- Mesa de español • Mar 28, 2024 - May 28, 2024
- 2024 Junior Art Show • Apr 25, 2024 - May 24, 2024
May 2024
Mon 6
- Advising Days (begins)
- 9:50am Dr. Richard Barclay of the Smithsonian Institution presents "Fossil Atmospheres" - 1h 10m
- 10:00am Forum Casual Coffee - 1h
- 2:00pm Biology Job Candidate Teaching Seminar - 1h
- 3:00pm Mindful Mondays Therapy Group - 1h 15m
- 3:30pm Biology Seminar: Kellie Carim '06, "Pacific Lamprey Conservation: eDNA and Diverse Partnerships for Protecting a Culturally Significant Species" - 1h
- 3:30pm Chemistry Department Seminar: Dr. Daniel Herschlag - 1h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 4:30pm Faculty Meeting - 1h 30m
- 5:00pm Concussion Education, Science Writing, and Public Health Advocacy: Concussion Alliance Summer Internship Program - 1h
- 5:00pm Let's Talk about It Dinner Discussion - 1h 15m
- 6:00pm Organizing After Carleton: My Path to the Minneapolis Permanent Ceasefire Resolution in Gaza - Robin Wonsley '13 - 1h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 7:00pm Animated films by Jodie Mack - 2h
- 7:00pm CSA Senate Meeting - 2h
- 7:00pm Digital Humanities Associates (DHA) drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 7:00pm Hard Questions - 1h
- 7:00pm Spring Comps Support - 1h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 8:15pm Time to Meditate - Monday PM Sessions - 1h
- 8:30pm Fellowship of Christian Athletes (Anyone) Bible Study - 1h
Tue 7
- 11:45am LTC Lunch - LTC 2033: planning a strategic direction for the LTC - 1h 15m
- 12:00pm Bagels and The Book: Weekly Study & Conversation - 1h
- 12:00pm Cognitive Science Comps Presentations - 1h
- 12:00pm Fellowship in Christ - Transformation Tuesdays - 1h
- 12:00pm French Language Table - 1h
- 12:00pm Mock Interview for Software Jobs with Carleton Alumnus Austin Dahl ’88 - 1h
- 12:00pm Monthly Graph Clinic for staff - 1h
- 12:00pm Physics Table - 1h
- 12:00pm Pop-Up Concert - 1h
- 12:00pm Transformation Tuesday: Weekly Bible Study - 1h
- 2:00pm Koru Mindfulness "Mini" - 30m
- 2:30pm Mathematics and Statistics Group Comps Presentations - 3h
- 4:00pm Korean Language Circle: Language Lessons - 1h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 4:30pm Artist Talk: Paloma Barhaugh-Bordas - 1h
- 5:00pm CPA Board Office Hours- Pre-Med & Pre-PA - 3h
- 5:00pm OCS Direct Enrollment Pre-Departure Session - 1h
- 5:15pm Spring Lefler Lecture - Dr. Scott Gac Born in Blood: The Battlegrounds of American Democracy - 1h 30m
- 5:30pm Muslim Dialogues - 1h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 7:00pm CPA Board Office Hours- Pre-Vet - 2h
- 7:00pm Digital Humanities Associates (DHA) drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 7:00pm MATTER MATTERS: GROWING IS GRIEVING, Artist Talk with Jodie Mack - 2h
- 7:00pm OCS Peer Advising
- 8:00pm Night Sights and Sounds in the Arboretum - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
Wed 8
- 9:00am CarlsChat with Andrew Ruvkun '18, Research Assistant, Harvard Kennedy School - 2h
- 9:50am Dr. Richard Barclay of the Smithsonian Institution presents "Recovering from Mass Extinction" - 1h 10m
- 3:00pm Data Drop-in hours - 1h 30m
- 3:00pm SWA Dog: Case - 1h
- 3:30pm Education and Curriculum Committee (ECC) - 1h 30m
- 4:00pm Change and Transitions Therapy Group - 1h
