Carleton College Volunteer Expense Policy

In accordance with Carleton College policy, volunteers may receive reimbursement of expenses incurred while conducting College business. Beginning in fiscal year 2017-18, we will encourage volunteers to submit their travel expenses either for reimbursement or to receive a letter from the College that they can use for tax purposes. We will no longer be transferring the equivalent of those expenses from the AAF/Alumni Relations office budgets to the AAF for individual gift credit.

Volunteers are strongly encouraged to cover their expenses. However, the College does not wish to limit the participation of any volunteer because of financial restrictions. Alumni engagement is important to the College. Our goal is to ensure that all volunteers can participate, not necessarily to cover all the costs associated with attendance. Please note that you will need to pay up front for your associated travel expenses.

You may be reimbursed for the following expenses:

• Air Travel: The cost of your three-week advance-purchase round-trip coach airfare. We encourage you to purchase the lowest available airfare from your home city. We have a general guideline cap of $400 for fares, but recognize that from some cities’ fares may be higher. Contact staff if you have any questions.
• Transportation between the Minneapolis/St. Paul airport and campus: Round-trip cost of transportation, up to $200. We encourage volunteers to carpool when possible.
• Car Travel: Mileage between your home and campus at 14 cents per mile (the IRS approved rate for volunteers), or the cost of a three-week advance-purchase round-trip coach airfare, whichever is less.

The following are considered ineligible expenses for reimbursement. However, you may be able to deduct these types of expenses on your taxes:

• Travel to/from the airport from your home; airport parking
• Lodging en route to a meeting (if you drive long-distance to campus)
• Food and beverages en route, or other than those provided during the business portion of the on-campus meeting
• Airline fees for checked baggage
• Mileage, if you’ve rented a car (mileage is included in the cost of the rental)
• Care arrangements for children or pets; gifts for hosts (e.g., if you stay with friends or relatives)

Please submit your expense statement within 30 days of the event for which the expenses were incurred.
Please contact the Sarah Rechtzigel at or 507-222-4296 with any questions about this policy. We’re grateful for the time you commit to supporting Carleton!