Feb 14
Internship Five in Five Presentation - Service Within Our Communities
Wed, February 14, 2024
• 4:30pm
- 5:30pm (1h) • Hasenstab 002; For more information or to register, see Handshake

Join us for our Five in Five Presentations, a series of 5-minute/5-slide presentations by students about their internship experiences. Hear firsthand from students about their reflections on their experience, how it connects with the central theme of the session, and how it impacted their future plans.
Presenters will be ready to respond to questions from the audience, to help them dive deeper into the central theme and make connections.
Attendance is open to all students, faculty, and staff. Registration is not required to attend.
Pizza will be provided.
- Myles Fisher '25 - CTUL (El Centro por Trabjadores Unidos en la Lucha)
- Bladimir Contreras '26 - Harris County Civil Courthouse
- Rocio Avila '26 - Faribault Middle School
- Kevin Tran '25 - OCA Greater Houston
- Garrett Siff '25 - Aflac
- Yeabsira Gebreegziabher '25 - Hope international
Event Contact: lklefstad
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