Apr 23

Mere hamnafas, mere humnawa: Fighting fascism with poetry, hope, and solidarities in South Asia

Tue, April 23, 2024 • 5:30pm - 7:00pm (1h 30m) • Boliou 104
Updated Sabika Abbas poster

Lindesmith Lecture in South Asian Studies presents a talk by Sabika Abbas titled Mere hamnafas, mere humnawa*: Fighting fascism with poetry, hope, and solidarities in South Asia.

* My friend, companion, and fellow songster

This lecture will confront the rise of fascism and anti-rights movement across South Asia. From India to Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh, these movements employ divisive tactics like media manipulation, podcasts, corporate links, propaganda, and misinformation to consolidate power. Despite this, solidarity remains a beacon of hope, yet it's often lacking due to divisive agendas.

Amidst the chaos, radical love and poetry emerge as potent tools of resistance. Through a personal journey in art creation and activism, the conversation will showcase the transformative power of resilience and creative expression in defying oppression. What sustains us is our unwavering belief in collective action and the resilience that comes with it. We will attempt to answer some questions - What are ways in which we have seen allyship emerge in South Asia? How is solidarity birthed, practiced, and sustained? How easy is solidarity (or not)? This will be followed by a brief poetry reading.

Sabika Abbas is a poet, educator, and feminist. She has supported The Queer Muslim Project - South Asia, as well as established and led numerous community groups, projects and events in India, including Feminist Futures through Poetry workshops, the She Creates Change Lab, and Gender-based Urban Education and Intervention. She currently is the founder of Sar E Rahguzar: Poetry on the Streets and the Global Lead for Organizing and Campaigns of the Noor Network, a transitional feminist and movement-driven think and do tank, devoted to building the power of gender justice and progressive movements.

Sponsored by the Gertrude Wollaeger Lindesmith Lecture in South & Southeast Asian Studies

from Asian Studies

Event Contact: annahagen

Event Summary

Mere hamnafas, mere humnawa: Fighting fascism with poetry, hope, and solidarities in South Asia
  • When
    • Tuesday, April 23, 2024
    • 5:30pm - 7:00pm (1h 30m)
  • Where
    • Boliou 104
  • Mode
    • In-Person
  • Event Contact
    • annahagen
  • Copy Share Link
  • Intended For: General Public, Students, Faculty, Staff, Emeriti, Alums, Prospective Students, Families
  • Categories: Lecture/Panel

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