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Your search for · GERM 103 · during 24FA, 25WI, 25SP · returned 1 result
GERM 103 Intermediate German 6 credits
Continuation of the study of complex structural patterns of the German language, and the reading and discussion of longer texts, films, and other media from German-speaking cultures.
Students with course conflicts with a 5 day German language course can register for different sections for MWF and TTH sections. Use this form:
- Spring 2025
- No Exploration
Student has completed any of the following course(s): GERM 102 – Elementary German with a grade of C- or better or equivalent.
GERM 103.01 Spring 2025
- Faculty:Juliane Schicker 🏫 👤 · Chloe Vaughn 🏫 👤
- Size:16
- M, WLanguage & Dining Center 302 11:10am-12:20pm
- T, THLanguage & Dining Center 302 10:45am-11:50am
- FLanguage & Dining Center 302 12:00pm-1:00pm
GERM 103.02 Spring 2025
- Faculty:Juliane Schicker 🏫 👤 · Chloe Vaughn 🏫 👤
- Size:16
- M, WLanguage & Dining Center 302 12:30pm-1:40pm
- T, THLanguage & Dining Center 302 1:15pm-2:20pm
- FLanguage & Dining Center 302 1:10pm-2:10pm