Search Results
Your search for courses · during 24FA · meeting requirements for LS, Science with Lab · returned 31 results
ARCN 246 Archaeological Methods & Lab 6 credits
As a field that is truly interdisciplinary, archaeology uses a wide range of methods to study the past. This course provides a hands-on introduction to the entire archaeological process through classroom, field, and laboratory components. Students will participate in background research concerning local places of historical or archaeological interest; landscape surveying and mapping in GIS; excavation; the recording, analysis, and interpretation of artifacts; and the publication of results. This course involves real archaeological fieldwork, and students will have an opportunity to contribute to the history of the local community while learning archaeological methods applicable all over the world.
Sophomore priority
ARCN 246.01 Fall 2024
- Faculty:Sarah Kennedy 🏫 👤
- Size:12
- TAnderson Hall 121 10:10am-11:55am
- TAnderson Hall 121 1:00pm-5:00pm
- TAnderson Hall 122 10:10am-11:55am
- TAnderson Hall 122 1:00pm-5:00pm
- THAnderson Hall 121 1:15pm-3:00pm
- THAnderson Hall 122 1:15pm-3:00pm
Sophomore Priority.
ARCN 246.02 Fall 2024
- Faculty:Sarah Kennedy 🏫 👤
- Size:12
- TAnderson Hall 121 10:10am-11:55am
- TAnderson Hall 122 10:10am-11:55am
- THAnderson Hall 121 8:00am-12:00pm
- THAnderson Hall 121 1:15pm-3:00pm
- THAnderson Hall 122 8:00am-12:00pm
- THAnderson Hall 122 1:15pm-3:00pm
Sophomore Priority.
ASTR 110 Introduction to Astronomy & Lab 6 credits
An introduction to current astronomy with an emphasis on how we know what we know. Topics include the solar system; the life cycles of stars; pulsars, quasars, and black holes; and the history and future fate of the universe. No mathematics background beyond high school algebra and trigonometry is assumed.
Extra time for evening observing
ASTR 113 Observational Astronomy 3 credits
Theory and practice of basic techniques in observational and laboratory astronomy. Certain problems involve the use of the 16-inch and 8-inch telescopes.
- Fall 2024
- LS, Science with Lab QRE, Quantitative Reasoning
Student has completed any of the following course(s): ASTR 100 – Argument and Inquiry or ASTR 110 – Introduction to Astronomy & Lab or ASTR 127 – Topics in Modern Astrophysics or ASTR 232 – Astrophysics I or ASTR 233 – Astrophysics II or PHYS 228 – Atomic & Nuclear Physics & Lab or PHYS 232 – Astrophysics I or PHYS 233 – Astrophysics II with a grade of C- or better.
ASTR 113.01 Fall 2024
- Faculty:Seth Kimbrell 🏫 👤
- Size:12
- Grading:S/CR/NC
- WGoodsell 104 7:00pm-10:00pm
BIOL 125 Genes, Evolution & Development & Lab 6 credits
Emphasizes the role of genetic information in biological systems. Under this theme, we cover subjects from the molecular to the population levels of organization, including genetics, structure/function of DNA, gene expression and regulation, the changing genetic makeup of species as they evolve, and the development of individual organisms from zygotes. The active learning format of this course allows time in class to apply new concepts with faculty present. Students enter Carleton from a wide variety of academic experiences and our introductory courses are designed to provide a level playing field for students regardless of previous science background.
Sophomore Priority; Two seats held for Juniors and Seniors until the first day of sophomore registration.
BIOL 125.54 Fall 2024
- Faculty:Annie Bosacker 🏫 👤 · Amanda Hund 🏫 👤 · Angel Solis 🏫 👤
- Size:20
- M, WOlin 149 11:10am-12:20pm
- THHulings 103 1:00pm-5:00pm
- FOlin 149 12:00pm-1:00pm
Sophomore Priority; Two seats held for Juniors and Seniors until the first day of sophomore registration.
Sophomore Priority.
BIOL 125.59 Fall 2024
- Faculty:Annie Bosacker 🏫 👤 · Amanda Hund 🏫 👤 · Angel Solis 🏫 👤
- Size:20
- M, WOlin 149 11:10am-12:20pm
- THHulings 103 8:00am-12:00pm
- FOlin 149 12:00pm-1:00pm
Sophomore Priority; Two seats held for Juniors and Seniors until the first day of sophomore registration.
