Three weeks ago, I had the pleasure of introducing 510 new first-year and transfer students to career development at Carleton College. While I am sure more than a couple wondered why they were hearing from the director of the Career Center before they had even attended their first class, I hope it comes as no surprise to you that Carleton is tremendously invested in helping your students transform their expansive liberal arts education into a lifetime of meaningful work.
The process of career discernment takes time, and we know that students who start early and engage often arrive at graduation with the knowledge, skill, and perspective to confidently pursue the path of their choosing. We also know that students often look to family as a trusted source of advice, so I thought it might be helpful to know about the career development milestones your student can be focused on by class year.
- First-year: Freshman year lays the foundation for the path ahead, as students explore their academic interests and learn more about themselves. Students are encouraged to get involved in campus activities that interest them and to think deeply about their own values, interests, strengths, and identities. First-year students also benefit from learning more about the stories of others. Programs like Carls Chat and alumni panels, provide an opportunity for students to hear how others have found fit and meaning in their professional life. By the end of the winter term, first-year students are encouraged to begin capturing their own emerging story in a first collegiate resume.
- Sophomore: Sophomore year is an important time for students to invest in deep exploration and professional skill building as they work toward declaring a college major and begin thinking about opportunities to gain summer experience. Students are encouraged to actively learn about the range of career choices available and to understand how others have found their fit. In addition to career coaching and general programming, sophomore students benefit from two programs specifically designed to support second-year students in their career exploration: Externship Program and Carleton Career Summit. The Carleton Externship Program offers students an opportunity to pursue one-to three-week shadowing or project-based experience in an area of career interest (self-designed externship applications close October 27). Sophomore Summit provides students an opportunity to learn about the myriad ways that Carls put their education into action. The weekend will feature dozens of alumni who will present industry panels, networking opportunities, and skill-building sessions focused on how to execute a successful internship search. Carleton Career Summit will occur on Saturday, February 22, 2025.
- Junior: Intentional skill building, growing their professional network, and finding a meaningful summer experience such as an internship, research experience, or long-term volunteer role are top priorities for students during their junior year. These experiences allow students to gain firsthand perspective on work environments of interest and provide tangible examples of how their skills will translate to a professional role or graduate school program. Students are encouraged to work closely with a career coach to understand hiring timelines, networking strategies, and expectations for application materials in their particular industry. Students participating in off-campus study can access one-on-one virtual appointments with our professional career coaches while away.
- Senior: While some students arrive back to campus from summer internships with return offers in hand, the vast majority of seniors are on the cusp of a job search, fellowship process, or graduate or professional school applications. Seniors are encouraged to begin working with one of our professional career coaches or a trusted faculty member as soon as possible to create an individualized action plan for working toward their goals. Coaches can help students articulate their qualifications through application materials, help identify target organizations and recruiting partners, assist students in identifying and reaching out to networking contacts, ensure that your student is aware of upcoming opportunities and job fairs, and even assist students in negotiating an offer. Working one-on-one with a career coach ensures that students receive customized and timely advice specific to their personal goals.
The year ahead will be filled with opportunities for exploration and growth. From investigating interests to securing internships and pursuing graduate school or a first professional job, our dedicated team is committed to helping your student translate their interests and academic experiences into a fulfilling career. By partnering with us, you can support your student’s success and ensure they’re well-prepared for a bright future.