- Registration for Fall Term • May 23, 2022 - Sep 11, 2022
- New Student Week 2022 • Sep 6, 2022 - Sep 11, 2022
September 2022
Wed 7
- 8:30am Advising Workshop - 1h 30m
- 5:00pm Analysis Group Information Session - 45m
Thu 8
- 8:00am Carleton Virtual Breakfast Club - 1h
- 1:30pm Individual Academic Advising Meetings - 2h
- 3:30pm Academic Fair - 1h 30m
Fri 9
- 8:00am Individual Academic Advising Meetings - 1h
- 11:00am Individual Academic Advising Meetings - 5h
Sat 10
- Halls and Houses Open for Returning Students (begins)
Sun 11
- Halls and Houses Open for Returning Students (ends)
- New Student Week 2022 (ends)
- Registration for Fall Term (ends)
Mon 12
Tue 13
- 11:30am Peace Corps Tabling at Sayles - 2h
- 12:00pm Mesa de español - 1h
Wed 14
Thu 15
- First Day of Hispanic Heritage Month
- 12:00pm Chat Over Lunch with Deloitte - Cyber & Strategic Risk - 1h
- 12:00pm Mesa de español - 1h
- 1:30pm Ameriprise Financial Tabling at Sayles - 2h
- 5:00pm Tech Talk: Deloitte’s Rapid Analytics in a Distributed Environment (RADE) - 1h
Fri 16
- 3:30pm Chemistry Department Seminar: Welcome to Chemistry - 1h
- 5:00pm Ten Week Independent Study and Overload Petition Deadline
Sat 17
- 3:00pm Queer Spiritz - 1h
Sun 18
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 11:59pm First Five Week Course Drop/Add Deadline
- 11:59pm Ten Week Course Drop/Add Deadline
Mon 19
- The Wandering House: exploring, mending, reimagining our relationship to home (begins)
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 4:15pm College Council Meeting - 1h 15m
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 6:30pm Fall Recruiting Showcase - 1h 30m
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Tue 20
- 11:45am LTC Lunch - Building Trust in the Classroom - 1h 15m
- 12:00pm Mesa de español - 1h
- 4:00pm Math/Stats Colloquium: Kevin Kwan - 1h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Wed 21
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 7:00pm Pre-Med/Pre-Health information session for First-Year Students - 1h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Thu 22
- 12:00pm Innovation Scholars Student Info Session - 45m
- 12:00pm Mesa de español - 1h
- 12:00pm Pre-Med/Pre-Health information session for First-Year Students - 1h
- 2:00pm CEDI Leadership Board Meeting - 1h 15m
- 3:00pm Special Collections Open House: New Acquisitions in Medieval and Renaissance Studies - 2h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Fri 23
- 6:00pm Colleague and the Hubs unavailable - 4h
Sat 24
- 10:00am Fall Career Jam: Find your dream externship, internship, or job - 4h
- 3:00pm Queer Spiritz - 1h
Sun 25
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Mon 26
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 4:30pm Faculty Forum Session - 1h 30m
- 5:00pm Boston Scientific – Advancing Science for Life! - 1h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 7:00pm Spanish film director Oscar Aibar visits Carleton - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Tue 27
- 11:30am Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey Tabling at Sayles - 1h 30m
- 11:45am LTC Lunch - A “Liberal Arts Laboratory”: Teaching with Archives, Maps, and Rare Books - 1h 15m
- 12:00pm Mesa de español - 1h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 6:00pm Spanish film director Oscar Aibar visits Carleton - 3h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Wed 28
- 10:30am SAC Fall Term Meeting #1 - 1h
- 3:30pm Education and Curriculum Committee - 1h 30m
- 4:00pm Fellowship and Undergraduate Research at Carleton: An Introduction - 1h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 4:00pm Tech Career Circle (4-week workshop) - 1h
- 4:30pm Workshop Wednesday: Overcoming Imposter Phenomenon - 2h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 7:00pm Colleague and the Hubs unavailable - 1h
