Emily Balczewski ’16

2 March 2017

What did you study at Carleton?

I was a Computer Science major and went through the Pre-Med program.

What are you doing now? Where do you work, live, etc.?

I’m doing two gap years at the Mayo Clinic doing systems biology (essentially, thinking of cellular processes in terms of networks) in an oncology setting. I live with two alumna from Carleton, and a sassy Brittany spaniel who keeps us on our toes.

Are you currently pursuing and/or have you already achieved a graduate or professional degree after Carleton.

I will be applying for MD-PhD programs in computational or systems biology this coming June (2017).

How did you decide to do what you’re doing now and what helped you along the way?

I got my job through a 30 Minutes interview at the Career Center! Don’t underestimate the power of the Carleton network; reach out to alums through the Career Center or on your own for job opportunities and advice.

What is your favorite memory from FOCUS and Carleton?

My cohort had Geology in the Field as an A&I. Many great memories came from that class, but I distinctly remember a classmate getting stuck in the mud.

What advice would you give students about life at Carleton and life after Carleton?

Life at Carleton: do weird and fun hobbies, clubs, or sports. Just cuz.

Life after Carleton: it seems like most of my friends are having a hard (but not bad) first year after graduating Carleton. It will almost certainly be a big adjustment for everyone, so prepare for it…but don’t beat yourself up if you aren’t perfect at “adulting” right off the bat.

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