The Carleton Career Center collaborates with a number of employers from all sectors; for-profit, nonprofit, and government. We also work with several graduate institutions.
Recruiters interact with our office in a variety of ways, at various levels, and at all different times of the year. Fall tends to have the most corporate full-time & internship opportunities. Winter & Spring tend to have mostly non-profit opportunities and internships.
For up-to-date information, stay tuned to our emails, the Career Center events calendar, and Handshake.
Ways Employers Recruit at Carleton
Job or Internship Postings on Handshake
Pay particular attention when applying to an opportunity via Handshake. Employers will specify if you should submit your materials through the system, via the employer’s website, or both. Résumés are sent either upon submission or all in one bundle at the application deadline date. You will hopefully be contacted by the employer or Career Center within two weeks following the deadline. You may or may not receive a decline email.
Information Sessions
Several employers and grad schools hold information sessions at Carleton. This is a great way to learn more about the industry, the employer, and the position, as well as application tips and advice. Employers use this as a way to connect with top talent. If you attend and ask informed questions, you are letting them know that you are a serious candidate and worth bringing in for an interview. When at all possible, we highly encourage you to attend. With that said, these are also great sessions if you are in the exploring stage.
Tabling in Sayles-Hill Great Space
Many employers set up a table in Sayles-Hill and make themselves available for one-on-one conversations with interested candidates. These are typically scheduled during busy common times around the lunch hour. Feel free to stop by to say hello and get more information.
One-on-One Employer Meetings
Instead of hosting an information session, many employers schedule these 1:1 meetings with students in order to make a personal connection with potential candidates. While this is similar to CarlsChat, and more casual in nature, it is important to remember that you are meeting with someone who is actively hiring. Take advantage of these meeting times to get answers to your specific questions.
Job & Internship Fairs
Job and Internship Fairs are a great way to make a face to face connection. Through the Minnesota Private Colleges Career Consortium (MPCCC) and others, we collaborate on several fairs every year.
As mentioned, most recruiting events happen during the fall and winter, but opportunities come up every day. To stay on top of these events, be sure to update your interests in Handshake, stay on top of your emails, and check back regularly.