Posts tagged with “Video” (All posts)

You Have Made Us Very Proud

13 June 2020

A video message for Sergio Demara from J. Wickey.

J. Wickey

So Excited For Your Future

13 June 2020

A video message to Olivia Powell from Dolores Powell and Family

A family records a video

You Have Made It

12 June 2020

A video message to Cruz Morales from Raul Raymundo ’87

Raul Raymundo ’87


12 June 2020

A video message to Joey Cook-Gallardo from Saturnina Quintana

Grandmother recording a video message

Home Away from Home

12 June 2020

A video message to Spencer Hamilton and the Class of 2020 from Matt and Dawn Hamilton

Matt and Dawn Hamilton

You Have a Great Future

12 June 2020

A video message to Joey Cook-Gallardo from Sandra Gallardo-Cook

Mother records a video

Proud of Who You’ve Become

12 June 2020

A video message to Luke Westawker from Robb and Tina Westawker

parents record a video


12 June 2020

A video message to the Class of 2020 from Betsy Apel

girl in a room

Take Pride in How Far You’ve Come

12 June 2020

A video message to Matthew Pan from Wen Zhang and Lingyu Pan

Matthew Pan

Love You, Sweet Girl!

12 June 2020

A video message to Danielle Lewis from Menia & nephews

mother & son record a video

You Did Not Take the Easy Road

12 June 2020

A video message to Noah Marcel from Tom Marcel

Dad records a video

Congratulations, Class of 2020!

12 June 2020

A video message to the Class of 2020 from Frances Homans & Family

happy family

So Proud of All Your Achievements

12 June 2020

A video message to Eric Meyer from his parents

Parents record a video message

You’re Wise Beyond Your Years

12 June 2020

A video message toJonathan Grinde from Johanne Grinde Caamal

Mother, father, and baby

Congratulations on Your Well Earned Degree

11 June 2020

A video message to Vincent Cortes from zir parents

Vincent Cortes family

We’re So Proud of You

11 June 2020

A video message to Vincent Cortes from Ariana Dinunzio & family

Vincent Cortes family


11 June 2020

A video message to Joey Castañeda from David Castañeda

parents holding a congratulations sign

We Look Forward to Your Bright Future

11 June 2020

A video message to Abby Hirshman from Marlene & Marshall Hirshman

Grandparents recording a video message

Congrats, Joey!

11 June 2020

A video message to Joey Cook-Gallardo from Donson Cook-Gallardo


Hi, Seth!

11 June 2020

A video message from Megan Eldred’s kiddos

three little kids on a lawn
