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Your search for · POSC 251 · during 24FA, 25WI, 25SP · returned 1 result
POSC 251.00 Science and Humanity 6 credits
The modern age has been characterized by the unprecedented advance of natural science and the attempt to achieve technological mastery of nature. How did this come about? What worldview does this express, and how does that worldview affect the way we live and think? We will investigate these questions by studying classic works by some of modernity‘s philosophic founders (including Bacon, Descartes, and Hobbes) as well as some of its most penetrating interpreters and critics (including Jonathan Swift, Rousseau, and Nietzsche).
- Winter 2025
- HI, Humanistic Inquiry IS, International Studies
POSC 251.00 Winter 2025
- Faculty:Laurence Cooper 🏫 👤
- Size:20
- T, THWeitz Center 233 3:10pm-4:55pm