Aug 6
Celebrating Carls in London: Studying, Working, and Living
Carls in London
invite you to a social to celebrate studying, working, and living in England
Tuesday, August 6, 2024
5:00-7:00 p.m.
Anchor Bankside
34 Park Street
London SE1 9EF
United Kingdom
This event is free but registration is required. Complimentary light hors d’oeuvres will be available, and beverages can be purchased.
RSVP by Tuesday, July 23
Please join Economics in Cambridge faculty director Michael Hemesath and the program's current Carleton students as well as fellow Carleton alumni living and working in London to reconnect and celebrate community.
Economics Program in Cambridge (formerly Economics and European Studies) celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2023. Since 1983, this program has engaged and challenged Carleton students to broaden and reimagine their world view through living and learning at one of the world’s great universities and exploring one of the world’s great capitals.
Whether or not you participated as a student in this program, please join us!
Michael Hemesath, Professor of Economics, joined the faculty at Carleton in 1989, left to serve as President of Saint John’s University in Collegeville, MN from 2012 to 2019, and returned to Carleton in 2020. He is a strong supporter of international education and this is his 9th Cambridge program.
Contact Alumni Relations via email or 800-729-2586.
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