Jan 26

CANCELED - Dundon Advisors - Investment Banking Info Session and Case Study

Thu, January 26, 2023 • 12:00pm - 1:00pm (1h) • For more information or to register, see Handshake

Blue writing that spells out Dundon Advisers LLC

NOTE: Due to no student registrations for this event we have decided to cancel it.

Please join Eric Reubel, Managing Director for Dundon Advisers LLC, to learn about the insolvency and restructuring practice of Dundon Advisers and review a case study to learn more about a company, and in this case, Dundon's role as financial adviser to the Texas Petro Chemical Group. Eric will also be discussing the Investment Banking Analyst: Restructuring & Insolvency Practice role.

Dundon Advisers is a restructuring advisor in large, complex chapter 11 cases. The firm regularly serves as a financial advisor to official committees of unsecured creditors. Insolvency and restructuring sit at the intersection of distressed credit investing, financial analysis, and valuation. The practice rests atop the legal and contractual arrangements arising from the credit agreements and indentures that define the legal rights of the holders of different classes of secured and unsecured debt. Understanding these contractual arrangements, in concert with legal precedent from prior cases, drive creditor recoveries in the fascinating world of corporate restructuring in chapter 11 cases.

During this session, Eric will review the deluge of financial information that accompanies a first-day filing. He will pre-review the analysis and talk about the approach they employ to maximize unsecured creditor committee recovery and win committee engagements. Dundon's analysts are critical to the engagement process.

Event Contact: Andrea Kubinski

Event Summary

CANCELED - Dundon Advisors - Investment Banking Info Session and Case Study
  • Intended For: Students
  • Categories: Info Session/Fair

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