Sophomore Priority.
BIOL 262 Ecological Physiology 6 credits
This course examines the physiological adaptations that allow species to inhabit a wide range of environments including polar regions, deserts, high alpine, the deep sea, and wave-swept coastal habitats. Emphasis will be placed on understanding how organisms cope with environmental extremes (e.g., temperature, low oxygen, pH, salinity and pressure) and in using metabolic theory to predict the ecological impacts of climate change (e.g., global warming, ocean acidification, hypoxia). Associated laboratory will emphasize experimentation and application of physiological concepts in living organisms.
Requires concurrent registration in BIOL 263
- Fall 2024
- LS, Science with Lab
Student has completed the following courses: BIOL 125 – Genes, Evolution, and Development & Lab with a grade of C- or better or received a score of 5 or better on the Biology AP exam or received a score of 6 or better on the Biology IB exam AND BIOL 126 – Energy Glow in Biological Systems & Lab with a grade of C- or better or equivalents.
- BIOL 263
BIOL 262.00 Fall 2024
- Faculty:Mike Nishizaki 🏫 👤
- Size:20
- M, WHulings 316 11:10am-12:20pm
- FHulings 316 12:00pm-1:00pm
BIOL 338 Genomics and Bioinformatics 6 credits
The advent of next-generation sequencing technology has revolutionized biology, enabling transformative breakthroughs in fields ranging from agriculture to conservation to medicine. In this course, students will gain experience with the computational and bioinformatics tools needed to analyze “big data,” including sequence searching and alignment, assembly, gene calling and annotation. Students will learn to ask and answer their own scientific questions using sequence data, and to critically assess the conclusions of other genomics and bioinformatics studies. No prior computer programming experience is required. Associated laboratory will focus on wet lab methods for DNA/RNA extraction and preparation as well as computational analysis.
Requires concurrent registration in Biology 339
- Fall 2024
- LS, Science with Lab QRE, Quantitative Reasoning
Student has completed any of the following course(s): BIOL 125 – Genes, Evolution, and Development & Lab with a grade of C- or better or received a score of 5 or better on the Biology AP exam or received a score of 6 or better on the Biology IB exam AND BIOL 126 – Energy Glow in Biological Systems & Lab with a grade of C- or better AND either BIOL 240 – Genetics or BIOL 321 – Ecosystem Ecology or BIOL 350 – Evolution with a grade of C- or better.
- BIOL 339
BIOL 338.00 Fall 2024
- Faculty:Rika Anderson 🏫 👤
- Size:20
- M, WHulings 316 9:50am-11:00am
- FHulings 316 9:40am-10:40am
CGSC 232 Cognitive Processes 6 credits
Cross-listed courses CGSC 232/PSYC 232. An introduction to the study of mental activity. Topics include attention, pattern recognition and perception, memory, concept formation, categorization, and cognitive development. Some attention to gender and individual differences in cognition, as well as cultural settings for cognitive activities. A grade of C- or better must be earned in both Psychology/Cognitive Science 232 and 233 to satisfy the LS requirement.
Requires concurrent registration in CGSC/PSYC 233
- Fall 2024
- LS, Science with Lab WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student has completed any of the following course(s): PSYC 110 – Principles of Psychology or CGSC 100 – Argument and Inquiry or CGSC 130 – Introduction to Cognitive Science with grade of C- or better or received a score of 4 or better on the Psychology AP exam or received a score of 6 or better on the Psychology IB exam.
- CGSC 233, PSYC 233
CGSC 232.01 Fall 2024
- Faculty:Kathleen Galotti 🏫 👤
- Size:24
- M, WAnderson Hall 121 9:50am-11:00am
- FAnderson Hall 121 9:40am-10:40am
CGSC 233 Laboratory in Cognitive Processes 2 credits
Cross-listed courses CGSC 233/PSYC 233. Students will participate in the replication and planning of empirical studies, collecting and analyzing data relevant to major cognitive phenomena. A grade of C- or better must be earned in both CGSC/PSYC 232 and 233 to satisfy the LS requirement.