- 4:00pm Econ Dept Spring Social - 2h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 4:30pm Artist Talk: Kern Samuel - 1h
- 4:30pm Julian Moyer '24 Presents "什么鬼?(What the hell?) Translating Tang Dynasty Poetry with a focus on Li He" - 1h
- 4:45pm On Faith, Peace, & Justice: Reflections of a Queer Palestinian Quaker - 1h
- 5:00pm POSC/IR Comps Poster Presentation S24 - 1h 30m
- 5:30pm Poetry Without Borders - 1h 30m
- 6:00pm CSA Budget Committee - 1h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 7:00pm CPA Board Office Hours- Pre-Vet - 2h
- 7:00pm Interfaith Social Action (IFSA) - 1h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 8:30pm Evensong: Contemplative Christian Song & Prayer - 30m
- 8:30pm Fellowship in Christ - Evensong - 1h
Thu 9
- Taaja Foster '24 Presents "Invented Traditional Chinese Medicine: Examining TCM in Modern China"
- 9:00am Carleton Virtual Breakfast Club - 1h
- 9:00am Recognition, Integration and Openness Workshop (RIO) - 1h (event repeats)
- 9:00am Uncovering the Foundations of Carleton’s Oldest Building with Professor Sarah Kennedy - 1h
- 11:30am Minnesota Army National Guard Tabling at Sayles - 1h 30m
- 11:45am Ed Tech Lunch: Using Generative AI to Create Games for Learning - 1h 15m
- 12:00pm BIPOC Mental Health Collective (BIPOC MHC) - 1h
- 12:00pm Cognitive Science Comps Presentations - 1h
- 12:00pm French Language Table - 1h
- 12:00pm Medical School Financing Information Session - 1h
- 12:00pm Periodic Table - 1h
- 12:00pm Student Conversation with Dr. Sa'ed Atshan - 1h
- 12:00pm The Classics Lunch Table - 1h
- 12:15pm Distinction Talk: Katelyn Hemmer - 30m
- 3:00pm SWA Dog: Scout - 1h
- 3:30pm Econ SDA Office Hours - 1h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 5:00pm A Poetry Reading with Joanna Klink '91 - 1h
- 5:00pm CPA Board Office Hours- Pre-Med & Pre-PA - 3h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 8:00pm Join the French and Spanish TAs/Tutors for Ice Cream and Video Games - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 8:00pm Spring Mindfulness Meditation - 1h
Fri 10
- 2024 Senior Art Show (begins)
- To Have and To Hold (begins)
- 8:05am Time to Meditate - Friday AM Sessions - 20m
- 10:50am Convocation with Jill Conklin | Feeding the Future - 1h
- 11:00am Korean Language Circle: Conversation Hour - 1h
- 11:30am Carleton's 20th Empty Bowls Project Community Lunch - 1h 45m
- 11:30am OCS Peer Advising - 1h 30m
- 12:00pm SWA Dog: Maisy - 1h
- 3:30pm Chemistry Department Seminar: Dr. Karen Goldberg - 1h
- 3:30pm Jumuah with the Ummah - 30m
- 5:00pm 2024 Senior Art Show Opening Reception - 2h
- 5:00pm Ten Week Course Late Drop Deadline and S/CR/NC Deadline
- 6:15pm Shabbat Service - 2h 15m
- 6:30pm Fellowship in Christ - Fireside Fellowship Bible Study and Dinner! - 1h 30m
- 6:30pm MOC/WOC+ Bowling Collab - 3h 30m
- 7:00pm SUMO Week 7 Screening - The Zone of Interest (2023) [DE w/ EN subtitles] - 2h
- 7:00pm Symphony Band Concert - 1h 30m
- 10:00pm SUMO Week 7 Screening - Under the Skin (2013) [w/ subtitles] - 1h 59m
Sat 11
- 6:00am Spring Bird Count - 3h
- 11:00am Beaver Fest - 5h
- 2:00pm Reformed Druids of North America - 1h
- 2:00pm Remembering Melinda Russell - 5h 30m
- 4:00pm MARS Radio Hour - 1h
- 5:00pm Fellowship in Christ - Women's Bible Study - 1h
