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Your search for courses · during 24FA, 25WI, 25SP · meeting requirements for WR2 Writing Requirement 2 · returned 160 results
AFST 120 Blackness and Whiteness Outside the United States 6 credits
This course examines blackness and whiteness as constructs outside the U.S. Racial categories and their meanings will be considered through a range of topics: skin color stratification, nationalism, migration and citizenship, education, popular culture and media, spatial segregation and others. Central to the course will be considering how racism and anti-blackness vary across societies, as well as the transnational and global flows of racial ideas and categories. Examples will be drawn from the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Africa.
Not available to students who took AFST 100 Fall 2023
AFST 225 Black Music, Resistance, and Liberation 6 credits
For every defining moment in black history, there is a song. Every genre of black music makes a statement not only about the specific historical epoch it was created but also about the people’s dreams. For black people, songs are a means of resistance to oppression and an expression of the will to live. Through the analysis of black music, this course will expose students to black people’s struggles, hopes, and aspirations, and also American history, race relations, and much more. The class will read insightful texts, listen to songs, watch films, and engage in animated discussions.
- Fall 2024
- HI, Humanistic Inquiry IDS, Intercultural Domestic Studies WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student has completed any of the following course(s): One course that applies toward the Humanistic Inquiry requirement with a grade of C- or better.
AFST 289 Global Blackness and Social Movements 6 credits
This course considers Black social movements from around the globe, with an emphasis on non-U.S. contexts. Examining multiple movements both past and present, it takes a comparative approach to understanding the unique and variable ways that Black communities have articulated the Black condition, and mobilized and resisted oppression. Central to the course is the question of Blackness as a global and transnational identity; as well as the extent to which movements themselves form ties and mutually inform each other across national boundaries.
AFST 300 Race, Racism, and the Beloved Community in the US 6 credits
Race and racism played a significant role in the construction of the United States of America. But so did the quest for a more perfect union and the beloved community. This course introduces students to the complexity of racial ideology and the ways it privileges one group of people while placing others at a disadvantage. We shall examine the experiences of all racialized groups (Blacks, Asians, American Indians, Latinos) and how they resisted the injustice against them. Most importantly, we shall analyze how their quest for liberation brought America closer to its foundational ideal that all humans are created equal and are endowed with unalienable rights.
- Spring 2025
- HI, Humanistic Inquiry IDS, Intercultural Domestic Studies WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student has completed any of the following course(s): One course that applies toward the Humanistic Inquiry requirement with a grade of C- or better.
AMST 115 Introduction to American Studies 6 credits
This overview of the “interdisciplinary discipline” of American Studies will focus on the ways American Studies engages with and departs from other scholarly fields of inquiry. We will study the stories of those who have been marginalized in the social, political, cultural, and economic life of the United States due to their class, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, citizenship, and level of ability. We will explore contemporary American Studies concerns like racial and class formation, the production of space and place, the consumption and circulation of culture, and transnational histories.
Sophomore Priority
- Fall 2024, Spring 2025
- HI, Humanistic Inquiry IDS, Intercultural Domestic Studies WR2 Writing Requirement 2
AMST 142 U.S. Latinx Identity and Representation: Cultures of Belonging 6 credits
Popular culture and mass media serve as key sites of identity formation. In this course we will examine U.S. Latinx identity formation by focusing on three case studies: Selena Quintanilla, the singer; telenovelas; and the Disney films Coco and Encanto. These case studies will help us explore how transnationalism, intergenerational knowledge and trauma, and civic and cultural belonging contribute to the shaping of U.S. Latinx collective identities. We will attend to the particular processes of production and reception as we study how audiences engage with cultural producers both in private and in public (notably on social media).
AMST 217 Race, Gender, and Sports in America 6 credits
How have American sports made visible discourses about race and gender? How do Americans who engage with sports—both as spectators and participants—imagine athletics when viewed through raced and gendered lenses? How do sports reflect assumptions about race and gender? Examining moments in the history of American athletics both from the distant and more recent pasts, students in this course will explore those issues while training a precise, critical eye on American culture and society. Key discussions will center on questions of the athletic body, integration, privilege and inequality, protest, power, and commercialism.
AMST 269 Woodstock Nation 6 credits
“If you remember the Sixties, you weren’t there.” We will test the truth of that popular adage by exploring the American youth counterculture of the 1960s, particularly the turbulent period of the late sixties. Using examples from literature, music, and film, we will examine the hope and idealism, the violence, confusion, wacky creativity, and social mores of this seminal decade in American culture. Topics explored will include the Beat Generation, the Vietnam War, Civil Rights, LSD, and the rise of environmentalism, feminism, and Black Power.
Extra time
AMST 396.00 Producing Latinidad 6 credits
As Arlene Dávila points out in Latinos Inc, Latinidad—the term that names a set of presumably common attributes that connects Latinxs in the U.S.—emerges in part from communities but, importantly, is developed heavily by the media, advertising, and other political and social institutions, including academia. In this course we consider how ideas and imaginings of who Latinxs are and what Latinidad is develop within political spaces (the electorate, the census), in local places, and through various media, including television, advertising, and music. We will consider how individual writers and artists contribute to the conversation. Throughout, we will engage with social and cultural theories about racial formation, gender, and sexuality.
- Spring 2025
- HI, Humanistic Inquiry IDS, Intercultural Domestic Studies WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student has completed any of the following course(s): AMST 115 – Introduction to American Studies with grade of C- or better.
ARTH 240 Art Since 1945 6 credits
Art from abstract expressionism to the present, with particular focus on issues such as the modernist artist-hero; the emergence of alternative or non-traditional media; the influence of the women’s movement and the gay/lesbian liberation movement on contemporary art; and postmodern theory and practice.
- Fall 2024
- IDS, Intercultural Domestic Studies LA, Literary/Artistic Analysis WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student has completed any of the following course(s): One Art History (ARTH) course with a grade of C- better.
ASST 285 Mapping Japan, the Real and the Imagined 6 credits
From ancient to present times, Japan drew and redrew its borders, shape, and culture, imagining its place in this world and beyond, its cultural and racial identity. This course is a cartographic exploration of this complex and contested history. Cosmological mandalas, hell images, travel brochures, and military maps bring to light the imagined Japan—its religious vision, cartographic imagination, and political ambition—that dictated its geopolitical expansion abroad and the displacement of minority peoples “at home.” We will use a variety of textual and visual materials, including those in Carleton’s Rare Book and Map Collections.
BIOL 220 Disease Ecology & Evolution 6 credits
Parasites and pathogens play a central role in shaping the natural world, from the physiology and behavior of individuals to the dynamics of populations and the structure of ecosystems. This course will explore the ecological and evolutionary processes that shape host-parasite interactions. Topics include transmission of disease through host populations, the evolution of virulence, coevolution between hosts and parasites, how disease influences communities and food webs, how parasites shape host behavior and life history, and the ecology of newly emerging infectious diseases.
- Winter 2025
- No Exploration WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student has completed the following courses: BIOL 125 – Genes, Evolution, and Development & Lab with a grade of C- or better or received a score of 5 or better on the Biology AP exam or received a score of 6 or better on the Biology IB exam AND BIOL 126 – Energy Glow in Biological Systems & Lab with a grade of C- or better or equivalents.
- BIOL 221
CAMS 110 Introduction to Cinema and Media Studies 6 credits
This course introduces students to the basic terms, concepts and methods used in cinema studies and helps build critical skills for analyzing films, technologies, industries, styles and genres, narrative strategies and ideologies. Students will develop skills in critical viewing and careful writing via assignments such as a short response essay, a plot segmentation, a shot breakdown, and various narrative and stylistic analysis papers. Classroom discussion focuses on applying critical concepts to a wide range of films. Requirements include two screenings per week.
Sophomore Priority. Extra Time required for screenings
- Winter 2025, Spring 2025
- LA, Literary/Artistic Analysis WR2 Writing Requirement 2
CAMS 186 Film Genres 6 credits
In this course we survey four or more Hollywood film genres, including but not limited to the Western, musical, horror film, comedy, and science-fiction film. What criteria are used to place a film in a particular genre? What role do audiences and studios play in the creation and definition of film genres? Where do genres come from? How do genres change over time? What roles do genres play in the viewing experience? What are hybrid genres and subgenres? What can genres teach us about society? Assignments aim to develop skills in critical analysis, research and writing.
Sophomore Priority Extra Time for Evening screenings
CAMS 187 Cult Television and Fan Cultures 6 credits
This course focuses on the history, production, and consumption of cult television. The beginning of the seminar will be focused on critically examining a number of theoretical approaches to the study of genre and fandom. Building on these approaches, the remainder of the course will focus on cult television case studies from the last eight decades. We will draw on recent scholarship to explore how cult television functions textually, industrially, and culturally. Additionally, we will study fan communities on the Internet and consider how fansites, webisodes, and sites like YouTube and Netflix transform television genres.
Extra time for evening screenings
CAMS 277 CAMS Production in Los Angeles Program: In the Writers’ Room 6 credits
In this course, students will explore the art and craft of writing for television as they learn, from writers' room insiders, how TV series are conceived and created. We'll break the writing process into a series of manageable steps, from pilot premise to polishing. Topics will include: story structure, character development, tone, stakes, theme, and more. In-class conversations with working, award-winning television writers, as well as visits to sets and show tapings, will complement the classroom curriculum.
Open only to participants in Carleton OCS CAMS Production in Los Angeles Program
- Spring 2025
- ARP, Arts Practice WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student has completed any of the following course(s): CAMS 111 – Digital Foundations with a grade of C- or better AND acceptance into the Carleton OCS CAMS Production – Los Angeles Program.
CCST 245 Meaning and Power: Introduction to Analytical Approaches in the Humanities 6 credits
How can it be that a single text means different things to different people at different times, and who or what controls those meanings? What is allowed to count as a “text” in the first place, and why? How might one understand texts differently, and can different forms of reading serve as resistance or activism within the social world? Together we will respond to these questions by developing skills in close reading and discussing diverse essays and ideas. We will also focus on advanced academic writing skills designed to prepare students for comps in their own humanities department.
- Winter 2025
- IS, International Studies LA, Literary/Artistic Analysis WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student has completed any of the following course(s): One 200 or 300 Level course with a LA – Literary/Artistic Analysis course tag with a grade of C- or better.
CCST 270 Creative Travel Writing Workshop 6 credits
Travelers write. Whether it be in the form of postcards, text messages, blogs, or articles, writing serves to anchor memory and process difference, making foreign experience understandable to us and accessible to others. While examining key examples of the genre, you will draw on your experiences off-campus for your own work. Student essays will be critiqued in a workshop setting, and all work will be revised before final submission. Some experimentation with blended media is also encouraged.
- Winter 2025
- ARP, Arts Practice IS, International Studies WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student has enrolled in any of the following course(s): Any Carleton OCS course or Non-Carleton OCS course with a grade of C- or better.
CGSC 130.00 Revolutions in Mind 6 credits
An interdisciplinary study of the history and current practice of the cognitive sciences. The course will draw on relevant work from diverse fields such as artificial intelligence, cognitive psychology, philosophy, biology, and neuroscience. Topics to be discussed include: scientific revolutions, the mind-body problem, embodied cognition, perception, representation, and the extended mind.
- Winter 2025
- SI, Social Inquiry
CGSC 130.00 Revolutions in Mind 6 credits
An interdisciplinary study of the history and current practice of the cognitive sciences. The course will draw on relevant work from diverse fields such as artificial intelligence, cognitive psychology, philosophy, biology, and neuroscience. Topics to be discussed include: scientific revolutions, the mind-body problem, embodied cognition, perception, representation, and the extended mind.
- Spring 2025
- SI, Social Inquiry
CGSC 130.00 What Minds Are What They Do 6 credits
An interdisciplinary examination of issues concerning the mind and mental phenomena. The course will draw on work from diverse fields such as artificial intelligence, cognitive psychology, philosophy, linguistics, anthropology, and neuroscience. Topics to be discussed include: the mind-body problem, embodied cognition, perception, representation, reasoning, and learning.
