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Your search for courses · during 24FA, 25WI, 25SP · tagged with ASST East Asia · returned 19 results
ASLN 111 Writing Systems 6 credits
The structure and function of writing systems, with emphasis on a comparison of East Asian writing systems (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) to Western alphabetic systems. Topics covered include classification of writing systems, historical development, diffusion and borrowing of writing systems, and comparison with non-writing symbol systems.
- Spring 2025
- CX, Cultural/Linguistics SI, Social Inquiry
ASST 285 Mapping Japan, the Real and the Imagined 6 credits
From ancient to present times, Japan drew and redrew its borders, shape, and culture, imagining its place in this world and beyond, its cultural and racial identity. This course is a cartographic exploration of this complex and contested history. Cosmological mandalas, hell images, travel brochures, and military maps bring to light the imagined Japan—its religious vision, cartographic imagination, and political ambition—that dictated its geopolitical expansion abroad and the displacement of minority peoples “at home.” We will use a variety of textual and visual materials, including those in Carleton’s Rare Book and Map Collections.
CHIN 206 Chinese in Cultural Context 6 credits
This course advances students’ proficiency in oral and written Chinese, at the same time integrating elements of traditional Chinese civilization and modern Chinese society. Emphasis is on cultural understanding and appropriate language use.
- Spring 2025
- LP Language Requirement
Student has completed any of the following course(s): CHIN 205 – Intermediate Chinese with a grade of C- or better or satisfied the Chinese language requirement with a Carleton placement exam score of 206.
CHIN 240 Chinese Cinema in Translation 6 credits
This course introduces to students the drastic transformation of Chinese society, culture, and politics over the past three decades through the camera lens. We will examine representative films from Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Particular attention will be paid to the entangled relationship between art, commerce, and politics, as well as the role digital technologies and international communities play in reshaping the contemporary cultural landscape in China. This class requires no prior knowledge of Chinese language, literature, or culture.
Extra time for film screenings
CHIN 251 Heroes, Heroines, Exceptional Lives in Chinese Biographical Histories 6 credits
Through generic and historical analysis of the two-millennia long biographical tradition in Chinese historical writing, this project explores lives of heroes and heroines, including, but not limited to: dynastic founders, ministers, generals, poets, assassins, and exceptional women. In this introduction to premodern Chinese culture and literature, students will experience, in English translation, some of the most beautiful works of ancient Chinese literature from the second century BCE through the eighteenth century CE. No prior Chinese language study required.
In translation
CHIN 347 Advanced Chinese: Reading the News 6 credits
This course uses readings of various Chinese language news sources to learn about multiple Chinese perspectives on current events, and to become conversant in the prose style that is a model for formal written Chinese. Emphasis is on vocabulary expansion, text comprehension strategies, and differences between colloquial and written usage. Active use of the language (including oral discussion and regular written compositions) will be stressed. Students will learn to become savvy, independent consumers of Chinese-language news media.
- Winter 2025
- LP Language Requirement No Exploration
Student has completed any of the following course(s): CHIN 206 – Chinese in Cultural Context with a grade of C- or better or satisfied the Chinese language requirement with a Carleton placement exam score of 300.
CHIN 348 Advanced Chinese: The Mass Media 6 credits
This course introduces to students major milestones in the development of Chinese cinema since 1980, with additional materials including popular television shows and online materials. Emphasis will be on culturally appropriate language use, and on discussion of the social issues that are implicitly and explicitly addressed on the Chinese-language media. The course aims to increase students’ fluency in all four aspects of Chinese language learning (listening, speaking, reading, writing) and to deepen students’ understanding of China as a transitional society.
- Fall 2024
- LA, Literary/Artistic Analysis No Exploration
Student has completed any of the following course(s): CHIN 206 – Chinese in Cultural Context with a grade of C- or better or satisfied the Chinese language requirement with a Carleton placement exam score of 300.
CHIN 358 Advanced Chinese: Everyday Life in Ancient China 6 credits
Were chopsticks originally eating utensils? Did ancient Chinese sleep on beds and sit on chairs? What did they wear? In this course, students will find answers to questions like those in a series of expository writings concerning various aspects of daily life in ancient Chinese society, while enhancing their proficiency in comprehending authentic materials and producing extended discourse on related topics through a variety of oral and written coursework. This course also provides a fair amount of exposure to common sources for historical studies of China, and thus expands students’ vocabulary and knowledge about Chinese history and archaeology.
- Spring 2025
- IS, International Studies LA, Literary/Artistic Analysis
Student has completed any of the following course(s): CHIN 206 – Chinese in Cultural Context with a grade of C- or better or satisfied the Chinese language requirement with a Carleton placement exam score of 300.
ECON 240 Microeconomics of Development 6 credits
This course explores household behavior in developing countries. We will cover areas including fertility decisions, health and mortality, investment in education, the intra-household allocation of resources, household structure, and the marriage market. We will also look at the characteristics of land, labor, and credit markets, particularly technology adoption; land tenure and tenancy arrangements; the role of agrarian institutions in the development process; and the impacts of alternative politics and strategies in developing countries. The course complements Economics 241.
