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Your search for courses · during 24FA, 25WI, 25SP · tagged with ARTS ARTH Post 1900 · returned 5 results
ARTH 172 Modern Art: 1890-1945 6 credits
This course explores developments in the visual arts, architecture, and theory in Europe and America between 1890 and 1945. The major Modernist artists and movements that sought to revolutionize vision, culture, and experience, from Symbolism to Surrealism, will be considered. The impact of World War I, the Great Depression, and the rise of fascism will be examined as well for their devastation of the Modernist dream of social-cultural renewal. Lectures will be integrated with discussions of artists’ theoretical writings and group manifestoes, such as those of the Futurists, Dadaists, Surrealists, Constructivists, and DeStijl, in addition to select secondary readings.
ARTH 214 Queer Art 6 credits
Beyond surveying the rich history of arts by LGBTQA+ individuals, this course takes as its object of study the ways in which the arts have been used to question, undermine, and subvert the gendered and sexual norms of dominant cultures—in short, to queer them. In so doing, such visual and performative practices offer new, alternative models of living and acting in the world based on liberatory politics and aesthetics. This course will consider topics such as: censorship of queer artists; art of the AIDS crisis; activist performance; the sexual politics of public space; and queer intersections of race, class and gender in visual art among others.
Extra time
- Spring 2025
- IDS, Intercultural Domestic Studies LA, Literary/Artistic Analysis
Student has completed any of the following course(s): One Art History (ARTH) course with a grade of C- better.
ARTH 240 Art Since 1945 6 credits
Art from abstract expressionism to the present, with particular focus on issues such as the modernist artist-hero; the emergence of alternative or non-traditional media; the influence of the women’s movement and the gay/lesbian liberation movement on contemporary art; and postmodern theory and practice.
- Fall 2024
- IDS, Intercultural Domestic Studies LA, Literary/Artistic Analysis WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student has completed any of the following course(s): One Art History (ARTH) course with a grade of C- better.
ARTH 288 Curatorial Practicum 6 credits
This course explores the evolution of the museum from the Enlightenment to the present day. It questions the role of the curator and of audiences, strategies for building public collections, the repatriation of objects, and codes of display in museums of all types. Theoretical readings and discussion-based formats are complemented by practical experience. Students will help organize an exhibition about art and math which will be on view at the Perlman Teaching Museum in winter 2026. The course will coincide with a conference on art and math organized by the Museum and the Mathematics and Statistics department in October 2024.
- Fall 2024
- LA, Literary/Artistic Analysis
Student has completed any of the following course(s): One Art History (ARTH) course with a grade of C- better.
ARTH 341 Art and Democracy 6 credits
What does it mean to say that a work of art is “democratic?” For whom is art made? And who can lay claim to the title “artist?” These questions animate contemporary art production as artists grapple with the problems of broadening access to their works and making them more socially relevant. In this course we will consider the challenges involved in making art for a sometimes ill-defined “public.” Topics to be discussed include: activist performance art, feminism, public sculpture, the Culture Wars, queer visual culture, and the recent rise of social practice art.
Extra time
- Winter 2025
- IDS, Intercultural Domestic Studies LA, Literary/Artistic Analysis
Student has completed any two courses in ARTH with grades of C- or better.