- The Wandering House: exploring, mending, reimagining our relationship to home • Sep 19, 2022 - Oct 14, 2022
September 2022
Mon 26
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 4:30pm Faculty Forum Session - 1h 30m
- 5:00pm Boston Scientific – Advancing Science for Life! - 1h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 7:00pm Spanish film director Oscar Aibar visits Carleton - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Tue 27
- 11:30am Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey Tabling at Sayles - 1h 30m
- 11:45am LTC Lunch - A “Liberal Arts Laboratory”: Teaching with Archives, Maps, and Rare Books - 1h 15m
- 12:00pm Mesa de español - 1h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 6:00pm Spanish film director Oscar Aibar visits Carleton - 3h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Wed 28
- 10:30am SAC Fall Term Meeting #1 - 1h
- 3:30pm Education and Curriculum Committee - 1h 30m
- 4:00pm Fellowship and Undergraduate Research at Carleton: An Introduction - 1h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 4:00pm Tech Career Circle (4-week workshop) - 1h
- 4:30pm Workshop Wednesday: Overcoming Imposter Phenomenon - 2h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 7:00pm Colleague and the Hubs unavailable - 1h
- 7:00pm Geology Interest / Pizza Party - 1h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Thu 29
- 12:00pm Designing Your Sophomore Year - 1h
- 12:00pm Mesa de español - 1h
- 12:00pm Special Periodic Table Takeover: Graduate Study in Chemistry and Related Fields - 1h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 4:00pm Revisiting the Carleton Miscellany: An Illustrated History - 1h
- 5:00pm Designing Your Sophomore Year - 1h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Fri 30
- Multicultural Alumni Network (MCAN) Gathering (begins)
- 2:15pm Faculty Panel on Teaching for More Equitable Outcomes - 1h
- 3:30pm Chemistry Department Seminar: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Respect Discussion - 1h
- 5:00pm First Five Week Course Late Drop Deadline and S/CR/NC Deadline
- 6:30pm Celebration Curry Night Dinner - 1h 30m
- 7:00pm SUMO Week 3 Screening - Summer of Soul - 2h
- 10:00pm SUMO Week 3 Screening - Summer of Soul - 1h 59m
October 2022
Sat 1
- 11:15am Updates on Carleton’s Community Plan for Inclusion, Diversity and Equity (IDE) - 1h
- 12:30pm Multicultural Alumni, Student, Career Center Networking Chili Lunch - 1h
- 1:45pm Panel Presentation on Student Life at Carleton - 1h
- 3:00pm Queer Spiritz - 1h
- 4:30pm Block Party hosted by Division of Student Life and Alumni Relations - 2h 30m
- 7:00pm SUMO Week 3 Screening - Summer of Soul - 2h
- 10:00pm SUMO Week 3 Screening - Summer of Soul - 1h 59m
Sun 2
- Multicultural Alumni Network (MCAN) Gathering (ends)
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Mon 3
- 12:30pm The Biosphere - 1h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 4:30pm Faculty Meeting - 1h 30m
- 5:00pm Harvard Law School Information Session - 45m
- 5:30pm Preparing for the Sophomore Writing Portfolio - 1h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Tue 4
- 11:00am Staff Collective for Change: Fall Kickoff - 1h
- 11:30am Teachers On Call Tabling at Sayles - 1h 30m
- 11:45am LTC Lunch - Being a Multilingual Writer at Carleton - 1h 15m
- 12:00pm Fellowship and Undergraduate Research at Carleton: An Introduction - 1h
- 12:00pm Graph Clinic - 1h
- 12:00pm Hill-Style Résumés 101 - 1h
- 12:00pm Mesa de español - 1h
- 12:00pm Physics Table - 1h
- 3:00pm Math Across the Cannon: Satyan Devadoss - 1h 30m
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 5:00pm Sophomore Pre-Health Information Session - 1h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Wed 5
- 3:30pm Education and Curriculum Committee - 1h 30m
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 4:00pm Tech Career Circle (4-week workshop) - 1h