- Fall 2024
- SI, Social Inquiry WR2 Writing Requirement 2
CGSC 232 Cognitive Processes 6 credits
Cross-listed courses CGSC 232/PSYC 232. An introduction to the study of mental activity. Topics include attention, pattern recognition and perception, memory, concept formation, categorization, and cognitive development. Some attention to gender and individual differences in cognition, as well as cultural settings for cognitive activities. A grade of C- or better must be earned in both Psychology/Cognitive Science 232 and 233 to satisfy the LS requirement.
Requires concurrent registration in CGSC/PSYC 233
- Fall 2024
- LS, Science with Lab WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student has completed any of the following course(s): PSYC 110 – Principles of Psychology or CGSC 100 – Argument and Inquiry or CGSC 130 – Introduction to Cognitive Science with grade of C- or better or received a score of 4 or better on the Psychology AP exam or received a score of 6 or better on the Psychology IB exam.
- CGSC 233, PSYC 233
CGSC 399 Senior Thesis in Cognitive Science 6 credits
The organizing and writing of a senior thesis in cognitive science, overseen by a CGSC faculty member and in cooperation with other seminar members. Students will present drafts of their theses to the class for feedback and will offer one another constructive criticism on the writing and organization of each paper. Students will be expected to produce a 25-40 page paper that will eventually serve as a capstone to their CGSC major during CGSC 400.
Open only to Senior CGSC majors
- Winter 2025
- WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student has completed the following course(s): CGSC 396 – Directed Research with a grade of C- or better AND is a Senior CGSC major
CHEM 301 Chemical Kinetics Laboratory 3 credits
A mixed class/lab course with one four-hour laboratory per week and weekly discussion/problem sessions. In class, the principles of kinetics will be developed with a mechanistic focus. In lab, experimental design and extensive independent project work will be emphasized.
Classroom sessions will be held at the listed time primarily during the first five weeks of the term. Laboratory sessions will occur during the listed period for the entire term.
- Fall 2024
- No Exploration QRE, Quantitative Reasoning WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student has completed any of the following course(s): CHEM 224 – Principles of Chemistry II & Lab AND CHEM 233 – Organic Chemistry I & Lab with a grade of C- or better AND MATH 120 – Calculus 2 with a grade of C- or better or received a score of 4 or better on the Calculus BC AP exam or equivalent.
CLAS 134 “Nothing stays the same”: Embracing Change in Ovid’s Metamorphoses 6 credits
We are immersed in such a fast-paced, constantly changing world, that we have no choice but to keep up with it and be as adaptable as possible. This makes us the perfect audience for Ovid’s Metamorphoses. The Latin poet guides his readers through endless stories of gods, heroes and heroines, whose transformations have inspired artists for centuries. This course will investigate how characters cope with the changeable nature of human and divine relationships. By looking closely at their mythical sagas and fleeting romances, we will explore how each character is, like us, suspended between old and new.
CLAS 214 Gender and Sexuality in Classical Antiquity 6 credits
In both ancient Greece and Rome, gender (along with class and citizenship status) largely determined what people did, where they spent their time, and how they related to others. This course will examine the ways in which Greek and Roman societies defined gender categories, and how they used them to think about larger social, political, and religious issues. Primary readings from Greek and Roman epic, lyric, and drama, as well as ancient historical, philosophical, and medical writers; in addition we will explore a range of secondary work on the topic from the perspectives of Classics and Gender Studies.
DANC 211 Cultures of Dance 6 credits
In this class we will look at dance from a global viewpoint, investigating forms, styles and contexts through various lenses (feminist, ethnographic, Africanist). We will examine and broaden the definition of dance and situate it within the discourse of “performance,” recognizing the larger meaning of “performance” to include all bodily movements, acts and gestures, whether onstage or off. We will ask questions about the performance of culture and ethnography, race and gender in the various dance cultures presented. Reading, writing, moving, discussing, and viewing live performance will shape class inquiry. No prior dance experience needed.
Extra time for two live performances
- Winter 2025
- IS, International Studies LA, Literary/Artistic Analysis WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Not open to students that have completed DANC 115 – Cultures of Dance with a grade of C- or better.
DANC 266 Reading the Dancing Body 6 credits
Dance is a field in which bodies articulate a history of sexuality, nation, gender, and race. In this course, the investigation of the body as a “text” will be anchored by intersectional and feminist perspectives. We will re-center American concert dance history, emphasizing the Africanist base of American Dance performance, contemporary black choreographers, and Native American concert dance. Through reading, writing, discussing, moving, viewing videos and performances the class will “read” the gender, race, and politics of the dancing body in the cultural/historical context of Modern, Post Modern and Contemporary Dance.
ECON 270 Economics of the Public Sector 6 credits
This course provides a theoretical and empirical examination of the government’s role in the U.S. economy. Emphasis is placed on policy analysis using the criteria of efficiency and equity. Topics include rationales for government intervention; analysis of alternative public expenditure programs from a partial and/or general equilibrium framework; the incidence of various types of taxes; models of collective choice; cost-benefit analysis; intergovernmental fiscal relations.
- Spring 2025
- QRE, Quantitative Reasoning SI, Social Inquiry WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student has completed any of the following course(s): ECON 110 – Principles of Macroeconomics with a grade of C- or better or received a score of 5 on the Macroeconomics AP exam AND ECON 111 – Principles of Microeconomics with a grade of C- or better or received a score of 5 on the Microeconomics AP exam OR has received a score of 6 or better on the Economics IB exam.
ECON 275 Law and Economics 6 credits
Legal rules and institutions influence people’s behavior. By setting acceptable levels of pollution, structuring guidelines for contract negotiations, deciding who should pay for the costs of an accident, and determining punishment for crimes, courts and legislatures create incentives. How do economic considerations factor into legal rules, and how do laws affect economic output and distribution? In this class, we use court cases, experiments, and current legal controversies to explore such issues.
- Fall 2024
- QRE, Quantitative Reasoning SI, Social Inquiry WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student has completed any of the following course(s): ECON 111 – Principles of Microeconomics with a grade of C- or better or has received a score of 5 on the AP Microeconomics test or a score of 6 or better on the IB Economics test.
ECON 395.01 Advanced Topics in Macroeconomics and Finance 6 credits
The seminar will explore contemporary approaches to the analysis of the macroeconomy and financial markets. Topics include tests of micro-founded models of consumer, worker, firm, and investor behavior; the analysis of business cycles and the dynamic response of the macroeconomy to exogenous shocks; proximate and fundamental theories of long-run growth across countries; and the design and effects of stabilization policies.
- Fall 2024
- QRE, Quantitative Reasoning SI, Social Inquiry WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student has completed any of the following course(s): ECON 329 – Econometrics and ECON 330 – Intermediate Price Theory and ECON 331 – Intermediate Macro Theory with a grade of C- or better.
ECON 395.02 Advanced Topics in Applied Microeconomics 6 credits
The seminar focuses on the advanced microeconomic analysis of real-world economic data. Through discussion of research papers and hands-on data analysis projects, we will explore techniques such as panel data analysis, instrumental variables, differences-in-differences, and regression discontinuity designs. Throughout the course we will focus on the application of these techniques to economic issues such as the effects of school quality, minimum wages, expansion of Medicaid, stock-price news event studies, and others according to student interest. A major goal of the course is to prepare students to write a COMPS research prospectus as required for the Economics major.
- Fall 2024
- QRE, Quantitative Reasoning SI, Social Inquiry WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student has completed any of the following course(s): ECON 329 – Econometrics and ECON 330 – Intermediate Price Theory and ECON 331 – Intermediate Macro Theory with a grade of C- or better.
EDUC 110 Introduction to Educational Studies 6 credits
This course will focus on education as a multidisciplinary field of study. We will explore the meanings of education within individual lives and institutional contexts, learn to critically examine the assumptions that writers, psychologists, sociologists and philosophers bring to the study of education, and read texts from a variety of disciplines. What has “education” meant in the past? What does “education” mean in contemporary American society? What might “education” mean to people with differing circumstances and perspectives? And what should “education” mean in the future? Open only to first-and second-year students.
- Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025
- IDS, Intercultural Domestic Studies SI, Social Inquiry WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student has Sophomore Priority.
ENGL 109 The Craft of Academic Writing 6 credits
This course is designed to demystify the practice of academic writing and to introduce students to the skills they’ll need to write effectively in a variety of academic disciplines and contexts. Students will learn how to respond to other authors’ claims, frame clear arguments of their own, structure essays to develop a clear logical flow, integrate outside sources into their writing, and improve their writing through revision. All sections will include a variety of readings, multiple writing assignments, and substantial feedback from the course instructor.
- Winter 2025, Spring 2025
- No Exploration WR2 Writing Requirement 2
ENGL 115 The Art of Storytelling 6 credits
Jorge Luis Borges is quoted as saying that “unlike the novel, a short story may be, for all purposes, essential.” This course focuses attention primarily on the short story as an enduring form. We will read short stories drawn from different literary traditions and from various parts of the world. Stories to be read include those by Aksenov, Atwood, Beckett, Borges, Camus, Cheever, Cisneros, Farah, Fuentes, Gordimer, Ishiguro, Kundera, Mahfouz, Marquez, Moravia, Nabokov, Narayan, Pritchett, Rushdie, Trevor, Welty, and Xue.
ENGL 118 Introduction to Poetry 6 credits
“Poetry is the way we help give name to the nameless so it can be thought”—Audre Lorde. In this course we will explore how poets use form, tone, sound, imagery, rhythm, and subject matter to create works of astonishing imagination, beauty, and power. In discussions, Moodle posts, and essay assignments we’ll analyze individual works by poets from Sappho to Amanda Gorman (and beyond); there will also be daily recitations of poems, since the musicality is so intrinsic to the meaning.
ENGL 131 Speculative Fiction 6 credits
This course uses "speculative fiction" as umbrella term for categories and (sub)genres that include science fiction, fantasy, mystery, and horror. Deviation from the norm is our norm. You will have to teach your eyes to hear, and your ears to see. Above all, your multisensory engagement should allow for a reality check: does speculative fiction replicate or repudiate known stereotypes of women and blacks, in particular? What do you find (un)appealing about speculative fiction? We will read a variety of short fiction from the DARK MATTER anthology as well as longer narratives by Octavia Butler and Nalo Hopkinson.
ENGL 135 Imperial Adventures 6 credits
Indiana Jones has a pedigree. In this class we will encounter some of his ancestors in stories, novels and comic books from the early decades of the twentieth century. The wilds of Afghanistan, the African forest, a prehistoric world in Patagonia, the opium dens of mysterious exotic London–these will be but some of our stops as we examine the structure and ideology and lasting legacy of the imperial adventure tale. Authors we will read include Arthur Conan Doyle, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Rudyard Kipling and H. Rider Haggard.
ENGL 160 Creative Writing 6 credits
You will work in several genres and forms, among them: traditional and experimental poetry, prose fiction, and creative nonfiction. In your writing you will explore the relationship between the self, the imagination, the word, and the world. In this practitioner’s guide to the creative writing process, we will examine writings from past and current authors, and your writings will be critiqued in a workshop setting and revised throughout the term.
Sophomore Priority
- Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025
- ARP, Arts Practice WR2 Writing Requirement 2
ENGL 202 The Bible as Literature 6 credits
We will approach the Bible not as an archaeological relic, nor as the Word of God, but “as a work of great literary force and authority [that has] shaped the minds and lives of intelligent men and women for two millennia and more.” As one place to investigate such shaping, we will sample how the Bible (especially in the “Authorized” or King James version) has drawn British and American poets and prose writers to borrow and deploy its language and respond creatively to its narratives, images, and visions.