Requires concurrent registration in PSYC 232 or CGSC 232
CHEM 113 Concepts of Chemistry and Lab 6 credits
A one-term chemistry course designed for non-science majors. In this course we examine what gives rise to three-dimensional shapes of molecules and we explore how the structure and composition of molecules gives rise to chemical reactivity. Our goal is to understand readily observable phenomena (e.g. removal of grease by soap, storage of toxins in fat tissues, cancer, viruses, etc.). Topics include those of current global interest such as anthropogenic forces on the environment and energy producing technologies. The course includes one four-hour lab per week.
- Fall 2024
- LS, Science with Lab QRE, Quantitative Reasoning
Not open to students that have taken any CHEM course EXCEPT CHEM 100 with a grade of C- or better.
CHEM 113.52 Fall 2024
- Faculty:Steven Drew 🏫 👤
- Size:20
- M, WAnderson Hall 223 11:10am-12:20pm
- TAnderson Hall 229 1:00pm-5:00pm
- FAnderson Hall 223 12:00pm-1:00pm
CHEM 123 Principles of Chemistry I & Lab 6 credits
An introduction to chemistry for students who have strong high school preparation in chemistry or who have taken Chemistry 122. Topics include the electronic structure of atoms, periodicity, molecular geometry, thermodynamics, bonding, equilibrium, reaction kinetics, and acids and bases. Each offering will also focus on a special topic(s) selected by the instructor. Students cannot receive credit for both Chemistry 123 and 124.
Placement into Chemistry 123 and 124 is determined by the Chemistry Placement Evaluation, see Chemistry Home Page for more details. Students cannot receive credit for both Chemistry 123 and 124
- Fall 2024
- LS, Science with Lab QRE, Quantitative Reasoning
Student has completed any of the following course(s): CHEM 122 – Introduction to Chemistry with a grade of C- or better or received a score of 3 or better on the Chemistry AP exam or received a score of 123 on the Carleton Chemistry Placement exam. NOT open to students who have taken CHEM 128 – Principles of Environmental Chemistry and Lab or received a score of 4 or better on the Chemistry AP exam or received a score of 5 or better on the Chemistry IB exam. CHEM 123 and CHEM 124 are equivalent courses, if you have taken one you cannot register for the other.
CHEM 123.52 Fall 2024
- Faculty:Isaac Blythe 🏫 👤
- Size:22
- M, WOlin 149 9:50am-11:00am
- TAnderson Hall 221 1:00pm-5:00pm
- FOlin 149 9:40am-10:40am
CHEM 123.57 Fall 2024
- Faculty:Isaac Blythe 🏫 👤
- Size:22
- M, WOlin 149 9:50am-11:00am
- TAnderson Hall 221 8:00am-12:00pm
- FOlin 149 9:40am-10:40am
CHEM 224 Principles of Chemistry II & Lab 6 credits
A more advanced study of several core introductory chemistry principles. This course is suitable for students with advanced placement in chemistry or students who have completed Chemistry 123, 124 or 128. Topics include coordination chemistry, advanced bonding models, spectroscopy, advanced acid/base and redox equilibria, and electrochemistry. The topics will be taught from varying perspectives using examples from biochemistry, the environment, energy, or materials chemistry. The lab will focus on developing computational, quantitative, and synthetic skills and will prepare students for more advanced laboratory work in chemistry.
- Fall 2024
- LS, Science with Lab QRE, Quantitative Reasoning
Student has completed any of the following course(s): CHEM 123 – Principles of Chemistry I, CHEM 124 – Principles of Chemistry I with Problem Solving or CHEM 128 – Principles of Environmental Chemistry with grade of C- or better or received a score of 4 or better on the Chemistry AP exam or received a score of 5 or better on the Chemistry IB exam.