- 5:00pm How to Ace the Five Most Difficult Interview Questions - 1h
- 5:00pm Off-Campus Abroad Activity. Welcome to Madrid! - 1h
- 5:30pm Carleton to Clarion Healthcare – Life Sciences (Biopharm) Strategy Consulting Company - 1h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 7:00pm Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about OCS (but were afraid to ask) - 1h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Thu 6
- 9:00am CarlsChat: Hyacinth Diehl '92, Tool Using Mammal, CrowdStrike - 4h
- 12:00pm Mesa de español - 1h
- 12:00pm Sophomore Pre-Health Information Session - 1h
- 12:00pm Startup Competition Info Session - 1h
- 2:00pm CEDI Leadership Board Meeting - 1h 15m
- 2:00pm Forum & SAC Staff Meeting with Provost Mattson - 1h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 7:00pm Race, Privilege and Inequality Visiting Speaker Series : "The Minnesota Paradox: Racial Inequality and Progressive Public Policy" by Samuel L. Myers, Jr. - 1h 30m
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Fri 7
- 8:30am 1:1 Mock Interview with Stephen Hayes at MIAC Analytics - 6h 30m
- 12:00pm Student Lunch with Seminar Speaker Ambika Bhagi-Damodaran - 1h
- 4:30pm TRIO Presents: Class Act - 1h 30m
Sat 8
- 3:00pm Queer Spiritz - 1h
- 7:00pm SUMO Week 4 Screening - Fantastic Mr. Fox - 1h 20m
- 10:00pm SUMO Week 4 Screening - Fantastic Mr. Fox - 1h 20m
Sun 9
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Mon 10
- Columbus Day
- Indigenous Peoples' Day
- 1:00pm CarlsChat: Judge Bruce Manning '96, State of Minnesota - 3h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 4:15pm College Council Meeting - 1h 15m
- 5:00pm Philosophy Dept. Movie Showing - 2h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Tue 11
- 8:30am TIAA-CREF Individual Retirement Counseling - 6h 30m
- 11:45am LTC Targeted Audience Lunch - The Teaching Toolbox: Making Deadlines Meaningful - 1h 15m
- 12:00pm How to Ace the Five Most Difficult Interview Questions - 1h
- 12:00pm Mesa de español - 1h
- 12:00pm Part 2: Title IX Carleton Instructor Led Training - Virtual - 1h
- 3:30pm Northfield Undergraduate Mathematics Symposium - 3h 45m
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 5:00pm Genre and the Repeal of Ireland's 8th Amendment: Abortion in Irish Road Narratives, Horror, and Love Stories - 1h
- 5:00pm Get Prepped for the Government & Nonprofit Career Fair - 1h
- 6:00pm Atlantis Webinar For Pre-Med Students - 1h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Wed 12
- AAMC Virtual Medical School Fair 2022 (begins)
- 8:30am TIAA-CREF Individual Retirement Counseling - 6h 30m
- 10:30am Canva Workshop - 1h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 4:00pm Tech Career Circle (4-week workshop) - 1h
- 4:30pm Workshop Wednesday: First Year Glad Hour - 1h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Thu 13
- AAMC Virtual Medical School Fair 2022 (ends)
- Last Day First Five Weeks
- 8:30am TIAA-CREF Individual Retirement Counseling - 6h 30m
- 10:00am Carleton Virtual Breakfast Club - 1h
- 12:00pm Mesa de español - 1h
- 12:00pm Preparing for the Sophomore Writing Portfolio - 1h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 6:30pm Majors and Minors Fair - 1h 30m
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Fri 14
- Family Weekend (begins)
- First Day Second Five Weeks
- The Wandering House: exploring, mending, reimagining our relationship to home (ends)
- 4:30pm Chemistry Department Seminar: Undergraduate Research Poster Session - 2h
- 7:00pm SUMO Week 5 Screening - Princess Mononoke - 2h 13m
- 10:00pm SUMO Week 5 Screening - Princess Mononoke - 1h 59m
Sat 15
- 3:00pm Queer Spiritz - 1h
- 7:00pm SUMO Week 5 Screening - Princess Mononoke - 2h 13m
- 10:00pm SUMO Week 5 Screening - Princess Mononoke - 1h 59m
Sun 16
- Family Weekend (ends)
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Mon 17
