Oct 24

LTC Lunch - Connecting Classrooms and the Real World: Bringing Everyone In

Tue, October 24, 2023 • 11:45am - 1:00pm (1h 15m) • Weitz 236

This session will showcase the work of CHEM 271 - Chemistry and Society and Peopling the Past, two projects spearheaded by Carleton faculty that break down barriers between classrooms and the "real world" by producing multimedia content for non-specialist audiences in STEM and the humanities.

Victoria Austen, Robert A. Oden, Jr. Postdoctoral Fellow for Innovation in the Humanities and Classics
Daniela Kohen, Professor of Chemistry

from Learning And Teaching Center

Event Contact: Mary Drew

Event Summary

LTC Lunch - Connecting Classrooms and the Real World: Bringing Everyone In
  • Intended For: Faculty, Staff
  • Categories: Lecture/Panel

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