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Your search for · CGSC 100 · during 24FA, 25WI, 25SP · returned 1 result
CGSC 100.00 Living with Artificial Intelligence 6 credits
This A&I course is about artificial intelligence (AI) and its place in our lives. We will spend time wondering about how AI systems work and about how we use them. This will involve asking big questions, identifying puzzles and misinformation, and spending a lot of time thinking about robots. Doing so will involve engaging with scientific research, news articles, comics, and other forms of popular media. The primary skills this class focuses on are critical news literacy, cooperative problem solving, writing, editing, and re-writing.
Held for new first year students
- Fall 2024
- AI/WR1, Argument & Inquiry/WR1
Student is a member of the First Year First Term class level cohort. Students are only allowed to register for one A&I course at a time. If a student wishes to change the A&I course they are enrolled in they must DROP the enrolled course and then ADD the new course. Please see our Workday guides Drop or 'Late' Drop a Course and Register or Waitlist for a Course Directly from the Course Listing for more information.