Jan 30
Pop-Tart Tasting & Summer Job Recruitment with SLAI in Sayles on Thursday!
Thu, January 30, 2025
• 12:00pm
- 1:00pm (1h) • Sayles Hall

The Summer Liberal Arts Institute (SLAI) will be tabling in Sayles during Common Time (12pm - 1pm) on Thursday, January 30. POP by to taste three different Pop-Tarts, and cast your vote for your favorite. Vegan or gluten free? We’ve thought of you and will have pop-tarts available for you too!
We will also be chatting about summer employment opportunities on campus with SLAI. We're hiring Program and Community Assistants (PACAs), Teaching Assistants and ultimate frisbee assistant coaches (new for our Summer Ultimate camp!). Make plans to meet a friend, eat pop-tarts, and formulate plans for the summer!
Event Contact: summer@carleton.edu
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