ENGL 203 Other Worlds of Medieval English Literature 6 credits
When medieval writers imagined worlds beyond their own, what did they see? This course will examine depictions of the afterlife, the East, and magical realms of the imagination. We will read romances, saints' lives, and a masterpiece of pseudo-travel literature that influenced both Shakespeare and Columbus, alongside contemporary theories of post-colonialism, gender and race. We will visit the lands of the dead and the undead, and compare gruesome punishments and heavenly rewards. We will encounter dog-headed men, Amazons, cannibals, armies devoured by hippopotami, and roasted geese that fly onto waiting dinner tables. Be prepared. Readings in Middle English and in modern translations.
ENGL 211 Haunting the Margins of American Literature 6 credits
Nineteenth-century Americans were hardly strangers to ghosts and the world beyond. In fact, many actively sought communion with the dead by attending table-rapping séances and sitting for spirit photographs. This class will analyze a variety of literary hauntings from the long nineteenth century to explore the cultural anxieties and desires they might represent. Paying particular attention to questions of race, gender, and sexuality, we will consider how figures ghosted from history become present in ways that demand attention and, at times, redress. Authors will include Edgar Allen Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Rose Terry Cooke, Alice Brown, and Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins.
ENGL 213 Being Queer in Nineteenth-Century America 6 credits
What forms of community, gender identification, and desire were imagined as possible in the literature and life writing of nineteenth-century Americans? How did race and class shift the terms of what could be imagined, and how did these possibilities change with the sexual taxonomies developed by scientists? This course will explore these questions by reading American literary texts from 1799 to 1899 alongside shorter works of history and theory. We will consider not only the discourse around wealthy, white “romantic friendships,” but also the ways that poor and non-white bodies were deemed queer in conduct manuals and scientific texts.
ENGL 215 Modern American Literature 6 credits
A survey of some of the central movements and texts in American literature, from World War I to the present. Topics covered will include modernism, the Harlem Renaissance, the Beat generation and postmodernism.
ENGL 222 The Art of Jane Austen 6 credits
All of Jane Austen's fiction will be read; the works she did not complete or choose to publish during her lifetime will be studied in an attempt to understand the art of her mature comic masterpieces, Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Emma, and Persuasion.
ENGL 224 Cruel Summer, 1816 6 credits
A circle of poets and writers, friends and lovers, spend the summer in Geneva sightseeing, arguing, telling ghost stories, reading and writing passionately together—and changing the course of literary history. We’ll explore the personal and artistic relations between Mary Shelley, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Lord Byron, and others, reading the works they wrote in conversation with each other including Frankenstein, “Prometheus,” and Prometheus Unbound, as well as studying diaries, manuscripts, biographical accounts, and films. Offered at both the 200 and 300 levels; coursework will be adjusted accordingly.
ENGL 227 Imagining the Borderlands 6 credits
This course engages the borderlands as space (the geographic area that straddles nations) and idea (liminal spaces, identities, communities). We examine texts from writers like Anzaldúa, Butler, Cervantes, Dick, Eugenides, Haraway, and Muñoz first to understand how borders act to constrain our imagi(nation) and then to explore how and to what degree the borderlands offer hybrid identities, queer affects, and speculative world-building. We will engage the excess of the borderlands through a broad chronological and generic range of U.S. literary and visual texts. Come prepared to question what is “American”, what is race, what is human.
ENGL 233 Writing and Social Justice 6 credits
Social justice is fairness as it manifests in society, but who gets to determine what fairness looks, sounds, feels like? The self-described Black Canadian poet Dionne Brand says that she doesn’t write toward justice because that doesn’t exist, but that she writes against tyranny. If we use that framework, how does that change our own writing and our own notions of justice in our or any time? What is the role of literary writing, especially fiction, the essay, and poetry in the collective and individual quest to understand and build conditions that could yield increased potential for social justice? In this course, students will read, analyze, discuss, and write about various texts that might be considered to be against myriad tyrannies, if not necessarily toward social justice. Authors may include Octavia Butler, Phillip Metres, Toni Morrison, Myung Mi Kim, and M. NourbeSe Philipe.
ENGL 242 Queer Literature: The Pre-Stonewall Origins 6 credits
The LGBTQ+ movement turned on the Stonewall Riots of 1969. Prior to that, queer life was largely illegal and underground in the United States and most places globally. Queer content in literature was censored and banned. This course explores the strategies queer writers used to circumvent censorship and get published. Writers whose work we will read, discuss and analyze are: Oscar Wilde, E.M. Forster, Radclyffe Hall, Patricia Highsmith and James Baldwin.
ENGL 244 Shakespeare I 6 credits
A chronological survey of the whole of Shakespeare's career, covering all genres and periods, this course explores the nature of Shakespeare's genius and the scope of his art. Particular attention is paid to the relationship between literature and stagecraft ("page to stage"). By tackling the complexities of prosody, of textual transmission, and of Shakespeare's highly figurative and metaphorical language, the course will help you further develop your ability to think critically about literature. Non English majors should register for English 144.
Non English majors should register for English 144.
ENGL 245 Bollywood Nation 6 credits
This course will serve as an introduction to Bollywood or popular Hindi cinema from India. We will trace the history of this cinema and analyze its formal components. We will watch and discuss some of the most celebrated and popular films of the last 60 years with particular emphasis on urban thrillers and social dramas.
ENGL 253 Food Writing: History, Culture, Practice 6 credits
We are living in perhaps the height of what might be called the “foodie era” in the U.S. The cooking and presentation of food dominates Instagram and is one of the key draws of YouTube and various television and streaming networks; shows about chefs and food culture are likewise very popular. Yet a now less glamorous form with a much longer history persists: food writing. In this course we will track some important genres of food writing over the last 100 years or so. We will examine how not just food but cultural discourses about food and the world it circulates in are consumed and produced. We will read recipes and reviews; blogs and extracts from cookbooks, memoirs and biographies; texts on food history and policy; academic and popular feature writing. Simultaneously we will also produce food writing of our own in a number of genres.
- Spring 2025
- ARP, Arts Practice WR2 Writing Requirement 2
ENGL 255 The Poetics of Disability 6 credits
Scholar Michael Davidson has suggested that “perhaps the closest link between poetry and disability lies in a conundrum within the genre itself: poetry makes language visible by making language strange.” In this class we will read a wide range of poets who tackle ideas of normalcy and “ability” by centering disability consciousness and culture. We will engage with poetry’s capacity as a genre to destabilize our assumptions and generate new imaginaries. Alongside contemporary U.S. poetry, we will study contemporary theory in the field of disability studies in order to better understand the critical conversations around the meaning, nature, and consequences of disability.
ENGL 268 Writing with Artificial Intelligence 6 credits
This course will explore techniques writers can use to create a variety of texts in collaboration with artificial intelligence tools like Bard, Claude, and ChatGPT. We'll examine how to craft an initial prompt for an AI, how to evaluate the AI's output, how to iterate the prompt to produce better results, and when it's more effective to simply revise the AI's writing yourself. We'll also discuss the limits of AI technology and a range of practical and ethical subjects connected to AI, including plagiarism, copyright, and cultural bias. Previous experience with AI tools is not necessary for this course.
- Spring 2025
- ARP, Arts Practice WR2 Writing Requirement 2
ENGL 270 Short Story Workshop 6 credits
An introduction to the writing of the short story. Each student will become familiar with contemporary short stories, complete a number of short writing exercises, and have discussed in class two full-length stories (from 3,000 to 7,000 words in length) and give constructive suggestions, including written critiques, for revising the stories written by other members of the class. Attention will be paid to all the elements of fiction: characterization, point of view, conflict, setting, dialogue, etc.
- Fall 2024, Winter 2025
- ARP, Arts Practice WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student has completed any of the following course(s): One 6 credit English course excluding Independent Studies and Comps with a grade of C- or better.
ENGL 271 Poetry Workshop 6 credits
This workshop offers you ways of developing poetic craft, voice, and vision in a small-group setting. Your poetry and individual expression is the heart and soul of the course. Through intensive writing and revision of poems written in a variety of styles and forms, you will create a significant portfolio.
- Winter 2025
- ARP, Arts Practice WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student has completed any of the following course(s): One 6 credit English course excluding Independent Studies and Comps with a grade of C- or better.
ENGL 281.07 Reading Multicultural London 6 credits
A wide range of British writers have depicted London as a site of displacement, diaspora, community, and belonging. From the “Windrush Generation” in the 1950s to the present context of Brexit, this course will examine the depiction of multicultural London in fiction, film, and essay. Selected texts will reveal how diverse writers have been shaped by London and in turn shaped its narratives. Readings may include Samuel Selvon, Hanif Kureishi, Monica Ali, Zadie Smith, Andrea Levy, Kamala Shamsie, and Xiaolu Guo; and we will incorporate relevant museum exhibits and cultural events.
Requires participation in Carleton OCS London Program. For 2025 Winter Term offering, course completes IS not IDS.
- Winter 2025
- IS, International Studies WR2 Writing Requirement 2 LA, Literary/Artistic Analysis
Acceptance in the Carleton OCS Living London Program.
ENGL 282 Living London Program: London Theater 6 credits
Students will attend productions (at least two per week) of classic and contemporary plays in a range of London venues both on and off the West End, and will do related reading. We will also travel to Stratford-upon-Avon for a three-day theater trip. Class discussions will focus on dramatic genres and themes, dramaturgy, acting styles, and design. Guest speakers may include actors, critics, and directors. Students will keep a theater journal and write several full reviews of plays.
Open only to participants in OCS Program: Living London
- Winter 2025
- IS, International Studies LA, Literary/Artistic Analysis WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Acceptance in the Carleton OCS Living London Program.
ENGL 295 Critical Methods 6 credits
Required of students majoring in English, this course explores practical and theoretical issues in literary analysis and contemporary criticism.
Not open to first year students.
- Fall 2024, Spring 2025
- LA, Literary/Artistic Analysis WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student has completed any of the following course(s): One English Foundations including (100) course with a grade of C- or better or received a score of 5 on the English Literature and Composition AP exam or received a grade of 6 or better on the English Language A: Literature IB exam AND 6 credits from English courses (100-399) not including Independent Studies and Comps with a grade of C- or better.
ENGL 324 Cruel Summer, 1816 6 credits
A circle of poets and writers, friends and lovers, spend the summer in Geneva sightseeing, arguing, telling ghost stories, reading and writing passionately together—and changing the course of literary history. We’ll explore the personal and artistic relations between Mary Shelley, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Lord Byron, and others, reading the works they wrote in conversation with each other including Frankenstein, “Prometheus,” and Prometheus Unbound, as well as studying diaries, manuscripts, biographical accounts, and films. Offered at both the 200 and 300 levels; coursework will be adjusted accordingly.
- Winter 2025
- LA, Literary/Artistic Analysis WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student has completed any of the following course(s): One English Foundations including (100) course with a grade of C- or better or received a score of 5 on the English Literature and Composition AP exam or received a grade of 6 or better on the English Language A: Literature IB exam AND 6 credits from English courses (100-399) not including Independent Studies and Comps with a grade of C- or better.
ENGL 359 Contemporary World Literature 6 credits
Our focus is on contemporary writers. Specifically, we will privilege genre-bending fiction published within the last two decades in which we encounter a continuum, not a line of demarcation, between us and them, insider and outsider, here and there, then and now, femaleness and maleness, North and South, the local and the global. Authors to be read include Zinzi Clemmons, Teju Cole, Esi Edugyan, Mohsin Hamid, Tommy Orange, Zadie Smith, and Colson Whitehead.
- Fall 2024
- IS, International Studies LA, Literary/Artistic Analysis WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student has completed any of the following course(s): One English Foundations including (100) course with a grade of C- or better or received a score of 5 on the English Literature and Composition AP exam or received a grade of 6 or better on the English Language A: Literature IB exam AND 6 credits from English courses (100-399) not including Independent Studies and Comps with a grade of C- or better.
