Nov 11

Biology Seminar: Grace Vaziri: "Winter break? The effects of overwintering, over time and space, on immune gene expression in wood frogs."

Mon, November 11, 2024 • 3:30pm - 4:30pm (1h) • Olin 141
Photo of Grace Vaziri

Dr. Grace Viziri will cover a pair of studies which both investigate how wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus), which are famous for their ability to tolerate whole-body freezing, regulate expression of immune genes during the winter. While cold winter conditions lead, intuitively, to reductions in metabolic rates of ectothermic hosts and their parasites, a slower metabolism doesn't necessarily translate to a decrease in parasite pressure, or in the need for immune functions. In this talk, I will describe trends in parasitism of wood frogs, and related gene expression of two important immune organs, skin and spleen, throughout the course of the 2019-2020 winter in Storrs, CT, US. I will also describe the results of an experimental investigation into whether wood frog immune gene expression is locally adapted to different winter environments across the species range.

from Biology

Event Contact: Peter Stone

Event Summary

Biology Seminar: Grace Vaziri: "Winter break? The effects of overwintering, over time and space, on immune gene expression in wood frogs."
  • Intended For: Students, Faculty, Staff
  • Categories: Lecture/Panel

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