CHEM 224.54 Fall 2024
- Faculty:Rachel Horness 🏫 👤
- Size:22
- M, WOlin 141 9:50am-11:00am
- THAnderson Hall 229 1:00pm-5:00pm
- FOlin 141 9:40am-10:40am
CHEM 224.59 Fall 2024
- Faculty:Rachel Horness 🏫 👤
- Size:22
- M, WOlin 141 9:50am-11:00am
- THAnderson Hall 229 8:00am-12:00pm
- FOlin 141 9:40am-10:40am
CHEM 233 Organic Chemistry I & Lab 6 credits
Theoretical aspects of carbon chemistry are examined with reference to structure-reactivity relationships, functional groups, stereochemistry, reaction mechanisms and spectroscopy. Laboratory work concentrates on modern techniques of organic chemistry, inquiry-based projects, and spectroscopic analysis. One laboratory per week.
- Fall 2024
- LS, Science with Lab QRE, Quantitative Reasoning
Student has completed any of the following course(s): CHEM 123 – Principles of Chemistry I, CHEM 124 – Principles of Chemistry I with Problem Solving or CHEM 128 – Principles of Environmental Chemistry with grade of C- or better or received a score of 4 or better on the Chemistry AP exam or received a score of 5 or better on the Chemistry IB exam.
CHEM 233.52 Fall 2024
- Faculty:Joe Chihade 🏫 👤
- Size:22
- M, WWeitz Center 235 12:30pm-1:40pm
- TAnderson Hall 321 1:00pm-5:00pm
- FWeitz Center 235 1:10pm-2:10pm
CHEM 233.54 Fall 2024
- Faculty:Gretchen Hofmeister 🏫 👤
- Size:22
- M, WAnderson Hall 323 9:50am-11:00am
- THAnderson Hall 321 1:00pm-5:00pm
- FAnderson Hall 323 9:40am-10:40am
CHEM 233.57 Fall 2024
- Faculty:Joe Chihade 🏫 👤
- Size:22
- M, WWeitz Center 235 12:30pm-1:40pm
- TAnderson Hall 321 8:00am-12:00pm
- FWeitz Center 235 1:10pm-2:10pm
CHEM 338 Computer-Assisted Experimentation for Chemists 2 credits
This laboratory introduces students to the general components that make up an instrument used for chemical analysis. These components include transducers, analog and digital electronic components, data transmission hardware, computers, and appropriate software. The specific topics to be covered are ion selective electrodes, fluorometry, analog electronics, basic data acquisition principles, serial data communication, Arduino and LabVIEW programming.
- Fall 2024
- LS, Science with Lab
Student has completed any of the following course(s): CHEM 224 – Principles of Chemistry II and Lab with a grade of C- or better.
CHEM 338.59 Fall 2024
- Faculty:Steven Drew 🏫 👤
- Size:10
- TAnderson Hall 229 8:00am-12:00pm
GEOL 110 Introduction to Geology & Lab 6 credits
An introduction to the fundamental and wondrous processes that shape the Earth. We approach learning through outdoor and laboratory problems, which are often complicated and messy, like the planet itself. Topics may include the formation of rocks, minerals, and mountains, the water cycle, plate tectonics, climate change, volcanoes, and earthquakes. One all-day weekend field trip is typically required. No previous outdoor experience or gear is needed.
Note: Movement between sections is not possible, if sections fill during registration, seats that open are filled from that waitlist first.
- Fall 2024
- LS, Science with Lab
Not open to students who have taken another 100-level Geology course.
GEOL 110.53 Fall 2024
- Faculty:Cameron Davidson 🏫 👤
- Size:18
- M, WAnderson Hall 129 9:50am-11:00am
- WAnderson Hall 129 2:00pm-6:00pm
- FAnderson Hall 129 9:40am-10:40am
Note: Movement between sections is not possible, if sections fill during registration, seats that open are filled from that waitlist first. Sophomore Priority
Sophomore Priority.
GEOL 110.54 Fall 2024
- Faculty:Cameron Davidson 🏫 👤
- Size:18
- M, WAnderson Hall 129 9:50am-11:00am
- THAnderson Hall 129 1:00pm-5:00pm
- FAnderson Hall 129 9:40am-10:40am
GEOL 125 Introduction to Field Geology & Lab 6 credits
This course introduces fundamental principles of geology and geological reasoning using the geology of southern Minnesota as a guide. Weather permitting, much of the classroom and lab time will be spent outdoors at nearby sites of geological interest. Using field observations, descriptions, data-gathering and interpretation, supplemented by lab work and critical reading, students will piece together the most important elements of the long and complex geologic history of southern Minnesota. Field trips, including one or two all-day weekend trips, and laboratories included.
