primary research, secondary research, or both. Students will also learn and practice strategies for engaging critically with contemporary scholarship and effective techniques of peer review and the oral presentation of research.
Not offered in 2024-25
- No Exploration
Student has completed any of the following course(s): ECON 395 – Advanced Topics in Economics with a grade of C- or better.
- ECON 400
HIST 398 Advanced Historical Writing 6 credits
This course is designed to support majors in developing advanced skills in historical research and writing. Through a combination of class discussion, small group work, and one-on-one interactions with the professor, majors learn the process of constructing sophisticated, well-documented, and well-written historical arguments within the context of an extended project of their own design. They also learn and practice strategies for engaging critically with contemporary scholarship and effective techniques of peer review and the oral presentation of research. By permission of the instructor only.
Concurrent enrollment in HIST 400 is required.
Not offered in 2024-25
LING 399 Senior Thesis 3 credits
This course prepares students to engage in the research needed for their comps projects. Students will identify a research topic, begin engaging with the relevant literature, and deliver presentations throughout the term. By the end of fall term, students will have a portion of their comps drafted in preparation for the independent research and writing component during winter term.
Not offered in 2024-25
Student has completed any of the following course(s): One 300 level Linguistic (LING) course with grade of C- or better.
MATH 399 Senior Seminar 6 credits
As part of their senior capstone experience, majors will work together in teams to develop advanced knowledge in a faculty-specified area or application of mathematics, and to design and implement the first stage of a project completed the following term.
Not offered in 2024-25
- No Exploration
Student is a Mathematics major and has Senior Priority.
PHIL 398 Comps Proposal 3 credits
This is the first part of the philosophy comps sequence. It is a five-week independent study to be enrolled in at the end of the Fall term Senior Year (or the year you will be compsing). The purpose is to give you the chance to do more reading on your comps topics and to start doing a bit of writing. By the last day of classes of Fall Term, you will turn in an official comps proposal (approximately 1500 words). The proposal will (a) articulate the main philosophical problem or puzzle that will be addressed in your comps; (b) describe some of the main moves that have been made in the relevant literature; and (c) include a bibliography.
2nd 5 weeks
Not offered in 2024-25
- No Exploration
Student is a Philosophy major and has Senior Priority.
PHIL 399 Senior Thesis 6 credits
The planning, preparation, and completion of a philosophical paper under the direction of a member of the department and as part of a seminar group.
Not offered in 2024-25
PSYC 399 Capstone Seminar 6 credits
Each of the three capstone seminars focus on a topic of interest to students in psychology. The goals of the course are to consider questions on a selected topic through reading primary research and discussion and review skills pertinent to scholarly investigation within the topic. Students are then mentored through a substantial paper related to the seminar topic.
Not offered in 2024-25
- No Exploration
Student is a Psychology major and has Senior Priority.
RELG 399 Senior Research Seminar 6 credits
This seminar will acquaint students with research tools in various fields of religious studies, provide an opportunity to present and discuss research work in progress, hone writing skills, and improve oral presentation techniques.
Not offered in 2024-25
SOAN 396 Advanced Sociological and Anthropological Writing 6 credits
This course explores different genres of writing and different audiences for writing in the social sciences, focusing particular attention on scholarly articles published in professional journals in sociology and anthropology. To that end, students both analyze sociological and anthropological articles regarding commonalities and differences in academic writing in our two sister disciplines. Students work on their own academic writing process (with the help of peer-review and instructor feedback). The writing itself is broken down into component elements on which students practice and revise their work.
Prerequisite: Completion of Sociology/Anthropology 240 or submission of a topic statement in the preceding spring term and submission of a comps thesis proposal on the first day of fall term or instructor permission
Not offered in 2024-25
- SI, Social Inquiry WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student is a Sociology and Anthropolog major and has Senior Priority.
STAT 399 Senior Seminar 6 credits
As part of their senior capstone experience, majors will work together in teams to develop advanced knowledge in a faculty-specified area or application of statistics, and to design and implement the first stage of a project completed the following term.
Not offered in 2024-25
- No Exploration
Students have completed any of the following course(s): STAT 230 – Applied Regression Analysis and STAT 250 – Introduction to Statistical Inference with a grade of C- or better and has a Statistics Program of Study and senior class standing.