- 7:00pm Geology Interest / Pizza Party - 1h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Thu 29
- 12:00pm Designing Your Sophomore Year - 1h
- 12:00pm Mesa de español - 1h
- 12:00pm Special Periodic Table Takeover: Graduate Study in Chemistry and Related Fields - 1h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 4:00pm Revisiting the Carleton Miscellany: An Illustrated History - 1h
- 5:00pm Designing Your Sophomore Year - 1h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Fri 30
- Multicultural Alumni Network (MCAN) Gathering (begins)
- 2:15pm Faculty Panel on Teaching for More Equitable Outcomes - 1h
- 3:30pm Chemistry Department Seminar: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Respect Discussion - 1h
- 5:00pm First Five Week Course Late Drop Deadline and S/CR/NC Deadline
- 6:30pm Celebration Curry Night Dinner - 1h 30m
- 7:00pm SUMO Week 3 Screening - Summer of Soul - 2h
- 10:00pm SUMO Week 3 Screening - Summer of Soul - 1h 59m
October 2022
Sat 1
- 11:15am Updates on Carleton’s Community Plan for Inclusion, Diversity and Equity (IDE) - 1h
- 12:30pm Multicultural Alumni, Student, Career Center Networking Chili Lunch - 1h
- 1:45pm Panel Presentation on Student Life at Carleton - 1h
- 3:00pm Queer Spiritz - 1h
- 4:30pm Block Party hosted by Division of Student Life and Alumni Relations - 2h 30m
- 7:00pm SUMO Week 3 Screening - Summer of Soul - 2h
- 10:00pm SUMO Week 3 Screening - Summer of Soul - 1h 59m
Sun 2
- Multicultural Alumni Network (MCAN) Gathering (ends)
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Mon 3
- 12:30pm The Biosphere - 1h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 4:30pm Faculty Meeting - 1h 30m
- 5:00pm Harvard Law School Information Session - 45m
- 5:30pm Preparing for the Sophomore Writing Portfolio - 1h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Tue 4
- 11:00am Staff Collective for Change: Fall Kickoff - 1h
- 11:30am Teachers On Call Tabling at Sayles - 1h 30m
- 11:45am LTC Lunch - Being a Multilingual Writer at Carleton - 1h 15m
- 12:00pm Fellowship and Undergraduate Research at Carleton: An Introduction - 1h
- 12:00pm Graph Clinic - 1h
- 12:00pm Hill-Style Résumés 101 - 1h
- 12:00pm Mesa de español - 1h
- 12:00pm Physics Table - 1h
- 3:00pm Math Across the Cannon: Satyan Devadoss - 1h 30m
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 5:00pm Sophomore Pre-Health Information Session - 1h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Wed 5
- 3:30pm Education and Curriculum Committee - 1h 30m
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 4:00pm Tech Career Circle (4-week workshop) - 1h
- 5:00pm How to Ace the Five Most Difficult Interview Questions - 1h
- 5:00pm Off-Campus Abroad Activity. Welcome to Madrid! - 1h
- 5:30pm Carleton to Clarion Healthcare – Life Sciences (Biopharm) Strategy Consulting Company - 1h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 7:00pm Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about OCS (but were afraid to ask) - 1h
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
Thu 6
- 9:00am CarlsChat: Hyacinth Diehl '92, Tool Using Mammal, CrowdStrike - 4h
- 12:00pm Mesa de español - 1h
- 12:00pm Sophomore Pre-Health Information Session - 1h
- 12:00pm Startup Competition Info Session - 1h
- 2:00pm CEDI Leadership Board Meeting - 1h 15m
- 2:00pm Forum & SAC Staff Meeting with Provost Mattson - 1h
- 4:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 6:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
- 7:00pm Race, Privilege and Inequality Visiting Speaker Series : "The Minnesota Paradox: Racial Inequality and Progressive Public Policy" by Samuel L. Myers, Jr. - 1h 30m
- 8:00pm QRC Drop-in Tutoring - 2h
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2025 Winter Term • Week 6