- Mid-Term Break
- 10:00am Zotero & EndNote Drop-in Session - 2h
- 3:00pm Zotero & EndNote Drop-in Session - 2h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Tue 18
- 8:15am Classes Resume
- 11:45am LTC Lunch - ArcGIS Online - 1h 15m
- 12:00pm Astro speaker: Dr. John Lewis - 1h
- 12:00pm Immunization Clinic - 2h
- 12:00pm Mesa de español - 1h
- 12:00pm Senior Year Comps Fellowships Application Deadline
- 12:00pm The University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy Info. Session - 1h
- 1:00pm Informal Conversation with AFST Job Candidate Chielozona Eze - 1h
- 1:00pm University of Minnesota - College of Pharmacy Tabling at Sayles - 2h
- 4:00pm Math/Stats Colloquium: Laura Boehm Vock - 1h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 6:00pm Pride Panel - 1h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 7:00pm Pre-Med/Pre-Health information session for First-Year Students - 1h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Wed 19
- 3:30pm Education and Curriculum Committee - 1h 30m
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 4:00pm Tech Career Circle (4-week workshop) - 1h
- 4:30pm Mary Wollstonecraft: Philosopher, Vindicator of the Rights of Woman, and “first of a new genus” - 1h
- 6:00pm Alumni Teacher Panel - 2h
- 6:00pm Extern Logistics Planning Session - 2h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Thu 20
- 11:45am Faculty Drop-In Lunch - 1h 30m
- 12:00pm Mesa de español - 1h
- 12:00pm Women in Economics (WE+) Student Internship Panel & Lunch - 1h
- 12:00pm Zotero & EndNote Drop-in Session - 2h
- 2:00pm CEDI Leadership Board Meeting - 1h 15m
- 4:00pm Makerspace Fall Workshop #2 - 1h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 5:00pm Extern Logistics Planning Session - 1h 30m
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 6:30pm Reception with President Byerly in Denver - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Fri 21
- 12:00pm Student Lunch with Seminar Speaker Grace Yin Stokes - 1h
- 5:00pm Second Five Week Course Drop/Add Deadline
- 6:00pm Spanish-catalan film director Xavier Artigas visits Carleton - 2h
- 7:00pm SUMO Week 6 Screening - Top Gun - 1h 50m
- 10:00pm SUMO Week 6 Screening - Top Gun: Maverick (WITH OPEN CAPTIONING) - 1h 59m
Sat 22
- 12:00pm Interviews about student experiences with reproductive justice at the Carleton Humanities and Arts Trailer - 7d (begins)
- 1:00pm Foods of Faith (Week 6) - 2h
- 3:00pm Queer Spiritz - 1h
- 4:00pm Pied Pipers Fall Concert - 1h
- 5:30pm Hindu Diwali Service and Celebration
- 7:00pm SUMO Week 6 Screening - Top Gun - 1h 50m
- 10:00pm SUMO Week 6 Screening - Top Gun: Maverick - 1h 59m
Sun 23
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Mon 24
- Advising Days (begins)
- Fall Decorating Contest (begins)
- 12:00pm Intro to the Tech Space: 1:1's with Seth Lippincott ’07, Pegasystems - 2h
- 1:00pm CarlsChat with Geoffrey Isaacman '92, Managing Attorney, Hennepin County Public Defender - 3h
- 3:00pm Flu Vaccine & COVID Booster Clinic - Faculty, Staff & Students - 4h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 4:30pm Faculty Forum Session - 1h 30m
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 7:00pm Hard Questions: Science, Religion, and Ethics
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Tue 25
- 9:30am Flu Vaccine & COVID Booster Clinic - Faculty, Staff & Students - 3h 30m
- 11:30am Minnesota Army National Guard Tabling at Sayles - 1h 30m
- 12:00pm Intro to the Tech Space: 1:1's with Seth Lippincott ’07, Pegasystems - 2h
- 12:00pm Mesa de español - 1h
- 12:00pm Students: Share Your Ideas with President Byerly - 1h
- 1:15pm '21 Paglia Fellows Office Hours - 1h 45m
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 7:00pm Apogee Adventures Information Session - 1h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Wed 26
- 11:30am Foreign Service 101 with U.S. State Department Diplomat in Residence - 1h
