Search Results
Your search for courses · during 23FA · meeting requirements for Formal or Statistical Reasoning · returned 30 results
CS 111 Introduction to Computer Science 6 credits
This course will introduce you to computer programming and the design of algorithms. By writing programs to solve problems in areas such as image processing, text processing, and simple games, you will learn about recursive and iterative algorithms, complexity analysis, graphics, data representation, software engineering, and object-oriented design. No previous programming experience is necessary. Students who have received credit for Computer Science 201 or above are not eligible to enroll in Computer Science 111.
CS 201 Data Structures 6 credits
Think back to your favorite assignment from Introduction to Computer Science. Did you ever get the feeling that “there has to be a better/smarter way to do this problem”? The Data Structures course is all about how to store information intelligently and access it efficiently. How can Google take your query, compare it to billions of web pages, and return the answer in less than one second? How can one store information so as to balance the competing needs for fast data retrieval and fast data modification? To help us answer questions like these, we will analyze and implement stacks, queues, trees, linked lists, graphs, and hash tables. Students who have received credit for a course for which Computer Science 201 is a prerequisite are not eligible to enroll in Computer Science 201.
- Fall 2023
- Formal or Statistical Reasoning Quantitative Reasoning Encounter
- Computer Science 111 or instructor permission
CS 201.02 Fall 2023
- Faculty:Eric Alexander 🏫 👤
- Size:34
- M, WAnderson Hall 329 9:50am-11:00am
- FAnderson Hall 329 9:40am-10:40am
- Sophomore Priority
Sophomore Priority.
CS 202 Mathematics of Computer Science 6 credits
This course introduces some of the formal tools of computer science, using a variety of applications as a vehicle. You’ll learn how to encode data so that when you scratch the back of a DVD, it still plays just fine; how to distribute “shares” of your floor’s PIN so that any five of you can withdraw money from the floor bank account (but no four of you can); how to play chess; and more. Topics that we’ll explore along the way include: logic and proofs, number theory, elementary complexity theory and recurrence relations, basic probability, counting techniques, and graphs.
- Fall 2023
- Formal or Statistical Reasoning
- Computer Science 111 and Mathematics 111 or instructor permission
CS 202.00 Fall 2023
- Faculty:Sneha Narayan 🏫 👤
- Size:34
- M, WAnderson Hall 329 11:10am-12:20pm
- FAnderson Hall 329 12:00pm-1:00pm
CS 208 Introduction to Computer Systems 6 credits
Are you curious what’s really going on when a computer runs your code? In this course we will demystify the machine and the tools that we use to program it. Our broad survey of how computer systems execute programs, store information, and communicate will focus on the hardware/software interface, including data representation, instruction set architecture, the C programming language, memory management, and the operating system process model.
- Fall 2023
- Formal or Statistical Reasoning
- Computer Science 200 or 201 or instructor permission
CS 208.00 Fall 2023
- Faculty:Tanya Amert 🏫 👤
- Size:34
- M, WLanguage & Dining Center 104 12:30pm-1:40pm
- FLanguage & Dining Center 104 1:10pm-2:10pm
CS 208.02 Fall 2023
- Faculty:Jeff Ondich 🏫 👤
- Size:34
- M, WLeighton 402 11:10am-12:20pm
- FLeighton 402 12:00pm-1:00pm
CS 232 Art, Interactivity, and Microcontrollers 6 credits
In this hands-on course, taught (in an art studio) by a sculpture professor and computer science professor, we’ll explore and create interactive three dimensional art. Using basic construction techniques, microprocessors, and programming, this class brings together sculpture, engineering, computer science, and aesthetic design. Students will engage the nuts and bolts of fabrication, learn to program microcontrollers, and study the design of interactive constructions. Collaborative labs and individual projects will culminate in a campus-wide exhibition. No prior building experience is required.
Extra time required
- Fall 2023
- Formal or Statistical Reasoning
- Computer Science 111
CS 232.00 Fall 2023
- Faculty:David Musicant 🏫 👤 · Stephen Mohring 🏫 👤
- Size:12
- T, THBoliou 160 9:00am-11:30am
CS 251 Programming Languages: Design and Implementation 6 credits
What makes a programming language like “Python” or like “Java”? This course will look past superficial properties (like indentation) and into the soul of programming languages. We will explore a variety of topics in programming language construction and design: syntax and semantics, mechanisms for parameter passing, typing, scoping, and control structures. Students will expand their programming experience to include other programming paradigms, including functional languages like Scheme and ML.