ENGL 370 Advanced Fiction Workshop 6 credits
An advanced course in the writing of fiction. Students will write three to four short stories or novel chapters which will be read and critiqued by the class.
- Spring 2025
- ARP, Arts Practice WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student has completed any of the following course(s): English (ENGL) 160 or ENGL 161 or ENGL 263 or ENGL 265 or ENGL 270 or ENGL 271 or ENGL 273 or Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 271 or CAMS 278 or CAMS 279 or Cross Cultural Studies 270 or Theater 246 with a grade of C- or better.
ENGL 371 Advanced Poetry Workshop 6 credits
In this workshop, students choose to write poems from a broad range of forms, from sonnets to spoken word, from ghazals to slam, from free-verse to blues. Over the ten weeks, each poet will write and revise their own collection of poems. Student work is the centerpiece of the course, but readings from a diverse selection of contemporary poets will be used to expand each student’s individual poetic range, and to explore the power of poetic language. For students with some experience in writing poetry, this workshop further develops your craft and poetic voice and vision.
- Spring 2025
- ARP, Arts Practice WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student has completed any of the following course(s): English (ENGL) 160 or ENGL 161 or ENGL 263 or ENGL 265 or ENGL 270 or ENGL 271 or ENGL 273 or Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 271 or CAMS 278 or CAMS 279 or Cross Cultural Studies 270 or Theater 246 with a grade of C- or better.
ENGL 381.07 Reading Multicultural London 6 credits
A wide range of British writers have depicted London as a site of displacement, diaspora, community, and belonging. From the “Windrush Generation” in the 1950s to the present context of Brexit, this course will examine the depiction of multicultural London in fiction, film, and essay. Selected texts will reveal how diverse writers have been shaped by London and in turn shaped its narratives. Readings may include Samuel Selvon, Hanif Kureishi, Monica Ali, Zadie Smith, Andrea Levy, Kamala Shamsie, and Xiaolu Guo; and we will incorporate relevant museum exhibits and cultural events.
Open only to students participating in OCS London Program
- Winter 2025
- IS, International Studies WR2 Writing Requirement 2 LA, Literary/Artistic Analysis
Acceptance in the Carleton OCS Living London Program.
ENGL 395.00 Frankenstein’s Progeny 6 credits
Written in 1816 when she was only eighteen years old, Mary Shelley’s brilliant and controversial Frankenstein has not only lived on but has sparked two centuries’ worth of adaptations, interpretations, and creative re-imaginings, including recent fiction by Saadawi, McGill, and Tsai, an essay on transgender rage by Stryker, episodes of Black Mirror, and the novel and film Poor Things. We’ll study how several such radical revisions of the novel explore and extend its prescient themes of gender, sexuality, monstrosity, race, the ethics of science, women’s rights, and social justice.- Spring 2025
- LA, Literary/Artistic Analysis WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student must have completed any of the following course(s): ENGL 295 – Critical Methods and one 300 level ENGL course with grade of C- or better.
ENGL 395.01 Postcolonial Novel: Forms and Contexts 6 credits
Authors from the colonies and ex-colonies of England have complicated our understandings of the locations, forms and indeed the language of the contemporary English novel. This course will examine these questions and the theoretical and interpretive frames in which these writers have often been placed, and probe their place in the global marketplace (and awards stage). We will read a number of major novelists of the postcolonial era from Africa, South Asia, the Caribbean and the diaspora as well as some of the central works of postcolonial literary criticism.
Not open to students who took ENGL 350 Postcolonial Novel
- Fall 2024
- IS, International Studies LA, Literary/Artistic Analysis WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student must have completed any of the following course(s): ENGL 295 – Critical Methods and one 300 level ENGL course with grade of C- or better.
EUST 110 The Power of Place: Memory and Counter-Memory in the European City 6 credits
This team-taught interdisciplinary course explores the relationship between memory, place and power in Europe’s cities. It examines the practices through which individuals and groups imagine, negotiate and contest their past in public spaces through art, literature, film and architecture. The instructors will draw on their research and teaching experience in urban centers of Europe after a thorough introduction to the study of memory across different disciplines. Students will be challenged to think critically about larger questions regarding the possibility of national and local memories as the foundation of identity and pride but also of guilt and shame.
GEOL 220 Tectonics and Lab 6 credits
This course focuses on understanding the plate tectonics paradigm and its application to all types of plate boundaries. We will explore the historical development of the paradigm, geophysical tools used for imaging the structure of the Earth and determining plate motions, and possible driving mechanisms of this global system. Students will independently explore a particular tectonic plate in detail throughout the term. Laboratories included.
- Fall 2024
- LS, Science with Lab WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student has completed any of the following course(s): One 100-Level GEOL course with grade of C- or better.
GEOL 370 Geochemistry of Natural Waters & Lab 6 credits
The main goal of this course is to introduce and tie together the several diverse disciplines that must be brought to bear on hydrogeochemical problems today. This course will explore: principles of geochemistry, applications of chemical thermodynamics to geologic problems, mineral solubility, stability diagrams, chemical aspects of sedimentary rocks, geochemical tracers, radiogenic isotopes and principles of stable isotope fractionation. Laboratories included.
- Fall 2024
- LS, Science with Lab QRE, Quantitative Reasoning WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student has completed any of the following course(s): Chemistry 123 – Principles of Chemistry with a grade of C- or better or received a score of 4 or better on the Chemistry AP exam or received a score of 5 or better on the Chemistry IB exam.
GERM 221 Modern Love: Sex, Gender, and Identity in Austria-Hungary around 1900 6 credits
We explore literature, music, and the fine arts of German-speaking countries around the topics of gender and sex(uality). We focus on the years between 1880 and 1920 in Austria-Hungary, but also venture into more recent times and other localities. How did images of men and women change over time? How did science factor into these images? What was/is considered “normal” when it comes to sex(uality) and gender, and what German-speaking voices have been pushing against those norms? How did these voices use literature, music, and the fine arts to reflect or criticize such norms? Taught in English.
Taught in English
GWSS 200 Gender, Sexuality & the Pursuit of Knowledge 6 credits
In this course we will examine whether there are feminist and/or queer ways of knowing, the criteria by which knowledge is classified as feminist and the various methods used by feminist and queer scholars to produce this knowledge. Some questions that will occupy us are: How do we know what we know? Who does research? Does it matter who the researcher is? How does the social location (race, class, gender, sexuality) of the researcher affect research? Who is the research for? What is the relationship between knowledge, power and social justice? While answering these questions, we will consider how different feminist and queer studies researchers have dealt with them.
GWSS 398.00 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Popular Culture 6 credits
This capstone seminar reads representations of racial, gender, and sexual minorities in popular culture through the lenses of feminist, critical race, queer, and trans theories. Kimberlé Crenshaw coined the term “intersectionality” in the late 1980s to describe an approach to oppression that considered how structures of power act multiply on individuals based upon their interlocking racial, class, gender, sexual, and other identities. This seminar takes up the charge of intersectional analysis—rejecting essentialist theories of difference while exploring pluralities—to interpret diversity (or lack thereof) in forms of art and entertainment, focusing on film, TV, and digital media.
- Spring 2025
- WR2 Writing Requirement 2
HIST 111 Uncharted Waters: The History of Society and the Sea 6 credits
This course introduces students to maritime history, marine environmental history, and issues in contemporary marine policy. While traditional histories have framed the sea as an empty space and obstacle to be traversed, or as a battleground, we will approach the ocean as a contact zone, a space of labor, and as the site of focused scientific research, thereby emphasizing human interaction with the oceans. We will examine how people have come to know, utilize, and govern the world’s oceans across time and space, and we will explore how this history informs contemporary issues in maritime law, governance, and ocean conservation.
HIST 150 Politics of Art in Early Imperial China 6 credits
Poetry has been playing an important role in politics from early China down to the present. Members of the educated elite have used this form of artistic expression to create political allegories in times of war and diplomacy. Students will learn the multiple roles that poet-censors played in early imperial China, with thematic attention given to issues of self and ethnic/gendered identity, internal exile and nostalgia, and competing religious orientations that eventually fostered the rise of Neo-Confucianism. Students will write a short biography of a poet by sampling her/his poems and poetics (all in translation) from the common reading pool.
HIST 153 History of Modern China 6 credits
This course examines major features of the trajectory of China’s recent past spanning from the seventeenth century through the present. Students will analyze deep socio-cultural currents that cut across the changes in socioeconomic as well as political arenas. Themes for discussion will include state formations, social changes, economic developments, religious orientations, bureaucratic behaviors, and cultural refinements that the Chinese have made. Students are also expected to develop skills to frame key historical questions against broader historiographical contexts by engaging in analyses of many different types of primary sources.
HIST 154 Social Movements in Postwar Japan 6 credits
This course tackles an evolving meaning of democracy and sovereignty in postwar Japan shaped by the transformative power of its social movements. We will place the anti-nuclear movement and anti-base struggles of the 1950s, the protest movements against revision of the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty of the 1960s, and environmentalist movements against the U.S. Cold War projects in Asia to see how they intersect with the worldwide “New Left” movements of the 1960s. Topics include student activism, labor unionism, Marxist movements, and gangsterism (yakuza). Students will engage with political art, photographs, manga, films, reportage, memoirs, autobiographies, interview records, novels, and detective stories.
HIST 231 Mapping the World Before Mercator 6 credits
This course will explore early maps primarily in medieval and early modern Europe. After an introduction to the rhetoric of maps and world cartography, we will examine the functions and forms of medieval European and Islamic maps and then look closely at the continuities and transformations in map-making during the period of European exploration. The focus of the course will be on understanding each map within its own cultural context and how maps can be used to answer historical questions. We will work closely with the maps in Gould Library Special Collections to expand campus awareness of the collection.
Extra time is required for a one-time map show in the library which we will schedule at the beginning of term.
HIST 233 The Byzantine World & Its Neighbors 6 credits
The Byzantine world (eighth-fifteenth centuries) was a zone of fascinating tensions, exchanges, and encounters. Through a wide variety of written and visual evidence, we will examine key features of its history and culture: the nature of government; piety and religious controversy; art and music; the evolving relations with the Latin West, Armenia, the Slavic North and West, and the Dar al-Islam (the Abbasids and Seljuk and Ottoman Turks); gender; economic life; and social relations.Extra Time for special events and a group project (ecumenical council).
Extra Time for special events and a group project (ecumenical council).
HIST 245 Ireland: Land, Conflict and Memory 6 credits
This course explores the history of Ireland from Medieval times through the Great Famine, ending with a look at the Partition of Ireland in 1920. We examine themes of religious and cultural conflict and explore a series of English political and military interventions. Throughout the course, we will analyze views of the Irish landscape, landholding patterns, and health and welfare issues. Finally, we explore the contested nature of history and memory as the class discusses monuments and memory production in Irish public spaces.
HIST 251 Japan and Europe: Worlds Apart? 6 credits
This course examines Japanese and European history from c. 1500 to 1900, tracking the disparate ways in which these regions changed over this time period and highlighting their entanglement. We will focus on three modules, each centered on the era when European global expansion was at its peak and when Japan was isolationist. We will explore developments in regional and global trade networks and state and financial institutions, in addition to news networks, the world of publishing, and the social world of intellectual exchange. Finally, the course compares changing views and practices in the fields of science and medicine.
HIST 270 Nuclear Nations: India and Pakistan as Rival Siblings 6 credits
At the stroke of midnight on August 15, 1947 India and Pakistan, two new nation states emerged from the shadow of British colonialism. This course focuses on the political trajectories of these two rival siblings and looks at the ways in which both states use the other to forge antagonistic and belligerent nations. While this is a survey course it is not a comprehensive overview of the history of the two countries. Instead it covers some of the more significant moments of rupture and violence in the political history of the two states. The first two-thirds of the course offers a top-down, macro overview of these events and processes whereas the last third examines the ways in which people experienced these developments. We use the lens of gender to see how the physical body, especially the body of the woman, is central to the process of nation building. We will consider how women’s bodies become sites of contestation and how they are disciplined and policed by the postcolonial state(s).