- 7:00pm Fellowship in Christ - Saturday Saturation Bible Study - 1h 30m
- 7:00pm SUMO Week 7 Screening - Under the Skin (2013) [w/ subtitles] - 2h
- 8:00pm Voice Showcase Recital - 1h
- 10:00pm SUMO Week 7 Screening - The Zone of Interest (2023) [DE w/ EN subtitles] - 1h 59m
Sun 12
- Mother's Day
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 5:00pm Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance) Observance - 1h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 7:30pm Time to Meditate - Sunday Evening Sessions - 1h
- 8:00pm Fellowship in Christ - Mustard Seed Worship - 45m
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
Mon 13
- 9:00am Bdote and Sacred Dakota Sites Tour - 8h
- 11:00am Carleton Connects: Brian Klaas '08 on chaos, chance, and choice - 1h
- 12:30pm Self + Collective: Artist talk with Beth West and AJ Meadows of Polyester Projects - 1h
- 3:30pm Biology Seminar: Emily Runnells, “Not Exactly Snowbirds: What Do Puffins Do in the Winter?” - 1h
- 4:00pm AAPI Photo Gallery Launch - 1h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 4:15pm College Council Meeting - 1h 15m
- 4:30pm Cute, Comic, Erotic: Feminist Artistic Tactics in Mexico - 1h
- 5:00pm Spanish Comps Presentations: Ben More, Aleks Prasolov, and Ahtziry Tinajero - 1h 30m
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 6:30pm Political Engagement Beyond Voting Community Conversation - 1h 30m
- 7:00pm CSA Senate Meeting - 2h
- 7:00pm Digital Humanities Associates (DHA) drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 7:00pm Hard Questions - 1h
- 7:00pm International Film Forum: Matthias and Maxime - 2h
- 7:00pm Spring Comps Support - 1h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 8:15pm Time to Meditate - Monday PM Sessions - 1h
- 8:30pm Fellowship of Christian Athletes (Anyone) Bible Study - 1h
Tue 14
- 11:30am Healthy Community Initiative Tabling at Sayles (Local AmeriCorps Opportunities) - 1h 30m
- 11:30am U.S. Army (Active Duty and Reserve) Tabling at Sayles - 1h 30m
- 11:45am LTC Lunch - Cultivating Engaging and Personal Classroom Environments: Student Perspectives - 1h 15m
- 12:00pm Bagels and The Book: Weekly Study & Conversation - 1h
- 12:00pm Biology Comps Presentations - 40m
- 12:00pm Cognitive Science Comps Presentations - 1h
- 12:00pm Fellowship in Christ - Transformation Tuesdays - 1h
- 12:00pm First Gen Circle - 1h
- 12:00pm French Language Table - 1h
- 12:00pm Immunization Clinic - 2h
- 12:00pm Mock Interview for Software Jobs with Carleton Alumnus Austin Dahl ’88 - 1h
- 12:00pm Physics Table - 1h
- 12:00pm Pop-Up Concert - 1h
- 12:00pm Transformation Tuesday: Weekly Bible Study - 1h
- 2:00pm Koru Mindfulness "Mini" - 30m
- 4:00pm Korean Language Circle: Language Lessons - 1h
- 4:00pm MAST Alumni Speaking on Post-Carleton Career Paths - 1h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 5:00pm CPA Board Office Hours- Pre-Dental - 2h
- 5:00pm How My Identities Translate Abroad Pre-Departure Session - 1h
- 5:00pm Spanish Comps Presentations: A.J. Ristino and Kaba Shalita - 1h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 7:00pm Digital Humanities Associates (DHA) drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 7:00pm OCS Peer Advising
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