- Winter 2025
- QRE, Quantitative Reasoning SI, Social Inquiry IS, International Studies
Student has completed any of the following course(s): ECON 111 – Principles of Microeconomics with a grade of C- or better or has received a score of 5 on the AP Microeconomics test or a score of 6 or better on the IB Economics test.
HIST 150 Politics of Art in Early Imperial China 6 credits
Poetry has been playing an important role in politics from early China down to the present. Members of the educated elite have used this form of artistic expression to create political allegories in times of war and diplomacy. Students will learn the multiple roles that poet-censors played in early imperial China, with thematic attention given to issues of self and ethnic/gendered identity, internal exile and nostalgia, and competing religious orientations that eventually fostered the rise of Neo-Confucianism. Students will write a short biography of a poet by sampling her/his poems and poetics (all in translation) from the common reading pool.
HIST 153 History of Modern China 6 credits
This course examines major features of the trajectory of China’s recent past spanning from the seventeenth century through the present. Students will analyze deep socio-cultural currents that cut across the changes in socioeconomic as well as political arenas. Themes for discussion will include state formations, social changes, economic developments, religious orientations, bureaucratic behaviors, and cultural refinements that the Chinese have made. Students are also expected to develop skills to frame key historical questions against broader historiographical contexts by engaging in analyses of many different types of primary sources.
HIST 154 Social Movements in Postwar Japan 6 credits
This course tackles an evolving meaning of democracy and sovereignty in postwar Japan shaped by the transformative power of its social movements. We will place the anti-nuclear movement and anti-base struggles of the 1950s, the protest movements against revision of the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty of the 1960s, and environmentalist movements against the U.S. Cold War projects in Asia to see how they intersect with the worldwide “New Left” movements of the 1960s. Topics include student activism, labor unionism, Marxist movements, and gangsterism (yakuza). Students will engage with political art, photographs, manga, films, reportage, memoirs, autobiographies, interview records, novels, and detective stories.
JAPN 206 Japanese in Cultural Context 6 credits
This course advances students’ proficiency in the four skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing in Japanese. The course also integrates elements of traditional Japanese civilization and modern Japanese society, emphasizing cultural understanding and situationally appropriate language use.
- Spring 2025
- LP Language Requirement No Exploration
Student has completed any of the following course(s): JAPN 205 – Intermediate Japanese with a grade of C- or better or equivalent.
MUSC 182 Chinese Musical Instruments 1 credits
Beginning through advanced study on traditional Chinese instruments, pipa (Chinese lute), erhu (Chinese violin), guzheng (Chinese zither), zhongruan (Chinese moon guitar), hulusi, bawu and dizi (Chinese bamboo flutes).
Lessons are scheduled individually with the instructor. Music lesson fee information can be found on the Music Department website.
- Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025
- ARP, Arts Practice
MUSC 182J Chinese Musical Instruments (Juried) 1 credits
Beginning through advanced study on traditional Chinese instruments, pipa (Chinese lute), erhu (Chinese violin), guzheng (Chinese zither), zhongruan (Chinese moon guitar), hulusi, bawu and dizi (Chinese bamboo flutes).
Lessons are scheduled individually with the instructor. Music lesson fee information can be found on the Music Department website.
- Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025
- ARP, Arts Practice
MUSC 282 Chinese Musical Instruments 2 credits
Beginning through advanced study on traditional Chinese instruments, pipa (Chinese lute), erhu (Chinese violin), guzheng (Chinese zither), zhongruan (Chinese moon guitar), hulusi, bawu and dizi (Chinese bamboo flutes).
Lessons are scheduled individually with the instructor. Music lesson fee information can be found on the Music Department website.
- Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025
- ARP, Arts Practice
MUSC 282J Chinese Musical Instruments (Juried) 2 credits
Beginning through advanced study on traditional Chinese instruments, pipa (Chinese lute), erhu (Chinese violin), guzheng (Chinese zither), zhongruan (Chinese moon guitar), hulusi, bawu and dizi (Chinese bamboo flutes).
Lessons are scheduled individually with the instructor. Music lesson fee information can be found on the Music Department website.
- Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025
- ARP, Arts Practice
POSC 170 International Relations and World Politics 6 credits
What are the foundational theories and practices of international relations and world politics? This course addresses topics of a geopolitical, commercial and ideological character as they relate to global systems including: great power politics, polycentricity, and international organizations. It also explores the dynamic intersection of world politics with war, terrorism, nuclear weapons, national security, human security, human rights, and the globalization of economic and social development.
- Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025
- IS, International Studies SI, Social Inquiry
RELG 282 Samurai: Ethics of Death and Loyalty 6 credits
This course explores the history of samurai since the emergence of warrior class in medieval times, to the modern developments of samurai ethics as the icon of Japanese national identity. Focusing on its connection with Japanese religion and culture, we will investigate the origins of the purported samurai ideals of loyalty, honor, self-sacrifice, and death. In addition to regular class sessions, there will be a weekly kyudo (Japanese archery) practice on Wednesday evening (7-9 pm), which will enable students to study samurai history in context through gaining first-hand experience in the ritualized practice of kyudo.
Extra Time for weekly kyudo (Japanese archery) practice on Wednesday evening (7-9 pm)