HIST 287 From Alchemy to the Atom Bomb: The Scientific Revolution and the Making of the Modern World 6 credits
This course examines the growth of modern science since the Renaissance with an emphasis on the Scientific Revolution, the development of scientific methodology, and the emergence of new scientific disciplines. How might a history of science focused on scientific networks operating within society, rather than on individual scientists, change our understanding of “genius,” “progress,” and “scientific impartiality?” We will consider a range of scientific developments, treating science both as a body of knowledge and as a set of practices, and will gauge the extent to which our knowledge of the natural world is tied to who, when, and where such knowledge has been produced and circulated.
- Spring 2025
- HI, Humanistic Inquiry WR2 Writing Requirement 2
HIST 301 Indigenous Histories at Carleton 6 credits
Carleton’s new campus land acknowledgement affirms that this is Dakota land, but how did Carleton come to be here? What are the histories of Indigenous faculty, students, and staff at Carleton? In this course, students will investigate Indigenous histories on our campus by conducting original research about how Carleton acquired its landbase, its historic relationships to Dakota and Anishinaabeg people, histories of on-campus activism, the shifting demographics of Native students on campus, and the histories of Indigenous faculty and staff, among others. Students will situate these histories within the broader context of federal Indian policies and Indigenous resistance.
HIST 308 American Cities and Nature 6 credits
Since the nation's founding, the percentage of Americans living in cities has risen nearly sixteenfold, from about five percent to the current eighty-one percent. This massive change has spawned legions of others, and all of them have bearing on the complex ways that American cities and city-dwellers have shaped and reshaped the natural world. This course will consider the nature of cities in American history, giving particular attention to the dynamic linkages binding these cultural epicenters to ecological communities, environmental forces and resource flows, to eco-politics and social values, and to those seemingly far-away places we call farms and wilderness. HIST 205 is recommended but not required.
HIST 205 is recommended but not required.
HIST 320 The Progressive Era? 6 credits
Was the Progressive Era progressive? It was a period of social reform, labor activism, and woman suffrage, but also of Jim Crow, corporate capitalism, and U.S. imperialism. These are among the topics that can be explored in research papers on this contradictory era. We will begin by reading a brief text that surveys the major subject areas and relevant historiography of the period. The course will center on the writing of a 25-30 page based on primary research, which will be read and critiqued by members of the seminar.
HIST 336 Controversial Histories: Ideological Conflict and Consensus in Historical Perspective 6 credits
This seminar explores how people in diverse times and places discussed, debated and decided the issues and ideals that shaped their lives, communities, and world. Particular attention will be paid to the role of institutions and individuals; communicative networks and textual communities; the forms and functions of polemical discourse; and the dynamics of group formation and stigmatization in the historical unfolding of conflict and consensus. Theoretical readings and select case studies will provide the common readings for the seminar. Each student will pursue a research project of 25 pages on this theme in a period and region of their choosing.
HIST 347 The Global Cold War 6 credits
In the aftermath of the Second World War and through the 1980s, the United States and the Soviet Union competed for world dominance. This Cold War spawned hot wars, as well as a cultural and economic struggle for influence all over the globe. This course will look at the experience of the Cold War from the perspective of its two main adversaries, the U.S. and USSR, but will also devote considerable attention to South America, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Students will write a 20 page paper based on original research.
HIST 398 Advanced Historical Writing 6 credits
This course is designed to support majors in developing advanced skills in historical research and writing. Through a combination of class discussion, small group work, and one-on-one interactions with the professor, majors learn the process of constructing sophisticated, well-documented, and well-written historical arguments within the context of an extended project of their own design. They also learn and practice strategies for engaging critically with contemporary scholarship and effective techniques of peer review and the oral presentation of research. By permission of the instructor only.
Concurrent enrollment in HIST 400 is required.
- Winter 2025
- HI, Humanistic Inquiry WR2 Writing Requirement 2
- HIST 400
LTAM 220 Eating the Americas: 5,000 Years of Food 6 credits
Food is both a biological necessity and a cultural symbol. We eat to survive, we “are what we eat,” and delicious foods are “to die for.” What does this all mean in the context of Latin America, which gave us the origins of peanut butter (peanuts), spaghetti sauce (tomatoes), avocado toast (avocados), french fries (potatoes), and power bowls (quinoa)? In this class, we will explore the long history humans have had with food in Latin America, drawing from archaeology, ethnohistory, and anthropology to explore the relationship between food, culture, power, identity, gender, and ethnicity.
LTAM 230 Ancient People of the Andes 6 credits
Who were the first settlers of South America? Was Caral the first city on earth? Who made the Nazca Lines? How did the Inka build Machu Picchu? Which societies flourished or collapsed in the Andean region of South America? This course will examine these questions using archaeology to understand the sociopolitical arrangements that existed among ancient Andean peoples prior to the arrival of the Spanish. Evidence used to explore these themes comes from a range of prehispanic societies, including the Chavin, Tiwanaku, Wari, Moche, Chimu, and Inka. Offered at both the 200 and 300 levels; coursework will be adjusted accordingly. Students who have previously taken any 200-level LTAM social science or humanities course or a 200-level ARCN course should register for LTAM 330; students who have not should register for LTAM 230.
Offered at both the 200 and 300 levels; coursework will be adjusted accordingly. Students who have previously taken any 200-level LTAM social science or humanities course or a 200-level ARCN course should register for LTAM 330; students who have not should register for LTAM 230.
LTAM 330 Ancient Peoples of the Andes 6 credits
Who were the first settlers of South America? Was Caral the first city on earth? Who made the Nazca Lines? How did the Inka build Machu Picchu? Which societies flourished or collapsed in the Andean region of South America? This course will examine these questions using archaeology to understand the sociopolitical arrangements that existed among ancient Andean peoples prior to the arrival of the Spanish. Evidence used to explore these themes comes from a range of prehispanic societies, including the Chavin, Tiwanaku, Wari, Moche, Chimu, and Inka. Offered at both the 200 and 300 levels; coursework will be adjusted accordingly. Students who have previously taken any 200-level LTAM social science or humanities course or a 200-level ARCN course should register for LTAM 330; students who have not should register for LTAM 230.
MELA 230 Jewish Collective Memory 6 credits
Judaism emphasizes transmitting memory from one generation to the next. How have pivotal events and experiences in Jewish history lived on in Jewish collective memory? How do they continue to speak through artistic/literary composition and museum/memorial design? How does Jewish collective memory compare with recorded Jewish history? We will study turning points in Jewish history including the Exodus from Egypt, Jewish expulsion from medieval Spain, the Holocaust, and Israeli independence, as Jews in different times and places have interpreted them with lasting influence. Research includes work with print, film, and other visual/ performative media.
MUSC 127 Music and Censorship 6 credits
This course examines the causes, methods and logic behind attempts to censor music by governments, commercial corporations and religious authorities through guided listening, reading, and writing assignments. Lectures focus first on the “entartete musik” of Nazi Germany. Contemporary cases of music censorship are then selected from a wide range of countries, including the United States, South Africa, and Russia. The music studied includes that by Pussy Riot, Paul Simon, Pete Seeger, and Richard Wagner.
MUSC 140 Ethnomusicology and the World’s Music 6 credits
This course introduces the discipline of ethnomusicology and its history, theory, methods, and contemporary critiques. Centering the social and cultural analysis of music, the course explores case studies of global popular, vernacular, and classical musics. We will expand our skills as listeners while also considering key issues, such as the “world music” market; ethnographic methods; gesture, dance, and embodiment; copyright and repatriation; the role of media forms and AI technologies; and the politics of representation. No musical experience necessary.
Sophomore Priority
MUSC 204 Theory II: Musical Structures 6 credits
An investigation into the nature of musical sounds and the way they are combined to form rhythms, melodies, harmonies, and form. Topics include the nature of musical pitch, the structure of musical scales and their influence on melody, what gives rise to a sense of tonality, the complexity of rhythmic patterns, and the architecture of musical form. Student work includes building a musical instrument, programming a drum machine, writing computer code to create harmonies and timbres, and an extended music analysis project using empirical methods. Prerequisite: MUSC 101 or permission of instructor as assessed by a diagnostic exam administered at the start of the term.
Prerequisite: Music 101, or permission of the instructor as assessed by a diagnostic exam administered at the start of the term
MUSC 205 Disability in Popular Music: Representations, Roles, and Receptions 6 credits
How do public discourses around bodies and minds shape different styles of popular music? How do musicians and fans challenge ableism? Are certain disabilities more prominent in certain kinds of musics? And: can any of this even be heard? To address these questions, we will explore the life and music of artists such as Stevie Wonder, Joni Mitchell, Victoria Canal, Billie Eilish, and Django Reinhart, and examine how disability functions in subcultures such as punk, hip hop, and K-pop. Readings will be drawn from cultural disability studies, music theory, media studies, and the medical humanities.
MUSC 215 Western Music and its Social Ecosystems, 1830-Present 6 credits
How does music shape society? What does it feel like to participate in musical life—as a creator, performer, listener, leader, fan, or critic? These questions will guide us as we study the history of Western music with an emphasis on social experience. We’ll explore music from the Romantic era to our contemporary moment, with our ears and eyes trained toward the repertoire’s civic and interpersonal meanings. Along the way, you’ll respond to current concert programming and curate playlists that speak to your communities on campus and beyond. Front of mind will be expansive themes of belonging and identity.
MUSC 217 Opera: Stage, Screen, Recording 6 credits
Opera has something for everyone: drama, desire, politics, stagecraft, design. The medium sets life to music and reveals the music within people’s lives. In the spirit of exchange between art and reality, this course looks at the history of opera through a contemporary lens. Centering on a diverse collection of operas—and voices—from past to present, we’ll ask how modern sensibilities animate the music’s production and performance. We’ll bring concepts of relevance, risk, representation, and justice to bear on opera, with attention to media and technology. We’ll listen to recent operatic interpretations and discover how creatives are making opera new.
MUSC 232 Golden Age of R & B 6 credits
A survey of rhythm and blues from 1945 to 1975, focusing on performers, composers and the music industry.
Not open to students who have taken MUSC 132
- Fall 2024
- IDS, Intercultural Domestic Studies LA, Literary/Artistic Analysis WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Not open to students that have taken MUSC 132 – Golden Age of R & B
MUSC 244 Music Studies at the Border 6 credits
Where is music found? What can we learn about musical practices beyond the score and recording? This course introduces students to hands-on, ethnographic approaches to the study of music. We will consider the ethical, legal, interpersonal, and philosophical challenges of writing about the musical lives of others — and ourselves. Throughout the course, we will work together to design and carry out ethnographic research projects. Selected interested students will develop and carry out a project involving a significant on-site project through a significant on-site visit to the U.S./Mexico border during December. Previous coursework in music is helpful, but not required.
An optional, Carleton-funded site visit during the first week of December is planned to travel to the U.S./Mexico border. Students enrolled in MUSC 244 will indicate their interest in this visit by the Fall 2024 drop/add deadline; due to limited funding, only 12 students will be able to participate. Participants will be selected by random lottery among those who are interested. Students participating in the December travel are required to enroll in a 2-credit Winter 2025 MUSC 245 (Thursdays 10:45–11:50am, first five weeks).
MUSC 304 Party Politics: Popular Music in the Middle East 6 credits
In this research-based course, students will develop listening and analytical skills specific to music in Turkey, Iran, and Arab-majority societies. We will listen to indie rock, hip-hop, mahraganat, Arab pop, techno-dabke, and other popular styles. Topics include the role of radio technology in the Egyptian music industry; the relationship between music and nationalism; how class and gender inform musical performance; and the pleasures and politics of partying. Students will develop individual research topics related to the course (e.g., focusing on a song or artist), with the course culminating in a final research paper. No previous musical experience required.
