May 23

LTC Lunch - Design Justice, Poster Design, Creation, and Reading

Tue, May 23, 2023 • 11:45am - 1:00pm (1h 15m) • Weitz 236

Design justice is a relatively new “approach to design that is led by marginalized communities and that aims explicitly to challenge, rather than reproduce, structural inequalities.” (Costanza-Chock, 2020). This presentation will provide an introduction into principles of design justice and how it may affect teaching of poster and other designs.

Doug Foxgrover, Academic Technologist

Wiebke Kuhn, Director of Academic Technology


from Learning And Teaching Center

Event Contact: Mary Drew

Event Summary

LTC Lunch - Design Justice, Poster Design, Creation, and Reading
  • Intended For: Students, Faculty, Staff
  • Categories: Lecture/Panel

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