Extra time, weekend field trips.
- Fall 2024
- LS, Science with Lab QRE, Quantitative Reasoning
Not open to students who have taken another 100-level Geology course.
GEOL 125.52 Fall 2024
- Faculty:Clint Cowan 🏫 👤
- Size:12
- TAnderson Hall 129 1:00pm-5:00pm
- T, THAnderson Hall 129 10:10am-11:55am
GEOL 125.54 Fall 2024
- Faculty:Clint Cowan 🏫 👤
- Size:12
- T, THAnderson Hall 129 10:10am-11:55am
- THAnderson Hall 149 1:00pm-5:00pm
GEOL 220 Tectonics and Lab 6 credits
This course focuses on understanding the plate tectonics paradigm and its application to all types of plate boundaries. We will explore the historical development of the paradigm, geophysical tools used for imaging the structure of the Earth and determining plate motions, and possible driving mechanisms of this global system. Students will independently explore a particular tectonic plate in detail throughout the term. Laboratories included.
- Fall 2024
- LS, Science with Lab WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student has completed any of the following course(s): One 100-Level GEOL course with grade of C- or better.
GEOL 220.53 Fall 2024
- Faculty:Sarah Titus 🏫 👤
- Size:12
- WAnderson Hall 123 2:00pm-6:00pm
- T, THAnderson Hall 123 10:10am-11:55am
Sophomore Priority, Extra time
Sophomore Priority.
GEOL 220.54 Fall 2024
- Faculty:Sarah Titus 🏫 👤
- Size:12
- T, THAnderson Hall 123 10:10am-11:55am
- THAnderson Hall 123 1:00pm-5:00pm
GEOL 358 Soils and Lab 6 credits
The study of soil formation including the physical, chemical, and biological properties of soils especially as related to land use and climate. Laboratories and field trips will include how to describe and interpret soils.
- Fall 2024
- LS, Science with Lab
Student has completed any of the following course(s): Two 200 level GEOL courses with grade of C- or better.
GEOL 358.51 Fall 2024
- Faculty:Dan Maxbauer 🏫 👤
- Size:18
- MAnderson Hall 123 1:00pm-5:00pm
- M, WAnderson Hall 123 9:50am-11:00am
- FAnderson Hall 123 9:40am-10:40am
GEOL 370 Geochemistry of Natural Waters & Lab 6 credits
The main goal of this course is to introduce and tie together the several diverse disciplines that must be brought to bear on hydrogeochemical problems today. This course will explore: principles of geochemistry, applications of chemical thermodynamics to geologic problems, mineral solubility, stability diagrams, chemical aspects of sedimentary rocks, geochemical tracers, radiogenic isotopes and principles of stable isotope fractionation. Laboratories included.
- Fall 2024
- LS, Science with Lab QRE, Quantitative Reasoning WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student has completed any of the following course(s): Chemistry 123 – Principles of Chemistry with a grade of C- or better or received a score of 4 or better on the Chemistry AP exam or received a score of 5 or better on the Chemistry IB exam.
GEOL 370.53 Fall 2024
- Faculty:Bereket Haileab 🏫 👤
- Size:18
- M, WAnderson Hall 123 8:30am-9:40am
- FAnderson Hall 123 8:30am-9:30am
NEUR 127 Foundations in Neuroscience and Lab 6 credits
This course is an introduction to basic neural function. Topics include neural transmission, development of the nervous system, anatomy, sensory systems, learning and the corresponding change in the brain, and the role of the nervous system in behavior. Team-based learning will be used to understand the experiments that shape current knowledge.
NEUR 127.52 Fall 2024
- Faculty:Sarah Meerts 🏫 👤
- Size:16
- THulings B04 1:00pm-5:00pm
- T, THAnderson Hall 036 10:10am-11:55am
NEUR 127.53 Fall 2024
- Faculty:Sarah Meerts 🏫 👤
- Size:16
- WHulings B04 2:00pm-6:00pm
- T, THAnderson Hall 036 10:10am-11:55am
PHYS 131 Introduction to Physics: Newtonian Mechanics and Lab 3 credits
A traditional introduction to classical mechanics using the Newtonian worldview. The kinematics and dynamics of some simple systems are investigated using Newton’s laws, vector analysis, and the conservation laws of momentum and energy. Comfort with algebra and the integration and differentiation of elementary functions is assumed. Weekly laboratory work.