Wed 15
- 9:00am Registration Prep: Registrar's Office Tables In the Weitz Commons - 2h
- 10:00am President's Spring Quarterly Meeting - 1h 15m
- 11:00am Registration Prep: Registrar's Office Tables In Sayles - 4h
- 11:45am Faculty Drop-In Lunch - 1h 30m
- 3:00pm Data Drop-in hours - 1h 30m
- 3:00pm Registration Prep: Registrar's Office Tables In the Anderson Atrium! - 1h 30m
- 3:00pm SWA Dog: Case - 1h
- 3:30pm Education and Curriculum Committee (ECC) - 1h 30m
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 4:30pm Grounds for Community: Coffee with IEC & CEDI - 1h
- 4:30pm Julian Moyer '24 Presents "什么鬼?(What the hell?) Translating Tang Dynasty Poetry with a focus on Li He" - 1h
- 5:00pm Doe v. Minnesota: Advancing Abortion Rights Through the Law - 1h
- 5:30pm Student Engagement Series: Enterpreneurship 101 - 1h
- 6:00pm CSA Budget Committee - 1h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 7:00pm Interfaith Social Action (IFSA) - 1h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 8:30pm Evensong: Contemplative Christian Song & Prayer - 30m
- 8:30pm Fellowship in Christ - Evensong - 1h
Thu 16
- Priority Registration Support
- Registration for Fall Term (begins)
- 9:00am Do Something Good for Your Neighbor Day Celebration! - 2h
- 9:00am Grounds for Community: Coffee with IEC & CEDI - 1h
- 10:00am SAC Spring Term Meeting #2 - 1h
- 11:00am OCS Photo Contest Celebration - 4h
- 11:45am Ed Tech Lunch: GPT-4 as a Language Partner - 1h 15m
- 12:00pm French Language Table - 1h
- 12:00pm Periodic Table - 1h
- 12:00pm Queer Mental Health Collective - 1h
- 12:00pm The Classics Lunch Table - 1h
- 12:00pm What Matters to Me & Why Reflection: Rabbi Shosh Dworsky - 1h
- 2:00pm Do Something Good for Your Neighbor Day Celebration! - 2h
- 3:00pm SWA Dog: Scout - 1h
- 3:30pm CS Tea: Leah Ajmani presents "Ethics in High Stakes Predictive Settings" - 1h
- 3:30pm Econ SDA Office Hours - 1h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 4:00pm Theatre Mu Trip - 7h
- 4:30pm American Precariat, Parables of Exclusion - 1h 30m
- 4:30pm Mellon Mays Presentation by Keynote Speaker Anthony Harb '15 - 1h
- 4:30pm Taaja Foster '24 Presents "Invented Traditional Chinese Medicine: Examining TCM in Modern China" - 1h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 7:00pm Multicultural Panel of Alumni in Medicine - 1h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 8:00pm Zen Buddhist Meditation - 1h
- 8:15pm Jazz Area Concert - 1h 30m
Fri 17
- Advising Days (ends)
- 8:05am Time to Meditate - Friday AM Sessions - 20m
- 10:00am Coffee & Donuts at the CCCE: Lighten Up Edition - 1h
- 11:00am Korean Language Circle: Conversation Hour - 1h
- 11:30am OCS Peer Advising - 1h 30m
- 12:00pm SWA Dog: Maisy - 1h
- 2:30pm Distinction Talk: Teagan Klinkner - 30m
- 3:30pm Jumuah with the Ummah - 30m
- 4:00pm Distinction Talk: Sadhana Mandala - 30m
- 4:30pm Women's Halaqah - 1h
- 5:00pm Second Five Week Course Late Drop Deadline and S/CR/NC Deadline
- 6:15pm Shabbat Service - 2h 15m
- 6:30pm Fellowship in Christ - Fireside Fellowship Bible Study and Dinner! - 1h 30m
- 7:00pm Global & Chinese Music Ensemble Concert - 1h 30m
- 7:00pm SUMO x GMICC Week 8 Screening - Past Lives (2023) [w/ subtitles] - 2h
- 7:30pm Spring Dance Concert - 1h 30m
- 8:00pm Noche de fogata - 2h