- 12:45pm Informal Discussion with U.S. State Department Diplomat in Residence - 1h
- 3:30pm Education and Curriculum Committee - 1h 30m
- 4:00pm '21 Paglia Fellows Group Presentation - 1h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 4:30pm Workshop Wednesday: Navigating Transitions - 2h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Thu 27
- 12:00pm Davis Projects for Peace Information Meeting - 1h
- 12:00pm Lunch and Learn: The Reality of the Workplace with Michael Wenderoth '93 - 1h
- 12:00pm Mesa de español - 1h
- 12:00pm Zotero & EndNote Drop-in Session - 2h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 7:00pm Movie Night with the PSYC DCCs! - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Fri 28
- 9:00am CarlsChat with Chase Garcia '19, Account Manager, Research & Insights, Lumanity - 4h
- 10:00am Government & Nonprofit Career Fair - 5h
- 12:00pm Student Lunch with Seminar Speaker Maroya Spalding Walters '03 - 1h
- 3:00pm Lessons in International Leadership with Christian Lee '98 - 1h
- 3:30pm Chemistry Department Seminar: Maroya Spalding Walters '03, Antimicrobial Resistance Team, CDC - 1h
- 5:00pm Ten Week Course Late Drop Deadline and S/CR/NC Deadline
- 5:30pm Dedication of Hasenstab Hall - 1h 15m
Sat 29
- 3:00pm Queer Spiritz - 1h
- 5:00pm Interviews about student experiences with reproductive justice at the Carleton Humanities and Arts Trailer (ends)
- 10:00pm 8th Annual Hauntcert (Halloween Dance)
Sun 30
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Mon 31
- Halloween
- Fall Decorating Contest (ends)
- Registration for Winter Term (begins)
- 1:30pm Flu Vaccine & COVID Booster Clinic - Faculty, Staff & Students - 4h 30m
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 4:15pm College Council Meeting - 1h 15m
- 4:30pm Asian Studies Comps Presentation - 1h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 7:00pm Hard Questions: Science, Religion, and Ethics
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
November 2022
Tue 1
- First Day of American Indian Heritage Month
- Advising Days (ends)
- 8:30am Flu Vaccine & COVID Booster Clinic - Faculty, Staff & Students - 5h 30m
- 11:45am LTC Lunch - NCFDD Programs - 1h 15m
- 12:00pm Graph Clinic - 1h
- 12:00pm Mesa de español - 1h
- 12:00pm University of Minnesota - College of Design Information Session - 1h
- 2:00pm SAC Fall Term Meeting #2 - 1h
- 3:00pm Mathematics and Statistics Independent Comps Presentations - 2h 30m
- 4:00pm Get a High Quality Professional Headshot! - 2h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 5:00pm Economics Dept Fall Social with Trivia - 1h 30m
- 5:30pm Faculty Perspectives on Arts and Democracy - 1h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Wed 2
- 1:00pm Artistic Process from A to B to C... - 1h 30m
- 2:00pm Auxiliary Services & You! - 1h
- 3:30pm Education and Curriculum Committee - 1h 30m
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 6:30pm Dining Etiquette 101 - 1h 30m
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Thu 3
- 11:00am Staff Collective for Change: Fall Session #2 - 1h
- 11:00am Web2020 Celebration: remarks at 11:45 - 1h 30m
- 11:30am Concord Software Engineering/Consulting Tabling at Sayles - 1h 30m
- 12:00pm Mesa de español - 1h
- 12:00pm Zotero & EndNote Drop-in Session - 2h
- 2:00pm CEDI Leadership Board Meeting - 1h 15m
- 4:00pm Mathematics and Statistics Independent Comps Presentations - 2h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Fri 4
- 2023 Benefits Open Enrollment Information Session
- 10:50am Convocation CANCELED - 1h
- 12:00pm Student Lunch with Seminar Speaker Cody Finke '12 - 1h
- 1:00pm Learn from a Carl: Careers in Medicine with Linda McAllister '87 - 1h
- 3:30pm Chemistry Department Seminar: Cody Finke (‘12), CEO & Co-Founder, Brimstone Energy - 1h
- 5:00pm Second Five Week Course Late Drop Deadline and S/CR/NC Deadline