MUSC 313 Video Game Music: History, Interpretation, Practice 6 credits
Over the decades, video game music has evolved from simple beeps and boops into a genre that has garnered millions of fans worldwide. This course traces the history of video game music aesthetics and technology. We will consider how it relates to a variety of musical traditions and engages with broader social issues. We will learn to listen for loops, styles, structures, and function in games via direct engagement with primary sources: the games themselves. The course culminates in the practical application of knowledge via a creative project.
Expected preparation: The ability to read music and a previous music course or instructor permission.
- Spring 2025
- LA, Literary/Artistic Analysis WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student has completed any of the following course(s): One 100, 200, or 300 level MUSC course NOT including lesson or ensemble courses with a grade of C- or better.
PHIL 116 Sensation, Induction, Abduction, Deduction, Seduction 6 credits
In every academic discipline, we make theories and argue for and against them. This is as true of theology as of geology (and as true of phys ed as of physics). What are the resources we have available to us in making these arguments? It’s tempting to split the terrain into (i) raw data, and (ii) rules of right reasoning for processing the data. The most obvious source of raw data is sense experience, and the most obvious candidates for modes of right reasoning are deduction, induction, and abduction. Some philosophers, however, think that sense perception is only one of several sources of raw data (perhaps we also have a faculty of pure intuition or maybe a moral sense), and others have doubted that we have any source of raw data at all. As for the modes of “right” reasoning, Hume famously worried about our (in)ability to justify induction, and others have had similar worries about abduction and even deduction. Can more be said on behalf of our most strongly held beliefs and belief-forming practices than simply that we find them seductive—that we are attracted to them; that they resonate with us? In this course, we’ll use some classic historical and contemporary philosophical texts to help us explore these and related issues.
- Winter 2025
- HI, Humanistic Inquiry WR2 Writing Requirement 2
PHIL 119 Meaning of Life 6 credits
Does life have a meaning? To answer this, we will explore various cross-cultural approaches to the meaning of life, both those that affirm meaning and deny it. We will cover, for example, approaches to the meaning of life grounded in divinity, creativity, striving, and more. We will also inquire into related questions about agency: Is fate compatible with meaning in life? Is meaning distinct from happiness? Is meaning a moralized concept? In addition, there will be room for student choice of topics.
- Spring 2025
- HI, Humanistic Inquiry WR2 Writing Requirement 2
PHIL 124 Friendship 6 credits
What is friendship? Are there different types of friendships? What makes a friendship good? While this course will familiarize you with a variety of scholarly views on friendship from both historically canonical and contemporary sources, our main goal is to become more reflective about our lived experience of friendship here and now.
PHIL 209 Philosophy of Theater: Actors, Characters, Performances 6 credits
Ian McKellen explains that when he acts on stage, “I pretend to be the person I’m portraying.” But how do you pretend to be a person? Is it different from playing make-believe or code-switching your behavior between family, friends, and classmates? Is it different from what writers do when they write about fictional people? And just what is a person, anyway? A particular body? A set of beliefs and desires? Is an actor’s race and gender independent of those of the person they portray? We’ll evaluate competing answers to such questions from philosophers, cognitive scientists, and theater practitioners.
- Spring 2025
- HI, Humanistic Inquiry WR2 Writing Requirement 2
PHIL 213 Ethics 6 credits
How should we live? This is the fundamental question for the study of ethics. This course looks at classic and contemporary answers to the fundamental question from Socrates to Kant to modern day thinkers. Along the way, we consider slightly (but only slightly) more tractable questions such as: What reason is there to be moral? Is there such a thing as moral knowledge (and if so, how do we get it)? What are the fundamental principles of right and wrong (if there are any at all)? Is morality objective?
- Winter 2025
- HI, Humanistic Inquiry WR2 Writing Requirement 2
PHIL 218 Virtue Ethics 6 credits
What is a good human life? Who is a good person? From the time of Plato and Aristotle onwards, many philosophers have thought about these questions in terms of two central ideas. Virtues, such as justice or courage, make us a certain type of person (they give us a certain character). Wisdom enables us to make good judgments about how to act. How do virtue and wisdom work together to produce a good human life? Is a good life the same as a happy life? We will reflect on these and related questions as we read texts from Alasdair MacIntyre, Philippa Foot, and other significant thinkers in the contemporary virtue ethics tradition. We will also consider the application of virtue ethics to specific areas, such as environmental ethics, as well as the parallels between Western virtue ethics and the tradition of Confucianism in ancient China.
- Winter 2025
- HI, Humanistic Inquiry WR2 Writing Requirement 2
PHIL 257 Contemporary Issues in Feminist Philosophy 6 credits
We will analyze different theories about the distinction between sex and gender. Then we will turn to contemporary issues in feminism for the remainder of the course. These issues include, but are not limited to, conservative feminism, reproductive justice, fetishes, disability, ethics of pronouns, whether men are oppressed, and responsibility for oppression. We will read selections from Oyèrónké Oyewùmí, Robin Dembroff, Karina Ortiz Villa, Robin Zheng, Anne Fausto-Sterling, Audre Lorde, and more. In addition, there will be room for student choice of topics.
PHIL 270 Ancient Greek Philosophy 6 credits
Is there a key to a happy and successful human life? If so, how do you acquire it? Plato and Aristotle thought the key was virtue and that your chances of obtaining it depend on the sort of life you lead. We’ll read texts from these authors that became foundational for the later history of philosophy, including the Apology, Gorgias, Symposium, and the Nicomachean Ethics, while situating the ancient understanding of virtue in the context of larger questions of metaphysics (the nature of being), psychology, and ethics.
PHIL 272 Early Modern Philosophy: Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Philosophy 6 credits
Our inquiry into seventeenth and eighteenth century philosophy is not limited to any geographic region: it is open to Indigenous philosophical traditions as well as those of Europe, the Americas, Africa, and Asia. We will cover selections from Anton Wilhelm Amo, Mulla Sadra, Sor Juana Inés de La Cruz, Im Yunjidang, Isaac Newton, Baruch Spinoza, Immanuel Kant, and more. The topics include, but are not limited to, the mind body distinction, divinity, love, freedom, virtue, and the good life. The final paper project for this course asks you to creatively connect philosophical concepts, themes, or problems from different units of the course.
PHIL 274 Existentialism 6 credits
We will consider the emergence and development of major themes of existentialism in the works of Kierkegaard and Nietzsche, as well as “classical” existentialists such as Heidegger, Sartre and De Beauvoir. We will discuss key issues put forward by the existentialist movement, such as “the question of being” and human historicity, freedom and responsibility and look at how different authors analyzed the nature and ambitions of the Self and diverse aspects of subjectivity.
PHIL 275 Latina Feminist Philosophy 6 credits
Latina feminist philosophers have developed and continue to develop valuable philosophical contributions to feminist scholarship and the discipline of philosophy more broadly. This course sheds light on these contributions by exploring the major questions, concepts, and debates within the Latina (and Latinx) feminist philosophical tradition. We will specifically explore the relationships between race/ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, and identity; lived experience, embodiment, and knowledge; and the possibilities for self/social transformation through the process of creative writing.
PHIL 323 Living Wisely 6 credits
For Aristotle, and many following him, practical wisdom (phronesis) guarantees both goodness and happiness. Sounds like a deal! Unfortunately, it’s not clear how we go about getting, or even recognizing, this intellectual virtue. Its insights cannot be demonstrated like a mathematical proof or captured in abstract rules. But we’re not stuck with undefended intuitions or a relativism that makes what is good or beneficial up to us. What is this wisdom supple enough to navigate between such extremes? We’ll read original thinkers in the broader Aristotelian tradition and scholars interpreting Aristotle’s texts as we think about this and related questions.
- Fall 2024
- HI, Humanistic Inquiry WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student has completed any of the following course(s): One 100, 200 or 300 level PHIL course NOT including Independent Studies with a grade of C- or better.
PHIL 324 The Self 6 credits
When one is told, “Take good care of yourself!” the reflexive ‘yourself’ refers to both the object and agent of care. What is it, this ‘self’, and how do you take good care of it? This course will discuss historical and contemporary answers to these questions, as well as the related notions of identity, personhood, agency, and self-knowledge. Moreover, some philosophical traditions deny the existence of the self; in their account of living well, what is experiencing the living? Or, if we understand the self as relational, does one need to take care of others to take care of oneself? Finally, if one’s self is socially constructed, how do we change society to avoid its possible disfiguring influences on the self and to enable every self’s flourishing?
- Winter 2025
- HI, Humanistic Inquiry IDS, Intercultural Domestic Studies WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student has completed any of the following course(s): One 100, 200 or 300 level PHIL course NOT including Independent Studies with a grade of C- or better.
POSC 120 Democracy and Dictatorship 6 credits
An introduction to the array of different democratic and authoritarian political institutions in both developing and developed countries. We will also explore key issues in contemporary politics in countries around the world, such as nationalism and independence movements, revolution, regime change, state-making, and social movements.
- Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025
- IS, International Studies SI, Social Inquiry WR2 Writing Requirement 2
POSC 160 Political Philosophy 6 credits
Introduction to ancient and modern political philosophy. We will investigate several fundamentally different approaches to the basic questions of politics–questions concerning the character of political life, the possibilities and limits of politics, justice, and the good society–and the philosophic presuppositions (concerning human nature and human flourishing) that underlie these, and all, political questions.
- Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025
- HI, Humanistic Inquiry WR2 Writing Requirement 2
POSC 221 Latin American Politics 6 credits
This course will enable students to think critically and comparatively about the Latin American political and socio-economic reality. The course serves as an introduction for those who are unfamiliar with the contemporary history, politics, and social structures of the region. Instruction in this class, however, will go beyond a mere introduction to Latin American political history. It will challenge students to analyze complex problems in Latin American politics and development and encourage them to provide informed arguments on these matters.
POSC 224 Political Campaigns & Electoral Behavior 6 credits
Representative government requires the occurrence of regular elections. This course is designed to introduce you to the key issues and controversies surrounding the study of campaigns and elections in the United States. It will analyze the rules and processes that define the presidential and congressional electoral systems, the actors who engage one another within those systems, the campaign strategies candidates use to persuade and turnout voters, and the considerations Americans use to determine their vote on Election day. This course also provides insight into why (and how) campaigns and elections are normatively important for maintaining a healthy democracy.
POSC 230 Methods of Political Research 6 credits
An introduction to research method, research design, and the analysis of political data. The course is intended to introduce students to the fundamentals of scientific inquiry as they are employed in the discipline. The course will consider the philosophy of scientific research generally, the philosophy of social science research, theory building and theory testing, the components of applied (quantitative and qualitative) research across the major sub-fields of political science, and basic methodological tools. Intended for majors only.
- Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025
- QRE, Quantitative Reasoning SI, Social Inquiry WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student has completed any of the following course(s): STAT 120 – Introduction to Statistics or STAT 230 – Applied Regression Analysis or STAT 250 – Introduction to Statistical Inference or PSYC 200 – Measurement and Data Analysis or SOAN 239 – Social Statistics with a grade of C- or better or received a score of 4 or better on the Statistics AP exam.
POSC 235 The Endless War on Terror 6 credits
In the aftermath of 9/11, the U.S. launched the Global War on Terror to purportedly find, stop,and defeat every terrorist group with a global reach. Without question, the Global War on Terror has radically shaped everything from U.S. foreign policies and domestic institutions to civil liberties and pop culture. In this course, we will examine the events of 9/11 and then critically assess the immediate and long-term ramifications of the endless Global War on Terror on different states and communities around the world. While we will certainly spend time interrogating U.S. policies from the Bush, Obama, and Trump administrations, we will also examine reactions to those policies across both the global north and the global south.