1st 5 Weeks
- Fall 2024
- LS, Science with Lab QRE, Quantitative Reasoning
Student has completed or in the process of completing any of the following course(s): MATH 101 – Calculus with Problem Solving or MATH 111 – Introduction to Calculus or equivalents or greater or has received a score of 4 or better on the Calculus AB AP exam or has received a score of 4 or better on the Calculus BC AP exam or has received a score of 5 or better on the Calculus IB exam or equivalent AND has NOT taken PHYS 142 – Matter and Interactions and Lab, PHYS 143 – Physical Systems: Mechanics and Relativity and Lab, PHYS 144 – Astrophysical Systems: Mechanics and Relativity and Lab or PHYS 145 – Mechanics and Waves and Lab.
PHYS 131.52 Fall 2024
- Faculty:Seth Kimbrell 🏫 👤
- Size:24
- M, WAnderson Hall 036 11:10am-12:20pm
- TAnderson Hall 021 1:00pm-5:00pm
- FAnderson Hall 036 12:00pm-1:00pm
PHYS 131.59 Fall 2024
- Faculty:Chris West 🏫 👤 · Seth Kimbrell 🏫 👤
- Size:24
- M, WAnderson Hall 036 11:10am-12:20pm
- THAnderson Hall 021 8:00am-12:00pm
- FAnderson Hall 036 12:00pm-1:00pm
PHYS 151 Introduction to Physics: Relativity and Particles and Lab 3 credits
An introduction to principles of physics in the realm of the very small and very fast. The course provides an introduction to special relativity where time and space are intertwined and explores the motion of objects whose speeds approach the speed of light. Comfort with algebra and the integration and differentiation of elementary functions is assumed. Weekly laboratory work.
2nd 5 weeks
- Fall 2024
- LS, Science with Lab QRE, Quantitative Reasoning
Student has completed or in the process of completing any of the following course(s): MATH 101 – Calculus with Problem Solving or MATH 111 – Introduction to Calculus or greater or better or received a score of 4 or better on the Calculus AB AP exam or received a score of 4 or better on the Calculus BC AP exam or received a score of 5 or better on the Calculus IB exam or equivalent AND PHYS 131 – Introduction to Physics: Newtonian Mechanics and Lab AND has NOT taken PHYS 142 – Matter and Interactions and Lab or PHYS 143 – Physical Systems: Mechanics and Relativity and Lab or PHYS 144 – Astrophysical Systems: Mechanics and Relativity and Lab.
PHYS 151.59 Fall 2024
- Faculty:Chris West 🏫 👤
- Size:24
- M, WAnderson Hall 036 11:10am-12:20pm
- THAnderson Hall 021 8:00am-12:00pm
- FAnderson Hall 036 12:00pm-1:00pm
PHYS 152 Introduction to Physics: Environmental Physics and Lab 3 credits
An introduction to principles of physics and their application to the environment. Topics include energy and its flows, engines, energy efficiency, energy usage and conservation in vehicles and buildings, the atmosphere, and climate change. Comfort with algebra and the integration and differentiation of elementary functions is assumed. Weekly laboratory work or field trips.
2nd 5 weeks
- Fall 2024
- LS, Science with Lab QRE, Quantitative Reasoning
Student has completed or is in the process of completing any of the following course(s): MATH 101 – Calculus with Problem Solving or MATH 111 – Introduction to Calculus or greater or received a score of 4 or better on the Calculus AB AP exam or received a score of 4 or better on the Calculus BC AP exam or received a score of 5 or better on the Calculus IB exam AND PHYS 131 – Introduction to Physics: Newtonian Mechanics and Lab OR has completed PHYS 142 – Matter and Interactions and Lab, PHYS 143 – Physical Systems: Mechanics and Relativity and Lab, PHYS 144 – Astrophysical Systems: Mechanics and Relativity and Lab or PHYS 145 – Mechanics and Waves and Lab with grade of C- or better.
