Search Results
Your search for courses · during 24WI · taught by rcarlson · returned 4 results
PE 290 Sport and Globalization in London and Seville Program: Directed Reading and Volunteer Coaching Project 2 credits
Prior to departure students will read selected works that highlight the sporting and cultural history of Great Britain and Spain. Understanding of these readings will be evaluated through discussion and written work in London and Seville. Students will also complete two short projects to prepare for observing, coaching, and examining sport abroad.
Requires participation in OCS Program: Sport and Globalization in London and Seville
- Winter 2024
PE 338 Sport and Globalization in London and Seville Program: Global Athletics 6 credits
With their rich history and current success, English and Spanish sport will serve as a framework to examine the emergence of contemporary athletics and current issues facing participants, coaches, administrators, and spectators. The course will explore the world of sport and specifically football (soccer) from a generalist perspective. London and Seville will provide rich and unique opportunities to learn how sport and society intersect. With classroom activities, site visits, field trips to matches, museums, and stadiums students will examine sport from an historical and cultural perspective while keeping in mind how our globalized world impacts sport. Lastly, we will seek to understand ways athletics can break down barriers and create understanding between others.
Requires participation in OCS Program: Sport and Globalization in London and Seville
- Winter 2024
- International Studies
PE 340 Sport and Globalization in London and Seville Program: Introductory Coaching Practicum 4 credits
Designed for students who may or may not have any previous playing or coaching experience, this course will cover introductory methods of coaching and teaching young athletes. Specifically, students will practice methods of teaching skills, structure, and strategies of team-oriented sports. Emphasis will be placed on understanding the coaching profession at different levels, developing coaching skills and creating a philosophy of coaching in a cross-cultural setting.
Requires participation in OCS Program: Sport and Globalization in London and Seville
- Winter 2024
POSC 238 Sport and Globalization in London and Seville Program: Globalization and Development: Lessons from Int’l Football 6 credits
This course uses international football (soccer) as a lens to analyze topics in globalization, such as immigration and labor, inequality, foreign investment, trade in services, and intellectual property. Students will be presented with key debates in these areas and then use cases from international football as illustrations. Focusing on the two wealthiest leagues in Europe, the English Premier League and the Spanish Liga, students will address key issues in the study of globalization and development, and in doing so enhance their understanding of the world, sports, and sport’s place in the world.
Requires participation in OCS Program: Sport and Globalization in London and Seville
- Winter 2024
- International Studies Social Inquiry