- 9:00pm Cujokra - Improv Comedy Show - 1h 30m
- 10:00pm SUMO x GMICC Week 8 Screening - Aftersun (2022) [w/ subtitles] - 1h 50m
Sat 18
- 9:00am Arb Volunteer Work Event - Garlic Mustard Pull! - 3h
- 1:00pm Foods of Faith - 2h
- 2:00pm 43rd Annual Sproncert - 8h
- 2:00pm Reformed Druids of North America - 1h
- 4:00pm MARS Radio Hour - 1h
- 5:00pm Fellowship in Christ - Women's Bible Study - 1h
- 7:00pm Fellowship in Christ - Saturday Saturation Bible Study - 1h 30m
- 7:00pm Havdalah - 1h
Sun 19
- 2:00pm Joe Petrini and April Wurst Student Recital - 1h
- 2:00pm Spring Dance Concert - 1h 30m
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 5:00pm Vesak - 1h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 7:30pm Time to Meditate - Sunday Evening Sessions - 1h
- 8:00pm Fellowship in Christ - Mustard Seed Worship - 45m
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
Mon 20
- 9:00am Registration Prep: Registrar's Office Tables In the Weitz Commons - 2h
- 9:00am TIAA Individual Retirement Counseling Sessions - 6h
- 11:00am Registration Prep: Registrar's Office Tables In Sayles - 4h
- 2:00pm Distinction Talk: Brayden Stark - 30m
- 3:00pm Biology Job Candidate Teaching Seminar - 1h
- 3:00pm Distinction Talk: Sam Isaacman - 30m
- 3:00pm Registration Prep: Registrar's Office Tables In the Anderson Atrium! - 2h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 4:30pm Faculty Forum Session - 1h 30m
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 7:00pm CSA Senate Meeting - 2h
- 7:00pm Digital Humanities Associates (DHA) drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 7:00pm Hard Questions - 1h
- 7:00pm International Film Forum: The 12th Man - 2h 30m
- 7:00pm Spring Comps Support - 1h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 8:15pm Time to Meditate - Monday PM Sessions - 1h
- 8:30pm Fellowship of Christian Athletes (Anyone) Bible Study - 1h
Tue 21
- Priority Registration Support
- 11:00am MMUF Tabling Event for First-Year Students - 2h
- 11:45am LTC Lunch - Fair Use in the Classroom and Beyond: A Q&A with the UMN Libraries’ Director of Copyright and Scholarly Communication - 1h 15m
- 12:00pm Bagels and The Book: Weekly Study & Conversation - 1h
- 12:00pm Fellowship in Christ - Transformation Tuesdays - 1h
- 12:00pm French Language Table - 1h
- 12:00pm Physics Table - 1h
- 12:00pm Pop-Up Concert - 1h
- 12:00pm Transformation Tuesday: Weekly Bible Study - 1h
- 2:00pm Koru Mindfulness "Mini" - 30m
- 4:00pm Korean Language Circle: Language Lessons - 1h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 5:00pm History Comps Presentation Alex Wilson - 1h
- 5:00pm Travel 101 OCS Pre-Departure Workshop - 1h
- 5:30pm Muslim Dialogues - 1h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 7:00pm Digital Humanities Associates (DHA) drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 7:00pm OCS Peer Advising
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
Wed 22
- Ceramics Wood Firing
- 9:00am Registration Prep: Registrar's Office Tables In the Weitz Commons - 2h
- 9:00am TIAA Individual Retirement Counseling Sessions - 6h
- 11:00am Registration Prep: Registrar's Office Tables In Sayles - 4h
- 3:00pm Data Drop-in hours - 1h 30m
- 3:00pm Registration Prep: Registrar's Office Tables In the Anderson Atrium! - 2h
