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HIST 308 American Cities and Nature 6 credits
Since the nation's founding, the percentage of Americans living in cities has risen nearly sixteenfold, from about five percent to the current eighty-one percent. This massive change has spawned legions of others, and all of them have bearing on the complex ways that American cities and city-dwellers have shaped and reshaped the natural world. This course will consider the nature of cities in American history, giving particular attention to the dynamic linkages binding these cultural epicenters to ecological communities, environmental forces and resource flows, to eco-politics and social values, and to those seemingly far-away places we call farms and wilderness. HIST 205 is recommended but not required.
HIST 205 is recommended but not required.
HIST 308.00 Spring 2025
- Faculty:George Vrtis 🏫 👤
- Size:30
- T, THLibrary 344 10:10am-11:55am