POSC 242 Middle East Politics 6 credits
This course introduces the politics and political structures of states in the Middle East. We explore the political origins of Middle Eastern states, and investigate how regional politics are shaped by colonialism, religion, tribes, the family, and more. We examine the persistence of authoritarianism and its links to other issues like nationalism and militarism. The course covers how recent and current events like the revolutionary movements of the ‘Arab Spring’ civil society affect the states and their societies. We conclude with a consideration of the future of Middle Eastern politics, evaluating lingering concerns and emerging prospects for liberalization and reform.
POSC 245 Geopolitics of Southeast Asia 6 credits
This course will cover key thematic issues of Southeast Asian politics, including the challenges of democracy, geopolitical conflicts with China, politics of borderlands, environmental politics, the rise of the power of non-state actors, and struggles for citizen-sovereignty of the people. We will examine these geopolitical frontier issues against the background of Southeast Asia's societal evolution through kingdoms, colonial eras, emergence of nation-states, and the influence of globalization on politics. Why is Southeast Asia a misunderstood region of the world? What can we learn from Southeast Asian political orders to understand the faith of freedom, self-governance, and democracy?
POSC 281 U.S.-China Rivalry: The New Cold War? 6 credits
This course surveys key security dynamics, actors and issues in the Asia-Pacific. We will begin with a brief overview of historical conflicts and cooperations in the region, focusing on the impact of decolonization, communism, and the Cold War. We will then proceed to discuss contemporary security issues; topics include territorial disputes, Taiwan, nuclear proliferation, the U.S. alliance system, regional organizations like ASEAN, and U.S.-China rivalry. We will also study major international relation paradigms and theories, including heterodox approaches relevant to major actors in the Asia-Pacific, to guide our investigation of these security issues. No prior knowledge required.
POSC 322 Polarization and Populism in Latin America 6 credits
Polarization and populism have shaped Latin American politics and development for much of the region's history. These forces have re-emerged in the post-Cold War period in acute and powerful ways in threatening democracy and systems of accountability. This course will examine these forces and adjacent phenomena such as democratic backsliding, the aggrandizement of presidential powers, socio-economic conflicts, contentious politics, and the continuation of state crises in Latin America. Students will work on their own research projects.
POSC 333 Global Social Changes and Sustainability 6 credits
This course is about the relationship between social changes and ecological changes to understand and to be able to advance analytical concepts, research methods, and theories of society-nature interactions. How do livelihoods of individuals and groups change over time and how do the changes affect ecological sustainability? What are the roles of human institutions in ecological sustainability? What are the roles of ecosystem dynamics in institutional sustainability? Students will learn fundamental theories and concepts that explain linkages between social change and environmental changes and gain methods and skills to measure social changes qualitatively and quantitatively.
Extra Time required.
PSYC 210 Psychology of Learning and Memory 6 credits
A summary of theoretical approaches, historical influences and contemporary research in the area of human and animal learning. The course provides a background in classical, operant, and contemporary conditioning models, and these are applied to issues such as behavioral therapy, drug addiction, decision-making, education, and choice. It is recommended that students enroll concurrently in Psychology 211. A grade of C- or better must be earned in both Psychology 210 and 211 to satisfy the LS requirement.
It is recommended that students enroll concurrently in Psychology 211.
- Winter 2025
- LS, Science with Lab QRE, Quantitative Reasoning WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student has completed any of the following course(s): PSYC 110 – Principles of Psychology or equivalent or NEURO 127 – Foundations of Neuroscience with a grade of C- or better or received a score of 4 or better on the Psychology AP exam or received a score of 6 or better on the Psychology IB exam.
PSYC 211 Lab Res Meth Learning & Memory 2 credits
This course accompanies Psychology 210. Students will replicate classical studies and plan and conduct original empirical research projects in the study of human and animal learning and memory. A grade of C- or better must be earned in both Psychology 210 and 211 to satisfy the LS requirement.
Required concurrent or prior registration in PSYC 210
PSYC 232 Cognitive Processes 6 credits
Cross-listed courses CGSC 232/PSYC 232. An introduction to the study of mental activity. Topics include attention, pattern recognition and perception, memory, concept formation, categorization, and cognitive development. Some attention to gender and individual differences in cognition, as well as cultural settings for cognitive activities. A grade of C- or better must be earned in both Psychology/Cognitive Science 232 and 233 to satisfy the LS requirement.
Requires concurrent registration in CGSC/PSYC 233
- Fall 2024
- LS, Science with Lab WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student has completed any of the following course(s): PSYC 110 – Principles of Psychology or CGSC 100 – Argument and Inquiry or CGSC 130 – Introduction to Cognitive Science with grade of C- or better or received a score of 4 or better on the Psychology AP exam or received a score of 6 or better on the Psychology IB exam.
- CGSC 233, PSYC 233
PSYC 370 Behavioral Neuroimmunology 6 credits
The immune system directly influences the central nervous system and behavior during both health and disease. The course will have an emphasis on animal behavior (e.g., memory and sociability assays) and techniques in neuroimmunology that range from genetic engineering (e.g., CRISPR and DREADD) to immune cell function, detection of surface receptors, and protein expression (e.g., flow cytometry, confocal microscopy, immune cell migration assays, ELISA, and western blot.) The topics that will be covered range from how cytokines influence behavior to effects of gut microbiota in brain function and behavior. This course will primarily use empirical research that will help you develop a deeper understanding of molecular techniques, cell biology, and develop strong analytical skills of biological findings in immunology and its connection with animal behavior.
- Winter 2025
- No Exploration QRE, Quantitative Reasoning WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student has completed any of the following course(s): NEUR 127 – Foundations Neuroscience & Lab, PSYC 216 – Behavioral Neuroscience with grade of C- or better.
RELG 110 Understanding Religion 6 credits
How can we best understand the role of religion in the world today, and how should we interpret the meaning of religious traditions–their texts and practices–in history and culture? This class takes an exciting tour through selected themes and puzzles related to the fascinating and diverse expressions of religion throughout the world. From politics and pop culture, to religious philosophies and spiritual practices, to rituals, scriptures, gender, religious authority, and more, students will explore how these issues emerge in a variety of religions, places, and historical moments in the U.S. and across the globe.
- Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025
- HI, Humanistic Inquiry IDS, Intercultural Domestic Studies WR2 Writing Requirement 2
RELG 120 Introduction to Judaism 6 credits
What is Judaism? Who are Jewish people? What are Jewish texts, practices, ideas? What ripples have Jewish people, texts, practices, and ideas caused beyond their sphere? These questions will animate our study as we touch on specific points in over three millennia of history. We will immerse ourselves in Jewish texts, historic events, and cultural moments, trying to understand them on their own terms. At the same time, we will analyze them using key concepts such as ‘tradition,’ ‘culture,’ ‘power,’ and ‘diaspora.’ We will explore how ‘Jewishness’ has been constructed by different stakeholders, each claiming the authority to define it.
RELG 121 Introduction to Christianity 6 credits
This course will trace the history of Christianity from its origins in the villages of Palestine, to its emergence as the official religion of the Roman Empire, and through its evolution and expansion as the world’s largest religion. The course will focus on events, persons, and ideas that have had the greatest impact on the history of Christianity, and examine how this tradition has evolved in different ways in response to different needs, cultures, and tensions–political and otherwise–around the world. This is an introductory course. No familiarity with the Bible, Christianity, or the academic study of religion is presupposed.
RELG 122 Introduction to Islam 6 credits
This course is a general introduction to Islam as a prophetic religious tradition. It explores the different ways Muslims have interpreted and put into practice the prophetic message of Muhammad through analyses of varying theological, legal, political, mystical, and literary writings as well as through Muslims’ lived histories. These analyses aim for students to develop a framework for explaining the sources and vocabularies through which historically specific human experiences and understandings of the world have been signified as Islamic. The course will focus primarily on the early and modern periods of Islamic history.
RELG 130 Native American Religions 6 credits
This course explores the history and contemporary practice of Native American religious traditions, especially as they have developed amid colonization and resistance. While surveying a broad variety of ways that Native American traditions imagine land, community, and the sacred, the course focuses on the local traditions of the Ojibwe and Lakota communities. Materials include traditional beliefs and practices, the history of missions, intertribal new religious movements, and contemporary issues of treaty rights, religious freedom, and the revitalization of language and culture.
RELG 155 Hinduism: An Introduction 6 credits
Hinduism is the world’s third-largest religion (or, as some prefer, “way of life”), with about 1.2 billion followers. It is also one of its oldest, with roots dating back at least 3500 years. “Hinduism,” however, is a loosely defined, even contested term, designating the wide variety of beliefs and practices of the majority of the people of South Asia. This survey course introduces students to this great variety, including social structures (such as the caste system), rituals and scriptures, mythologies and epics, philosophies, life practices, politics, poetry, sex, gender, Bollywood, and—lest we forget—some 330 million gods and goddesses.
RELG 213 Religion, Medicine, and Healing 6 credits
How do religion and medicine approach the healing of disease and distress? Are religion and medicine complementary or do they conflict? Is medicine a more evolved form of religion, shorn of superstition and pseudoscience? This course explores religious and cultural models of health and techniques for achieving it, from ancient Greece to Christian monasteries to modern mindfulness and self-care programs. We will consider ethical quandaries about death, bodily suffering, mental illness, miraculous cures, and individual agency, all the while seeking to avoid simplistic narratives of rationality and irrationality.
RELG 218 The Body in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam 6 credits
Mind and body are often considered separate but not equal; the mind gives commands to the body and the body complies. Exploring the ways the three religious traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam think about the body will deepen our understanding of the mind-body relationship. We will ask questions such as: How does the body direct the mind? How do religious practices discipline the body and the mind, and how do habits of body and mind change the forms and meanings of these practices? Gender, sexuality, sensuality, and bodily function will be major axes of analysis.
RELG 219 Religious Law, Il/legal Religions 6 credits
The concept of law plays a central role in religion, and the concept of religion plays a central role in law. We often use the word ‘law’ to describe obligatory religious practices. But is that ‘law,’ as compared with state law? Legal systems in the U.S. and Europe make laws that protect religious people, and that protect governments from religion. But what does ‘religion’ mean in a legal context? And how do implicit notions of religious law affect how judges deal with religion? We will explore these questions using sources drawn from contemporary religions and recent legal disputes.
RELG 221 Judaism and Gender 6 credits
How does gender shape the Jewish tradition, and how have Jewish historical moments, texts, and practices shaped Jewish notions of gender? Taking Judaism as a test case, this course will explore the relationship between historical circumstance, positionality, and the religious imaginary. We will examine the ways that Jewish gender and theology inform each other. We will see how gender was at play in Jewish negotiations of economic and social class, racial and ethnic status, even citizenship. Following the threads of practice and narrative, we will think about how intersectional gender has shaped the stories Jews tell, and the stories that are told about them.
RELG 227 Liberation Theologies 6 credits
Is God on the side of the poor? This course explores how liberation theologians have called for justice, social change, and resistance by drawing on fundamental sources in Christian tradition and by using economic and political theories to address poverty, racism, oppression, gender injustice, and more. We explore the principles of liberationist thought, including black theology, Latin American liberation theology, and feminist theology through writings of various contemporary thinkers. We also examine the social settings out of which these thinkers have emerged, their critiques of “traditional” theologies, and the new vision of community they have developed in various contexts.
RELG 233 Gender and Power in the Catholic Church 6 credits
How does power flow and concentrate in the Catholic Church? What are the gendered aspects of the Church’s structure, history, and theology? Through readings, discussions, and analysis of current media, students will develop the ability to critically and empathetically interpret issues of gender, sexuality, and power in the Catholic Church, especially as these issues appear in official Vatican texts. Topics include: God, suffering, sacraments, salvation, damnation, celibacy, homosexuality, the family, saints, the ordination of women as priests, feminist theologies, canon law, the censuring of “heretical” theologians, Catholic hospital policy, and the clerical sex abuse crisis.