- 3:00pm SWA Dog: Case - 1h
- 3:30pm Education and Curriculum Committee (ECC) - 1h 30m
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 6:00pm CSA Budget Committee - 1h
- 6:00pm Film Screening, "Queens of Syria" (Yasmine Fedda) - 2h 30m
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 7:00pm Annual required Chemistry Comps meeting for all Junior majors - 1h
- 7:00pm Interfaith Social Action (IFSA) - 1h
- 7:00pm Piano Studio Recital - 1h 30m
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 8:30pm Evensong: Contemplative Christian Song & Prayer - 30m
- 8:30pm Fellowship in Christ - Evensong - 1h
Thu 23
- Priority Registration Support
- 9:00am TIAA Individual Retirement Counseling Sessions - 6h
- 11:45am Ed Tech Lunch: Creating Interactive Timelines - 1h 15m
- 12:00pm BIPOC Mental Health Collective (BIPOC MHC) End of Year Celebration - 1h
- 12:00pm French Language Table - 1h
- 12:00pm Mock Interview for Software Jobs with Carleton Alumnus Austin Dahl ’88 - 1h
- 12:00pm Periodic Table - 1h
- 12:00pm The Classics Lunch Table - 1h
- 3:00pm Campus Facilities Plan Town Hall - 1h
- 3:00pm SWA Dog: Scout - 1h
- 3:30pm CS Tea: Sarah Meerts, Dave Musicant and Varun Saini, a Research Collaboration - 1h
- 3:30pm Econ SDA Office Hours - 1h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 4:15pm Economics Department Comps Poster Session - 1h 15m
- 4:30pm To Have and To Hold Exhibition Walkthrough - 30m
- 5:30pm Pre-Health Association Dessert Banquet and Senior Celebration - 1h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 7:00pm Jazz Chamber Recital - 2h 15m
- 8:00pm Five Slides - 1h 30m
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 8:00pm Spring Mindfulness Meditation - 1h
Fri 24
- 2024 Junior Art Show (ends)
- 8:05am Time to Meditate - Friday AM Sessions - 20m
- 11:00am Korean Language Circle: Conversation Hour - 1h
- 11:30am OCS Peer Advising - 1h 30m
- 12:00pm SWA Dog: Maisy - 1h
- 3:00pm Honors Convocation - 1h
- 4:15pm Chemistry Department Picnic - 3h 15m
- 4:15pm Jumuah with the Ummah - 30m
- 6:15pm Rabbi Shosh's Last Shabbat - 2h
- 6:30pm Fellowship in Christ - Fireside Fellowship Bible Study and Dinner! - 1h 30m
- 7:00pm SUMO Week 9 Screening - Party Girl (1995) [w/ subtitles] - 1h 40m
- 7:30pm Carleton Choirs & Orchestra Concert - 1h 30m
- 10:00pm SUMO Week 9 Screening - Dazed and Confused (1993) - 1h 40m
Sat 25
- 2:00pm Reformed Druids of North America - 1h
- 4:00pm MARS Radio Hour - 1h
- 5:00pm Fellowship in Christ - Women's Bible Study - 1h
- 7:00pm SUMO Week 9 Screening - Dazed and Confused (1993) - 1h 40m
- 10:00pm SUMO Week 9 Screening - Party Girl (1995) [w/ subtitles] - 1h 40m
Sun 26
- 2:00pm Chamber Recital - 1h 30m
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 5:00pm Just Cellin Concert - 30m
- 5:00pm Senior Service & Celebration - 1h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 7:30pm Time to Meditate - Sunday Evening Sessions - 1h
- 8:00pm Fellowship in Christ - Mustard Seed Worship - 45m
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
Mon 27
- Memorial Day
- 2:30pm Kai Johnson Student Recital - 30m
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 5:00pm Mira Verma & Andrew Jameson - Student Recital - 1h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 7:00pm Digital Humanities Associates (DHA) drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 7:00pm Film Screening, "Pupa: I Don't Want to Go to School" (2012) - 2h 15m
