May 12

The Peregrine Falcon Story

Thu, May 12, 2022 • 7:00pm - 8:00pm (1h) • Leighton Hall 305 - see college map for details.
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Raptors are often regarded as a species to be admired and prized by human societies, often representing power, independence, and strength. In particular, peregrine falcons have risen to the highest level of admiration due to their striking physical markings, speed, and care for their young. When the peregrine falcon population plummeted to fewer than 200 birds in the lower 48, it was no wonder that many people joined forces to save the species from extinction.

Come and learn about what more about the peregrine story, and what is being done right here in Minnesota to help the species and what we have discovered about them after 40 years of research. Jackie Fallon, wildlife biologist, master falconer, and educator for over 30 years, will be our presenter. She is currently the VP of Field Operations for the Midwest Peregrine Society and MN state coordinator for peregrine monitoring and currently manages all aspects of research at over 50 peregrine falcon territories in Minnesota and Wisconsin.

Please be prepared to comply with Carleton's COVID-19 policy by bringing a mask to this event.  See the current campus policy and review updates immediately prior to the event.

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from Cowling Arboretum

Event Contact: Lisa Falconer

Event Summary

The Peregrine Falcon Story
  • Intended For: General Public, Students, Faculty, Staff, Alums, Prospective Students, Families
  • Categories: Lecture/Panel

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