PHYS 152.52 Fall 2024
- Faculty:Seth Kimbrell 🏫 👤
- Size:24
- M, WAnderson Hall 323 11:10am-12:20pm
- TAnderson Hall 021 1:00pm-5:00pm
- FAnderson Hall 323 12:00pm-1:00pm
PHYS 228 Atomic and Nuclear Physics and Lab 6 credits
An introduction to quantum mechanics and select applications that explore physics in the realm of the very small world or atoms and nuclei. Topics include wave-like and particle-like behavior of both light and matter, behavior of particles in confined spaces, material properties of solids, radioactive decay, and experimental techniques and instrumentation for exploring these optical, atomic, and nuclear processes. One laboratory per week.
- Fall 2024
- LS, Science with Lab QRE, Quantitative Reasoning
Student has completed any of the following course(s): Math 120 – Calculus 2 or greater with a grade of C- or better or received a score of 4 or better on the Calculus BC AP exam or equivalent AND the student has completed any of the following course(s): PHYS 142 – Matter and Interactions and Lab, PHYS 143 – Physical Systems or PHYS 144 Astrophysical Systems or PHYS 151 – Introduction to Physics: Relativity and Particles and Lab with a grade of C- or better.
PHYS 228.52 Fall 2024
- Faculty:Barry Costanzi 🏫 👤
- Size:12
- M, WAnderson Hall 036 12:30pm-1:40pm
- TAnderson Hall 035 1:00pm-5:00pm
- FAnderson Hall 036 1:10pm-2:10pm
PHYS 228.54 Fall 2024
- Faculty:Barry Costanzi 🏫 👤 · Jay Tasson 🏫 👤
- Size:12
- M, WAnderson Hall 036 12:30pm-1:40pm
- THAnderson Hall 035 1:00pm-5:00pm
- FAnderson Hall 036 1:10pm-2:10pm
PHYS 228.59 Fall 2024
- Faculty:Barry Costanzi 🏫 👤
- Size:12
- M, WAnderson Hall 036 12:30pm-1:40pm
- THAnderson Hall 035 8:00am-12:00pm
- FAnderson Hall 036 1:10pm-2:10pm
PHYS 345 Advanced Optics 2 credits
This is a laboratory course that will serve as a follow-up to Physics 344, Classical and Quantum Optics. Students will conduct a number of experiments pertaining to optical phenomena. The experiments will display effects pertaining to classical, quantum, and non-linear optics. The lab will take place once a week for four hours each session.
PHYS 345.00 Fall 2024
- Faculty:Marty Baylor 🏫 👤
- Size:12
- TAnderson Hall 034 1:00pm-5:00pm
PSYC 232 Cognitive Processes 6 credits
Cross-listed courses CGSC 232/PSYC 232. An introduction to the study of mental activity. Topics include attention, pattern recognition and perception, memory, concept formation, categorization, and cognitive development. Some attention to gender and individual differences in cognition, as well as cultural settings for cognitive activities. A grade of C- or better must be earned in both Psychology/Cognitive Science 232 and 233 to satisfy the LS requirement.
Requires concurrent registration in CGSC/PSYC 233
- Fall 2024
- LS, Science with Lab WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student has completed any of the following course(s): PSYC 110 – Principles of Psychology or CGSC 100 – Argument and Inquiry or CGSC 130 – Introduction to Cognitive Science with grade of C- or better or received a score of 4 or better on the Psychology AP exam or received a score of 6 or better on the Psychology IB exam.
- CGSC 233, PSYC 233
PSYC 232.01 Fall 2024
- Faculty:Kathleen Galotti 🏫 👤
- Size:24
- M, WAnderson Hall 121 9:50am-11:00am
- FAnderson Hall 121 9:40am-10:40am
PSYC 233 Laboratory in Cognitive Processes 2 credits
Cross-listed courses CGSC 233/PSYC 233. Students will participate in the replication and planning of empirical studies, collecting and analyzing data relevant to major cognitive phenomena. A grade of C- or better must be earned in both CGSC/PSYC 232 and 233 to satisfy the LS requirement.