- Fall 2023
- Formal or Statistical Reasoning
- Computer Science 200, 201 or instructor permission
CS 251.00 Fall 2023
- Faculty:David Musicant 🏫 👤
- Size:34
- M, WAnderson Hall 329 1:50pm-3:00pm
- FAnderson Hall 329 2:20pm-3:20pm
CS 252 Algorithms 6 credits
A course on techniques used in the design and analysis of efficient algorithms. We will cover several major algorithmic design paradigms (greedy algorithms, dynamic programming, divide and conquer, and network flow). Along the way, we will explore the application of these techniques to a variety of domains (natural language processing, economics, computational biology, and data mining, for example). As time permits, we will include supplementary topics like randomized algorithms, advanced data structures, and amortized analysis.
- Fall 2023
- Formal or Statistical Reasoning
- Computer Science 200 or 201 and Computer Science 202 (Mathematics 236 will be accepted in lieu of Computer Science 202)
CS 257 Software Design 6 credits
It’s easy to write a mediocre computer program, and lots of people do it. Good programs are quite a bit harder to write, and are correspondingly less common. In this course, we will study techniques, tools, and habits that will improve your chances of writing good software. While working on several medium-sized programming projects, we will investigate code construction techniques, debugging and profiling tools, testing methodologies, UML, principles of object-oriented design, design patterns, and user interface design.
- Fall 2023
- Formal or Statistical Reasoning
- Computer Science 200 or 201 or instructor permission
CS 320 Machine Learning 6 credits
What does it mean for a machine to learn? Much of modern machine learning focuses on identifying patterns in large datasets and using these patterns to make predictions about the future. Machine learning has impacted a diverse array of applications and fields, from scientific discovery to healthcare to education. In this artificial intelligence-related course, we’ll both explore a variety of machine learning algorithms in different application areas, taking both theoretical and practical perspectives, and discuss impacts and ethical implications of machine learning more broadly. Topics may vary, but typically focus on regression and classification algorithms, including neural networks.
- Fall 2023
- Formal or Statistical Reasoning
- Computer Science 200 or 201 and Computer Science 202 (Mathematics 236 will be accepted in lieu of Computer Science 202)
CS 320.00 Fall 2023
- Faculty:Anna Rafferty 🏫 👤
- Size:34
- M, WLanguage & Dining Center 104 9:50am-11:00am
- FLanguage & Dining Center 104 9:40am-10:40am
CS 338 Computer Security 6 credits
When hackers can disable gas pipelines, national hospital systems, and electrical grids, and data brokers can create a largely unregulated world-wide surveillance system, there’s a clear need for people who understand the mechanisms of computer security and insecurity. Towards that end, in this course we will study technical and social aspects of computer and network security. Topics will include threat modeling, cryptography, secure network protocols, web security, ethical hacking and penetration testing, authentication, authorization, historical hacking incidents, usability, privacy, and security-related law.
- Fall 2023
- Formal or Statistical Reasoning
- Computer Science 201
CS 338.00 Fall 2023
- Faculty:Jeff Ondich 🏫 👤
- Size:34
- M, WAnderson Hall 036 8:30am-9:40am
- FAnderson Hall 036 8:30am-9:30am
CS 347 Advanced Software Design 6 credits
This course helps students to strengthen their ability to design modular, extensible and maintainable software. The focus of the course is on the design of modern cloud applications. Students will learn how to decompose complex applications into a set of back-end services, develop and debug these services, and deploy them in the cloud. This class is structured around a large project that will be extended over the course of the term.
- Fall 2023
- Formal or Statistical Reasoning
- Computer Science 257
CS 347.00 Fall 2023
- Faculty: Staff
- Size:34
- M, WLeighton 305 9:50am-11:00am
- FLeighton 305 9:40am-10:40am
ENTS 232 Research Methods in Environmental Studies 3 credits
This course covers various methodologies that are used to prosecute interdisciplinary academic research relating to the environment. Among the topics covered are: identification of a research question, methods of analysis, hypothesis testing, and effective rhetorical methods, both oral and written.
