- New Work by Carleton Studio Art Faculty • Jan 12, 2023 - Apr 16, 2023
- Registration for Spring Term • Feb 20, 2023 - Mar 26, 2023
February 2023
Tue 28
- 11:00am Help our students build their skills – Become a Tutor for Ampact Tabling at Sayles - 2h
- 11:30am Minnesota Army National Guard Tabling at Sayles - 1h 30m
- 11:45am LTC Lunch - Just in Time Learning - Using Linked-In Learning to Provide Students with Curated Skill Training - 1h 15m
- 12:00pm Physics Table - 1h
- 12:00pm Russian Lunch Table - 1h
- 12:00pm SAC and Forum Lunch Listening Session - 1h
- 3:00pm CS Tea Talk - "Do What I want, not what I say: Proving software acts according to plan" - 1h 29m
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 7:00pm WE+ Weekly Meeting - 1h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
March 2023
Wed 1
- First Day of Women's History Month
- 3:00pm Data and DH Drop-in Hours - 1h 30m
- 3:15pm Koru Mindfulness 2.0 - 1h 15m
- 3:30pm Chemistry Department Seminar: Visiting Assistant Professor Candidate - 1h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 5:00pm Technos International Week Application & Recommendation Deadline
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 7:00pm Digital Humanities Associates Drop-in - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Thu 2
- 9:00am 1:1 Mock Interview with Stephen Hayes at MIAC Analytics - 7h
- 9:00am SAC Résumé Refresh - 1h
- 12:00pm BIPOC Mental Health Collective Community Gathering - 1h
- 12:00pm Periodic Table - 1h
- 12:00pm Russian Lunch Table - 1h
- 3:00pm CEDI Leadership Board Meeting - 1h 15m
- 4:00pm Director of the Language Center Candidate Talk - 1h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 7:00pm Digital Humanities Associates Drop-in - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Fri 3
- 10:50am Faculty Meeting - 1h
- 12:30pm Student Lunch with Seminar Speaker Dave Farina, - 1h
- 3:30pm Chemistry Department Seminar: Dave Farina, - 1h
- 6:30pm Linguistics Baking & Board Games! - 1h 30m
- 7:00pm SUMO Week 9 Screening - Puss In Boots: The Last Wish (2022) [w/ SUBTITLES] - 1h 40m
- 10:00pm SUMO Week 9 Screening - Puss In Boots: The Last Wish (2022) [w/ SUBTITLES] - 1h 40m
Sat 4
- 3:30pm MARS Radio Hour - 1h
- 10:00pm SUMO Week 9 Screening - Puss In Boots: The Last Wish (2022) - 1h 40m
Sun 5
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Mon 6
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Tue 7
- 12:00pm Equine Veterinarian Panel with Dr. Melissa Johnson - 1h
- 12:00pm Physics Table - 1h
- 12:00pm Russian Lunch Table - 1h
- 4:00pm Director of the Language Center Candidate Talk - 1h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Wed 8
- 3:00pm Data and DH Drop-in Hours - 1h 30m
- 3:30pm Education and Curriculum Committee - 1h 30m
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 7:00pm Digital Humanities Associates Drop-in - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Thu 9
- 10:00am Carleton Virtual Breakfast Club - 1h
- 12:00pm Periodic Table - 1h
- 12:00pm Russian Lunch Table - 1h
- 4:00pm Director of the Language Center Candidate Talk - 1h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 5:00pm Digital Arts & Humanities Capstone Symposium - 1h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 7:00pm Digital Humanities Associates Drop-in - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 8:30pm Exit 69 & The Accidentals Joint Acapella Concert - 1h
Fri 10
- Last Day of Classes
- 12:00pm Student Lunch with Visiting Assistant Professor Candidate - 1h
- 3:30pm Chemistry Department Seminar: Visiting Assistant Professor Candidate - 1h
- 4:00pm End of Term Celebration - 2h
Sat 11
- Reading Days (begins)
Sun 12
- Daylight Saving Time starts
- Reading Days (ends)
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Mon 13
- Exam Days (begins)
Tue 14
- 9:30am SAC Discussion with Community of Belonging Task Force - 1h
- 12:00pm Physics Table - 1h
- 12:00pm Russian Lunch Table - 1h
Wed 15
- Exam Days (ends)
Thu 16
- Spring Break (begins)
- 9:00am Minnesota Private Colleges' Job & Internship Fair - 5h
- 12:00pm Russian Lunch Table - 1h
- 2:00pm Halls and Houses Close for Spring Break
Fri 17
- St. Patrick's Day
Sat 18
Mon 20
- 8:30am Grades Due
Tue 21
Thu 23
Fri 24
- 10:30am Startup Job Market - 2h
Sun 26
- Registration for Spring Term (ends)
- Spring Break (ends)
Mon 27
- Classes Begin
- 8:15pm Time to Meditate on Mondays - 1h
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2025 Winter Term • Week 6