Requires concurrent registration in PSYC 232 or CGSC 232
PSYC 234 Psychology of Language 6 credits
This course will cover a range of aspects of language use. We will spend time discussing language production and comprehension, discourse processing, the relationship between language and thought, and language acquisition. Additionally, we will touch on issues of memory, perception, concepts, mental representation, and neuroscience. Throughout the course, we will emphasize both the individual and social aspects of language as well as the dynamic and fluid nature of language use. Concurrent registration in PSYC 235 is optional, but strongly recommended. A grade of C- or better must be earned in both Psychology 234 and 235 to satisfy the LS requirement.
Concurrent registration in PSYC 235 is optional but strongly recommended.
- Fall 2024
- CX, Cultural/Linguistics LS, Science with Lab
Student has completed any of the following course(s): PSYC 110 – Principles of Psychology with a grade of C- or better or received a score of 4 or better on the Psychology AP exam or received a score of 6 or better on the Psychology IB exam.
PSYC 234.00 Fall 2024
- Faculty:Mija Van Der Wege 🏫 👤
- Size:32
- M, WWeitz Center 235 11:10am-12:20pm
- FWeitz Center 235 12:00pm-1:00pm
PSYC 235 Psychology of Language Laboratory 2 credits
This laboratory experience will expose students to a variety of methodologies employed by researchers interested in studying language. Throughout the term, students will both participate in experiments and conduct experiments. We will spend time discussing and performing typical analyses. Finally, students will be expected to become proficient in writing their experimental work in APA format and in presenting their research ideas in an oral format. A grade of C- or better must be earned in both Psychology 234 and 235 to satisfy the LS requirement.
Requires concurrent registration in PSYC 234
PSYC 260 Health Psychology 6 credits
This course will examine how psychological principles can be employed to promote and maintain health, prevent and treat illness, and encourage adherence to disease treatment regimens. Within a biopsychosocial framework, we will analyze behavioral patterns and public policies that influence risk for cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic pain, substance abuse, and sexually transmitted diseases, among other conditions. Additionally, students in groups will critically examine the effects of local policies on health outcomes and propose policy changes supported by theory and research. A grade of C- or better must be earned in both Psychology 260 and 261 to satisfy the LS requirement.
- Fall 2024
- LS, Science with Lab QRE, Quantitative Reasoning
Student has completed any of the following course(s): PSYC 110 – Principles of Psychology with a grade of C- or better or received a score of 4 or better on the Psychology AP exam or received a score of 6 or better on the Psychology IB exam.
PSYC 260.00 Fall 2024
- Faculty:Gisel Flores-Montoya 🏫 👤
- Size:32
- M, WAnderson Hall 121 12:30pm-1:40pm
- FAnderson Hall 121 1:10pm-2:10pm
PSYC 261 Health Psychology Lab 2 credits
This course provides students with direct experience applying principles of health psychology. Students will engage in a term-long self-directed project aimed at increasing the frequency of a healthy behavior (such as exercising) or decreasing the frequency of an unhealthy behavior (such as smoking). Additionally, we will read and discuss case studies that relate to the current topic in the lecture portion of the course. A grade of C- or better must be earned in both Psychology 260 and 261 to satisfy the LS requirement.
Requires concurrent registration in Psychology 260.
PSYC 368 Neuropsychology of Aging Lab Practicum 2 credits
This lab practicum allows students registered in either Psychology 367 Neuropsychology of Aging or Sociology/Anthropology 252 Growing Up in an Aging Society to gain experience in studies of aging and physiological measures used in testing cognition. The practicum provides hand-on work; in the lab students learn to collect EEG on themselves and peers so that there is a deeper understanding of the data collected and expressed in published works with aging cohorts, and in weekly field trips, students will be able to join in games and social time with elderly clients at the local convalescent centers. Students will express ideas for research or programs for elderly clients from these experiences.
- Fall 2024
- LS, Science with Lab
Student has completed or is in the process of completing any of the following course(s): PSYC 367 – Neuropsychology of Aging or SOAN 252 – Growing Up in an Aging Society with grade of C- or better.
PSYC 368.01 Fall 2024
- Faculty:Julie Neiworth 🏫 👤
- Size:10
- THulings B12 2:00pm-5:00pm
PSYC 368.02 Fall 2024
- Faculty:Julie Neiworth 🏫 👤
- Size:10
- THHulings B12 2:00pm-5:00pm