ENTS 232.00 Fall 2023
- Faculty:Tsegaye Nega 🏫 👤
- Size:25
- TWillis 203 8:15am-10:00am
LING 115 Introduction to the Theory of Syntax 6 credits
This course is organized to enable the student to actively participate in the construction of a rather elaborate theory of the nature of human cognitive capacity to acquire and use natural languages. In particular, we concentrate on one aspect of that capacity: the unconscious acquisition of a grammar that enables a speaker of a language to produce and recognize sentences that have not been previously encountered. In the first part of the course, we concentrate on gathering notation and terminology intended to allow an explicit and manageable description. In the second part, we depend on written and oral student contributions in a cooperative enterprise of theory construction.
- Fall 2023
- Formal or Statistical Reasoning
LING 115.00 Fall 2023
- Faculty:Catherine Fortin 🏫 👤
- Size:20
- M, WWeitz Center 233 11:10am-12:20pm
- FWeitz Center 233 12:00pm-1:00pm
LING 217 Phonetics and Phonology 6 credits
Although no two utterances are ever exactly the same, we humans don’t function like tape recorders; we overlook distinctions to which mechanical recording devices are sensitive, and we “hear” contrasts which are objectively not there. What we (think we) hear is determined by the sound system of the language we speak. This course examines the sound systems of human languages, focusing on how speech sounds are produced and perceived, and how these units come to be organized into a systematic network in the minds of speakers of languages.
- Fall 2023
- Formal or Statistical Reasoning
- 100-level Linguistics course
LING 217.00 Fall 2023
- Faculty: Staff
- Size:25
- M, WWillis 114 1:50pm-3:00pm
- FWillis 114 2:20pm-3:20pm
LING 399 Senior Thesis 3 credits
- Fall 2023
- Formal or Statistical Reasoning
MATH 101 Calculus with Problem Solving 6 credits
An introduction to the central ideas of calculus with review and practice of those skills needed for the continued study of calculus. Problem solving strategies will be emphasized. In addition to regular MWF class time, students will be expected to attend two problem-solving sessions each week, one on Monday or Tuesday, and one on Wednesday or Thursday. Details will be provided on the first day of class.
- Fall 2023
- Formal or Statistical Reasoning
- Not open to students who have received credit for Mathematics 111.
MATH 111 Introduction to Calculus 6 credits
An introduction to the differential and integral calculus. Derivatives, antiderivatives, the definite integral, applications, and the fundamental theorem of calculus.
- Fall 2023
- Formal or Statistical Reasoning
- Requires placement via the Calculus Placement Exam 1, see Mathematics web page. Not open to students who have received credit for Mathematics 101.
MATH 120 Calculus 2 6 credits
Inverse functions, integration by parts, improper integrals, modeling with differential equations, vectors, calculus of functions of two independent variables including directional derivatives and double integrals, Lagrange multipliers.
- Fall 2023
- Formal or Statistical Reasoning
- Mathematics 101, 111, score of 4 or 5 on Calculus AB Exam or placement via a Carleton placement exam. Not open to students who have received credit for Mathematics 211 or have a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Calculus BC exam
MATH 211 Introduction to Multivariable Calculus 6 credits
Vectors, curves, partial derivatives, gradient, multiple and iterated integrals, line integrals, Green’s theorem.
- Fall 2023
- Formal or Statistical Reasoning
- Score of 4 or 5 on the AP Calculus BC exam, or placement via Calculus Placement Exam #3
MATH 232 Linear Algebra 6 credits
Linear algebra centers on the study of highly structured functions called linear transformations. Given the abundance of nonlinear functions in mathematics, it may come as a surprise that restricting to linear ones opens the door to a rich and powerful theory that finds applications throughout mathematics, statistics, computer science, and the natural and social sciences. Linear transformations are everywhere, once we know what to look for. They appear in calculus as the functions that are used to define lines and planes in Euclidean space. In fact, differentiation is also a linear transformation that takes one function to another. The course focuses on developing geometric intuition as well as computational matrix methods. Topics include kernel and image of a linear transformation, vector spaces, determinants, eigenvectors and eigenvalues.
- Fall 2023
- Formal or Statistical Reasoning
- Mathematics 120 or Mathematics 211
MATH 236 Mathematical Structures 6 credits
Basic concepts and techniques used throughout mathematics. Topics include logic, mathematical induction and other methods of proof, problem solving, sets, cardinality, equivalence relations, functions and relations, and the axiom of choice. Other topics may include: algebraic structures, graph theory, and basic combinatorics.