- 7:00pm SUMO Week 8 Screening - Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb - 1h 35m
- 10:00pm SUMO Week 8 Screening - Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb - 1h 35m
Sat 5
- 2:00pm A Celebration of the Life of Fred Easter
- 3:00pm Queer Spiritz - 1h
- 7:00pm *SPECIAL* SUMO Week 8 Screening - The Blues Brothers - 2h 13m
- 10:00pm *SPECIAL* SUMO Week 8 Screening - The Blues Brothers - 1h 35m
Sun 6
- Daylight Saving Time ends
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 6:00pm Just Cellin Concert - 1h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Mon 7
- 10:00am President's Fall Quarterly Meeting - 1h 30m
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 4:30pm Faculty Meeting - 1h 30m
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 7:00pm Hard Questions: Science, Religion, and Ethics
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Tue 8
- Election Day
- 8:30am Flu Vaccine & COVID Booster Clinic - Faculty, Staff & Students - 6h
- 11:45am LTC Lunch - Ally: A New Tool to Help with Creating More Accessible Course Materials - 1h 15m
- 12:00pm Mesa de español - 1h
- 3:30pm Part 2: Title IX Carleton Instructor Led Training - Virtual - 1h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 5:00pm Pre-Health Summer Program Informational Session - 1h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Wed 9
- 11:00am Flu Vaccine & COVID Booster Clinic - Faculty, Staff & Students - 3h
- 3:30pm Education and Curriculum Committee - 1h 30m
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 4:30pm Chemistry Department Seminar: Tenure Track Candidate - 1h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Thu 10
- 2023 Benefits Open Enrollment Information Session
- 11:30am Minnesota Army National Guard Tabling at Sayles - 1h 30m
- 12:00pm Mesa de español - 1h
- 12:00pm Zotero & EndNote Drop-in Session - 2h
- 3:30pm CS Tea: Fall Term Comps - 1h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 5:00pm EUST Pizza Party - 1h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Fri 11
- Veterans Day
- 12:00pm Rush University Virtual Information Session - 1h
- 3:30pm Chemistry Department Seminar: Research Recruiting Part 1 - Off campus - 1h
- 5:30pm CPA Cookie Decorating + Game Night - 1h 30m
- 7:00pm SUMO Week 9 Screening: Dazed and Confused - 1h 42m
- 8:00pm Orchestra Concert - 2h
- 10:00pm SUMO Week 9 Screening: The Big Lebowski - 1h 57m
Sat 12
- 1:00pm Classics Senior Symposium on Classical Myth - 4h 30m
- 3:00pm Queer Spiritz - 1h
- 7:00pm SUMO Week 9 Screening: Dazed and Confused - 1h 42m
- 10:00pm SUMO Week 9 Screening: The Big Lebowski - 1h 57m
Sun 13
- 2:00pm Chamber Music Recital - 2h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Mon 14
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 7:30pm Exit 6-Knights Fall Concert - 1h 30m
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Tue 15
- 2023 Benefits Open Enrollment Information Session
- Critical Language Scholarship Application Deadline
- 12:00pm Immunization Clinic - 2h
- 12:00pm Mesa de español - 1h
- 4:00pm Math/Stats Colloquium: Lisa Bramer - 1h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 5:00pm Organ and Harpsichord Recital - 1h 30m
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 8:00pm Composition Showcase - 1h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Wed 16
- Last Day of Classes
- 3:00pm Strings Recital - 2h
- 4:00pm Chinese Music Studio Recital - 1h 30m
- 4:00pm End of Term Celebration - 2h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 7:30pm Knightingales & Accidentals Fall Concert - 1h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Thu 17
- Reading Days (begins)
- 9:00am CHEM 371: Chemistry and Society - Impact and Legacy Poster Session - 8h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Fri 18
- 2023 Benefits Open Enrollment Information Session (3:00-4:00 p.m.)