- 7:00pm Hard Questions - 1h
- 8:00pm Accidentals Spring Concert - 45m
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 8:15pm Time to Meditate - Monday PM Sessions - 1h
Tue 28
- 12:00pm Bagels and The Book: Weekly Study & Conversation - 1h
- 12:00pm CGRS End of Year Celebration of Interdisciplinary Programs - 1h
- 12:00pm Fellowship in Christ - Transformation Tuesdays - 1h
- 12:00pm French Language Table - 1h
- 12:00pm Mathematics and Statistics Departmental Annual Picnic - 1h 30m
- 12:00pm Physics Table - 1h
- 12:00pm Poster Session of CLAS 165: Race: Antiquity and Its Legacy - 1h
- 12:00pm Transformation Tuesday: Weekly Bible Study - 1h
- 12:00pm West African Drum Recital - 30m
- 1:00pm Mesa de español (ends)
- 2:00pm Koru Mindfulness "Mini" - 30m
- 4:00pm Korean Language Circle: Language Lessons - 1h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 5:00pm Samantha Zimmerman Organ Recital - 1h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 7:00pm Composition Showcase - 1h 30m
- 7:00pm Digital Humanities Associates (DHA) drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
Wed 29
- Last Day of Classes
- 3:00pm Data Drop-in hours - 1h 30m
- 3:00pm Strings Recital - 3h
- 3:00pm SWA Dog: Case - 1h
- 4:00pm Chinese Music Studio Recital - 30m
- 4:00pm End of Term Celebration - 2h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 4:30pm American Studies Year End Picnic - 2h
- 5:15pm Economics Department Senior Dinner & Celebration - 1h 45m
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 8:30pm Evensong: Contemplative Christian Song & Prayer - 30m
Thu 30
- Reading Days (begins)
- 9:00am SAC End of Year Celebration - 1h
- 10:00am Mock Interview for Software Jobs with Carleton Alumnus Austin Dahl ’88 - 1h
- 11:00am Museum Hours, Reading Days - 7h
- 1:30pm Grounds for Community: Coffee with IEC & CEDI - 1h
- 3:00pm SWA Dog: Scout - 1h
- 3:00pm Workday Celebration! - 1h
- 4:00pm ADE-ALD Summer Seminar - Campus Day - 3h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in tutoring - 2h
Fri 31
- Day of DH 2024
- End of Spring Term Hours of Operation
- Gerald Young's Retirement Celebration Open House
- Reading Days (ends)
- 9:00am Grounds for Community: Coffee with IEC & CEDI - 1h
- 11:00am Korean Language Circle: Conversation Hour - 1h
- 11:00am Museum Hours, Reading Days - 7h
- 12:00pm SWA Dog: Maisy - 1h
- 3:00pm Fellowships presentation by Peter Sallinger '24, "China's Belt and Road in Malaysia" - 1h
- 4:15pm Jummah Prayers - 30m
- 6:15pm Shabbat Service - 2h
June 2024
Sat 1
- Exam Days (begins)
- 12:00pm Museum Hours, Exam Days - 4h
- 4:00pm MARS Radio Hour - 1h
- 7:00pm Havdalah - 1h
Sun 2
- 12:00pm Museum Hours, Exam Days - 4h
Mon 3
- Exam Days (ends)
- Senior Week (begins)
- 10:00am Forum Casual Coffee - 1h
- 12:00pm Museum hours, Senior Week - 5h
Tue 4
- Senior Week (begins)
- 12:00pm Monthly Graph Clinic for staff - 1h
- 12:00pm Museum hours, Senior Week - 5h
- 2:00pm Residential Halls and Houses Close for Commencement Week
Wed 5
- 8:30am Senior Grades Due
- 12:00pm Museum hours, Senior Week - 5h
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2025 Winter Term • Week 3