- Fall 2023
- Formal or Statistical Reasoning
- Mathematics 232 and either Mathematics 210 or Mathematics 211
MATH 240 Probability 6 credits
Introduction to probability and its applications. Topics include discrete probability, random variables, independence, joint and conditional distributions, expectation, limit laws and properties of common probability distributions.
- Fall 2023
- Formal or Statistical Reasoning
- Mathematics 120 or Mathematics 211
MATH 244 Geometries 6 credits
Euclidean geometry from an advanced perspective; projective, hyperbolic, inversive, and/or other geometries. Recommended for prospective secondary school teachers.
- Fall 2023
- Formal or Statistical Reasoning
- Mathematics 236
MATH 321 Real Analysis I 6 credits
A systematic study of concepts basic to calculus, such as topology of the real numbers, limits, differentiation, integration, convergence of sequences, and series of functions.
- Fall 2023
- Formal or Statistical Reasoning
- math.236 or math.236p
MATH 332 Advanced Linear Algebra 6 credits
Selected topics beyond the material of Mathematics 232. Topics may include the Cayley-Hamilton theorem, the spectral theorem, factorizations, canonical forms, determinant functions, estimation of eigenvalues, inner product spaces, dual vector spaces, unitary and Hermitian matrices, operators, infinite-dimensional spaces, and various applications.
- Fall 2023
- Formal or Statistical Reasoning
- Mathematics 236 or instructor permission
STAT 120 Introduction to Statistics 6 credits
Introduction to statistics and data analysis. Practical aspects of statistics, including extensive use of the statistical software R, interpretation and communication of results, will be emphasized. Topics include: exploratory data analysis, correlation and linear regression, design of experiments, basic probability, the normal distribution, randomization approach to inference, sampling distributions, estimation, hypothesis testing, and two-way tables. Students who have taken Mathematics 211 are encouraged to consider the more advanced Mathematics 240/Statistics 250 Probability/Statistical Inference sequence.
- Fall 2023
- Formal or Statistical Reasoning Quantitative Reasoning Encounter
- Not open to students who have already received credit for Psychology 200/201, Sociology/Anthropology 239 or Statistics 250
STAT 220 Introduction to Data Science 6 credits
This course will cover the computational side of data analysis, including data acquisition, management, and visualization tools. Topics may include: data scraping, data wrangling, data visualization using packages such as ggplots, interactive graphics using tools such as Shiny, supervised and unsupervised classification methods, and understanding and visualizing spatial data. We will use the statistics software R in this course.
- Fall 2023
- Formal or Statistical Reasoning Quantitative Reasoning Encounter
- Statistics 120, Statistics 230 or Statistics 250
STAT 230 Applied Regression Analysis 6 credits
A second course in statistics covering simple linear regression, multiple regression and ANOVA, and logistic regression. Exploratory graphical methods, model building and model checking techniques will be emphasized with extensive use of statistical software to analyze real-life data.
- Fall 2023
- Formal or Statistical Reasoning Quantitative Reasoning Encounter
- Statistics 120, Statistics 250, Psychology 200, or AP Statistics Exam score of 4 or 5.
STAT 285 Statistical Consulting 2 credits
Students will apply their statistical knowledge by analyzing data problems solicited from the Northfield community. Students will also learn basic consulting skills, including communication and ethics.
All interested students are encouraged to add to the waitlist and the instructor will reach out after registration. This course is repeatable, but if the instructor cannot admit every student on the waitlist, priority will be given first to Statistics majors who have not previously taken the course and then to other students who have not taken the course.
- Fall 2023
- Formal or Statistical Reasoning Quantitative Reasoning Encounter
- Statistics 230 and instructor permission
STAT 320 Time Series Analysis 6 credits
Models and methods for characterizing dependence in data that are ordered in time. Emphasis on univariate, quantitative data observed over evenly spaced intervals. Topics include perspectives from both the time domain (e.g., autoregressive and moving average models, and their extensions) and the frequency domain (e.g., periodogram smoothing and parametric models for the spectral density).
- Fall 2023
- Formal or Statistical Reasoning Quantitative Reasoning Encounter
- Statistics 230 and 250. Exposure to matrix algebra may be helpful but is not required