- Reading Days (ends)
- Workday Foundations Training available to all employees (begins)
- 9:00am CHEM 371: Chemistry and Society - Impact and Legacy Poster Session - 8h
Sat 19
- Exam Days (begins)
- 9:00am CANCELED - Carleton Arboretum Volunteer Event - 3h
- 10:00am CHEM 371: Chemistry and Society - Impact and Legacy Poster Session - 1h
Mon 21
- Exam Days (ends)
Tue 22
Wed 23
Thu 24
- Thanksgiving Day
Fri 25
- Black Friday
- Native American Heritage Day
Sun 27
Tue 29
- Giving Tuesday at Carleton
- 12:00pm New Faculty Workshop - Day 1 - 4h 30m
- 6:30pm Community Open House - 1h
Wed 30
- 8:30am Grades Due
- 8:30am New Faculty Workshop - Day 2 - 3h 30m
December 2022
Thu 1
- 8:30am New Faculty Workshop - Day 3 - 3h 30m
Fri 2
- 8:30am New Faculty Workshop - Day 4 - 4h 30m
Sat 3
Mon 5
Tue 6
- 9:00am LTC Winter Break Conference - Day 2 - 7h
Wed 7
- 1:00pm Lecture with Professor Fred Hagstrom - 1h
Thu 8
- 8:00am Carleton Virtual Breakfast Club - 1h
- 3:00pm Employee Holiday Party - 2h
Fri 9
- 12:00pm Rush University Virtual Information Session - 1h
Sat 10
- 3:00pm Northfield Youth Choir Concert - 1h 30m
Sun 11
Mon 12
Tue 13
- 9:00am How to spend money in Workday - 2h
- 9:00am Part 2: Title IX Carleton Instructor Led Training - Virtual - 1h
- 11:45am Student Listening Lunch: Advancing the Liberal Arts - 1h 15m
Wed 14
- 9:00am Workday for hourly employees: Time Off and Time Entry - 1h
- 10:00am Workday for UNION employees: Time Off and Time Entry - 1h
- 11:00am Workday for hourly employees: Time Off and Time Entry - 1h
- 6:00pm Carleton 2033 Strategic Planning Webinar for Alumni - 1h
- 7:00pm Workday for hourly employees: Time Off and Time Entry - 1h
Thu 15
Mon 19
- 8:30am 2022 Staff Retreat - 5h 30m
Tue 20
- Workday Help Hotline (begins)
- 9:00am Workday Finance Fundamentals: What's My Account Number? (online) - 2h
- 11:00am Workday Drop-in Support: HR and Business Office - 2h
- 1:30pm Workday for hourly employees: Time Off and Time Entry - 1h
- 2:30pm Workday for Supervisors: Approving Time Off and Time Entry ONLY - 30m
- 3:30pm Workday for staff: Time Off and Leaves - 30m
- 4:00pm Workday Drop-in Support: HR and Student Employment - 1h
Wed 21
- 9:00am Workday Finance: How to Spend Money in Workday - 2h
- 11:00am Workday Drop-in Support: HR and Business Office - 2h
- 11:00am Workday Drop-in Support: Student Employment - 1h
- 2:30pm Workday for Supervisors: Approving Time Off and Time Entry ONLY - 30m
- 4:00pm Workday Drop-in Support: HR - Zoom - 1h
Thu 22
- 9:00am Workday Finance: Budget, Gift, and Grant Management - 2h
- 11:00am Workday Drop-in Support: HR and Business Office - 2h
- 1:30pm Workday for hourly employees: Time Off and Time Entry - 1h
- 2:30pm Workday for Supervisors: Approving Time Off and Time Entry ONLY - 30m
