Jan 9
CS Bits & Bytes: Tanya Amert presents Taking One for the Team: Trading Overhead and Blocking with a Shared GPU
Thu, January 9, 2025
• 3:30pm
- 4:30pm (1h) • Anderson 329

Tanya Amert will present on her research in a talk titled "Taking One for the Team: Trading Overhead and Blocking with a Shared GPU"
Imagine that my kids got a little chaotic over the holidays and mixed all of their LEGO sets together, and you and some friends have signed up to help me build them all again. Throughout the build, each of you needs to rummage around in the bin of mixed-up pieces. For some reason, the table is really small, so you can only find pieces for one step at a time. The longer you hold the bin, the more steps you can complete, but then everyone else waits for you.
In real-time systems, processes (you and your friends) may need mutually exclusive access to a shared resource (the LEGO bin). Conventional wisdom says to perform only short computations (find pieces for one step) before releasing the resource, but in the presence of deadlines, it may be necessary to do more work (build several steps in succession) at the expense of longer blocking of other processes, so long as deadlines are still met. In this talk, we will explore this trade-off in the context of Graphics Processing Units and discuss current and future work in this area.
Join us for treats, beverages, community and conversation.
from Computer Science
Event Contact: Marla Viergutz
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