RELG 261 Race & Empire in American Islam 6 credits
From colonial times when Muslims were brought to America as slaves, to the aftermath of the Spanish-American War when the United States found itself ruling over a large Muslim population in the Philippines, to the more recent War on Terror, Muslims and Islam have long been entangled in the politics of race and empire in America. This course will examine these entanglements through primary and secondary sources to better understand the role that race, religion, and empire have played in the forging of American Islam today.
RELG 278 Love of God in Islam 6 credits
As the chosen messenger of God's final revelation, Muslims consider Muhammad to be God's beloved par excellence. He is believed to have not only received God's words but to have also experienced the divine. For Muhammad's followers, love has been a central means of attaining experiential knowledge of God. The Islamic tradition, particularly in the form of Sufism, developed a highly sophisticated literature for understanding God through love. This course will trace and analyze the historical development of this literature and the practices associated with it from the Qur'an (600s) to Rumi (1200s).
RELG 282 Samurai: Ethics of Death and Loyalty 6 credits
This course explores the history of samurai since the emergence of warrior class in medieval times, to the modern developments of samurai ethics as the icon of Japanese national identity. Focusing on its connection with Japanese religion and culture, we will investigate the origins of the purported samurai ideals of loyalty, honor, self-sacrifice, and death. In addition to regular class sessions, there will be a weekly kyudo (Japanese archery) practice on Wednesday evening (7-9 pm), which will enable students to study samurai history in context through gaining first-hand experience in the ritualized practice of kyudo.
Extra Time for weekly kyudo (Japanese archery) practice on Wednesday evening (7-9 pm)
RELG 287 Many Marys 6 credits
Christianity, by its very name, focuses on Jesus. This course shifts the focus to Mary, his mother: her various manifestations and her contributions to the myriad experiences of peoples around the world. Race, gender, class, and feminist and liberation theologies come into play as Mary presents as: the Mother of God; queen of heaven; a Black madonna; a Mestiza madonna; an exceptional woman with her own chapter in the Qur'an; various goddesses in Haitian Vodoun, Hinduism, and Buddhism; a tattoo on the backs of U.S. prisoners–and so on. In addition to considering Miriam (her Jewish name) as she appears in literature, art, apparition, and ritual practice around the world, we will also consider Mary Magdalene, her foil, who appears in popular discourse from the Gnostic gospels to The Da Vinci Code.
RELG 329 Modernity and Tradition 6 credits
How do we define traditions if they change over time and are marked by internal conflict? Is there anything stable about a religious tradition—an essence, or a set of practices or beliefs that abide amidst diversity and mark it off from a surrounding culture or religion? How do people live out or re-invent their traditions in the modern world? In this seminar we explore questions about pluralism, identity, authority, and truth, and we examine the creative ways beliefs and practices change in relation to culture. We consider how traditions grapple with difference, especially regarding theology, ethics, law, and gender.
RELG 344 Lived Religion in America 6 credits
The practices of popular, or local, or lived religion in American culture often blur the distinction between the sacred and profane and elude religious studies frameworks based on the narrative, theological, or institutional foundations of “official” religion. This course explores American religion primarily through the lens of the practices of lived religion with respect to ritual, the body, the life cycle, the market, leisure, and popular culture. Consideration of a wide range of topics, including ritual healing, Christmas, cremation, and Elvis, will nourish an ongoing discussion about how to make sense of lived religion.
SOAN 110 Introduction to Anthropology 6 credits
Anthropology is the study of all human beings in all their diversity, an exploration of what it means to be human throughout the globe. This course helps us to see ourselves, and others, from a new perspective. By examining specific analytic concepts—such as culture—and research methods—such as participant observation—we learn how anthropologists seek to understand, document, and explain the stunning variety of human cultures and ways of organizing society. This course encourages you to consider how looking behind cultural assumptions helps anthropologists solve real world dilemmas.
Sophomore Priority.
- Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025
- CX, Cultural/Linguistics IS, International Studies SI, Social Inquiry WR2 Writing Requirement 2
SOAN 214 Neighborhoods and Cities: Inequalities and Identities 6 credits
Inequalities and identities are well understood yet too often disconnected from the context of space and place. In this class, we discuss the ways that neighborhoods and cities are sites of inequality as well as identity. Neighborhoods are linked to the amount of wealth we hold; the schools we attend; the goods, services, and resources we have access to; and who our neighbors are. Neighborhoods are also spaces where identities and community are created, claimed, and contested. They can also be sites of conflict as they change through gentrification or other processes that often reflect inequalities of power, resources, and status. In this course, special attention will be paid to how race, gender and sexuality, and immigration shape inequalities and identity in neighborhoods and cities. This course will also include an academic civic engagement component, collaborating with local communities in Minnesota. The department strongly recommends that Sociology/Anthropology 110 or 111 be taken prior to enrolling in courses numbered 200 or above.
SOAN 240 Methods of Social Research 6 credits
When sociologists and anthropologists conduct their research, how do they know which method to choose? What assumptions guide their decision? What challenges might they encounter? And, even more importantly, what are their ethical obligations? In this course we will answer these questions through examining some popular sociological and anthropological research methods (e.g., interviews, surveys, and participant observation). Specific topics include: developing feasible research questions, selecting an appropriate research method, collecting and analyzing qualitative and quantitative data, and writing up research findings. By the end of the course, students will be better equipped to design and conduct a research study.
- Spring 2025
- QRE, Quantitative Reasoning SI, Social Inquiry WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student has completed any of the following course(s): SOAN 110 – Introduction to Anthropology or SOAN 111 – Introduction to Sociology with a grade of C- or better AND STAT 120 – Introduction to Statistics or STAT 250 – Introduction to Statistical Inference with a grade of C- or better, or received a score of 4 or better on the Statistics AP exam.
SOAN 252 Growing Up in an Aging Society 6 credits
Both the U.S. and global populations are trending toward a world with far fewer young people than ever before. So, what does it mean to grow up in a rapidly aging society? This course explores age, aging, and its various intersections with demographic characteristics including gender, sexuality, race, and social class. We situate age and aging within the context of macro-structural, institutional, and micro-everyday realms. Some topics we will examine include: media depictions and stereotypes; interpersonal relationships and caregiving; the workplace and retirement; and both the perceptions and inevitable realities of an aging population.
The department strongly recommends that Sociology/Anthropology 110 or 111 be taken prior to enrolling in courses numbered 200 or above
SOAN 262 Anthropology of Health and Illness 6 credits
An ethnographic approach to beliefs and practices regarding health and illness in numerous societies worldwide. This course examines patients, practitioners, and the social networks and contexts through which therapies are managed to better understand medical systems as well as the significance of the anthropological study of misfortune. Specific topics include the symbolism of models of illness, the ritual management of misfortune and of life crisis events, the political economy of health, therapy management, medical pluralism, and cross-cultural medical ethics. The department strongly recommends that Sociology/Anthropology 110 or 111 be taken prior to enrolling in courses numbered 200 or above.
SOAN 283 Immigration, Citizenship, and Belonging in the U.S. 6 credits
Immigration has been a defining feature of the United States that is tied to legal and cultural forms of citizenship, and more broadly, to questions of belonging. This course explores these three concepts through multiple aspects of immigration, including the migration experience, immigration policy, community, education, culture, and others, for both immigrants and the children of immigrants. Special attention is given to how differences among immigrants—such as race, gender, class, national origin, and others—matter in all of these areas. These questions and issues are explored through academic readings, popular and public discourse, immigrant voices, and civic engagement in local communities.
The department strongly recommends that 110 or 11 be taken prior to enrolling in courses number 200 or above.
SOAN 313 Woke Nature: Towards an Anthropology of Non-Human Beings 6 credits
The core of anthropological thought has been organized around the assumption that the production of complex cultural systems is reserved to the domain of the human experience. While scholars have contested this assumption for years, there is an emerging body of scholarship that proposes expanding our understandings of culture, and the ability to produce meaning in the world, to include non-human beings (e.g. plants, wildlife, micro-organisms, mountains). This course explores ethnographic works in this field and contextualizes insights within contemporary conversations pertaining to our relationship with nature, public health, and social justice movements that emerge within decolonized frameworks. The department strongly recommends that Sociology/Anthropology 110 or 111 be taken prior to enrolling in courses numbered 200 or above.
SOAN 323 Mother Earth: Women, Development and the Environment 6 credits
Why are so many sustainable development projects anchored around women's cooperatives? Why is poverty depicted as having a woman's face? Is the solution to the environmental crisis in the hands of women the nurturers? From overly romantic notions of stewardship to the feminization of poverty, this course aims to evaluate women's relationships with local environments and development initiatives. The course uses anthropological frameworks to evaluate case studies from around the world. The department strongly recommends that Sociology/Anthropology 110 or 111 be taken prior to enrolling in courses numbered 200 or above.
SOAN 330 Sociological Thought and Theory 6 credits
Many thinkers have contributed to the development of sociology as an intellectual discipline and mode of social inquiry; however, few have had the influence of Emile Durkheim, Karl Marx, and Max Weber. This course focuses on influential texts and ideas generated by these and other theorists from sociology’s “classical era,” how these texts and ideas are put to use by contemporary sociologists, and on more recent theoretical developments and critical perspectives that have influenced the field. The department strongly recommends that Sociology/Anthropology 110 or 111 be taken prior to enrolling in courses numbered 200 or above.
- Fall 2024
- SI, Social Inquiry WR2 Writing Requirement 2
SOAN 331 Anthropological Thought and Theory 6 credits
Our ways of perceiving and acting in the world emerge simultaneously from learned and shared orientations of long duration, and from specific contexts and contingencies of the moment. This applies to the production of anthropological ideas and of anthropology as an academic discipline. This course examines anthropological theory by placing the observers and the observed in the same comparative historical framework, subject to the ethnographic process and to historical conditions in and out of academe. We seek to understand genealogies of ideas, building on and/or reacting to previous anthropological approaches. We highlight the diversity of voices who thought up these ideas, and have influenced anthropological thought through time. We attend to the intellectual and political context in which anthropologists conducted research, wrote, and published their works, as well as which voices did/did not reach academic audiences. The course thus traces the development of the core issues, central debates, internecine battles, and diversity of anthropological thought and of anthropologists that have animated anthropology since it first emerged as a distinct field of inquiry to present-day efforts at intellectual decolonization.
The department strongly recommends that 110 or 11 be taken prior to enrolling in courses number 200 or above.
- Winter 2025
- IS, International Studies SI, Social Inquiry WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student must have completed any of the following course(s): SOAN 110 – Introduction to Anthropology or SOAN 111 – Introduction to Sociology AND one 200 or 300 level SOAN course with a grade of C- or better.
SOAN 396 Advanced Sociological and Anthropological Writing 6 credits
This course explores different genres of writing and different audiences for writing in the social sciences, focusing particular attention on scholarly articles published in professional journals in sociology and anthropology. To that end, students both analyze sociological and anthropological articles regarding commonalities and differences in academic writing in our two sister disciplines. Students work on their own academic writing process (with the help of peer-review and instructor feedback). The writing itself is broken down into component elements on which students practice and revise their work.
Prerequisite: Completion of Sociology/Anthropology 240 or submission of a topic statement in the preceding spring term and submission of a comps thesis proposal on the first day of fall term or instructor permission
- Fall 2024
- SI, Social Inquiry WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student is a Sociology and Anthropolog major and has Senior Priority.
THEA 225 Theater History and Theory 6 credits
Throughout history, theatrical performance has been both a reflection of cultural values and a platform for envisioning social change. In this course, students will examine the theatre of the people: popular theatre, theatre that directly engages with the community in which it lives, and theatre that is woven into the rituals of the culture. This includes ancient Greek tragedy, medieval cycle plays, Yoruban Egungun Masquerade, commedia dell’arte, Japanese Kabuki, Elizabethan theatre, and American popular and grassroots performance. Class sessions will combine lecture, discussion, and performances of historical texts.