- 3:30pm Workday for staff: Time Off and Leaves - 30m
Sat 24
- Christmas Eve
Sun 25
- Christmas Day
Mon 26
- Christmas Day (substitute)
- Day off for Christmas Day
Tue 27
Wed 28
- Winter Break Day (begins)
Thu 29
- Winter Break Day (ends)
Fri 30
- New Year's Day (substitute)
Sat 31
- New Year's Eve
January 2023
Sun 1
- New Year's Day
Mon 2
- New Year's Day (substitute)
- 9:00am Halls and Houses Open for Winter Term - 8h
- 11:00am Workday Drop-in Support: HR and Business Office - 2h
- 1:30pm Workday: View and Manage your Employee Profile - 30m
- 2:00pm Workday for staff: Time Off & Leaves - 30m
- 2:30pm Workday training: Benefits and Payroll Deductions - 30m
- 4:00pm Workday Drop-in Support: HR - 1h
Tue 3
- Registration for Winter Term (ends)
- Winter Break (ends)
- 9:00am TIAA Individual Retirement Counseling Sessions - 6h
- 10:00am Workday for Student Work Supervisors - 1h
- 11:00am Workday Drop-in Support: HR and Business Office - 2h
- 1:30pm Workday for Staff Supervisors LOCATION CHANGED - 1h
Wed 4
- Classes Begin
- 9:00am TIAA Individual Retirement Counseling Sessions - 6h
- 10:00am Workday for Student Work Supervisors - 1h
- 11:00am Workday Drop-in Support: HR and Business Office - 2h
- 1:30pm Workday: View and Manage your Employee Profile LOCATION CHANGE - 30m
- 2:00pm Workday for staff: Time Off & Leaves (LOCATION CHANGE) - 30m
- 2:30pm Workday training: Benefits and Payroll Deductions LOCATION CHANGE - 30m
Thu 5
- 9:00am TIAA Individual Retirement Counseling Sessions - 6h
- 11:00am Workday Drop-in Support: HR and Business Office - 2h
- 1:30pm Workday for Staff Supervisors - 1h
- 3:00pm CEDI Leadership Board Meeting - 1h 15m
Fri 6
- 10:00am Workday for Student Work Supervisors - 1h
- 11:00am Workday Drop-in Support: HR and Business Office - 2h
- 1:30pm The staff hiring process in Workday - 1h
Sat 7
- Workday at the Peer Leader Winter Conference
Sun 8
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Mon 9
- 11:00am Workday Drop-in Support: Business Office - 2h
- 12:00pm Immunization Clinic - 2h
- 1:30pm Workday for Staff Supervisors - 1h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 4:30pm Faculty Meeting - 1h 30m
- 5:00pm Davis Projects for Peace Internal Application Deadline
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Tue 10
- 11:00am Jonathan Singleton Comps - 1h
- 11:00am Workday Drop-in Support: Business Office - 2h
- 11:45am LTC Lunch - Placing Civil Discourse: Experience and Experiment - 1h 15m
- 12:00pm Chemistry Department Seminar: Tenure Track Candidate - 1h
- 12:00pm Physics Table - 1h
- 1:30pm The staff hiring process in Workday - 1h
- 4:00pm Math/Stats Colloquium: Lisa Bramer - 1h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 5:00pm Ten Week Independent Study and Overload Petition Deadline