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Your search for · PE 140 · during 24FA, 25WI, 25SP · returned 1 result
PE 140 Introduction to Art & Science of Tai-Chi
This class embodies the four aspects of health, self-defense, meditation and philosophy. T’ai-Chi helps the practitioner to create a relaxed state of awareness while gently guiding and circulating the internal energy known as ch’i. T’ai-Chi’s slow and relaxed movements, combined with body awareness, deep breathing and energy work provide numerous health benefits such as stress management/relief. Good posture, sleep habits, and energy maintenance will be emphasized to supplement study habits and time management. The class curriculum includes gentle warm-ups, standing meditation, qi gong or breath work, Yang Style T’ai-Chi movements, partner work, and an introduction to the Sword.
- Spring 2025
- PE, Physical Education
PE 140.00 Spring 2025
- Faculty:Ray Hayward 🏫 👤
- Size:25
- T, THCowling 112 1:15pm-2:20pm