Jun 8
Day of Public Scholarship 2024
A Call for Public Scholars
What do we mean by “public scholarship” at Carleton? How public is our scholarship?
Join fellow Carleton faculty and two visiting engaged scholars on Thursday, June 6, 2024, for this interactive half-day workshop of collective reflection and shared learning. Guiding questions that will shape the day’s content include: How do public scholars employ academic resources and different forms of knowledge to create collaborative tools to address pressing public priorities and social challenges? How are non-experts included or addressed in this practice? How can scholars shift academic cultural norms and political power toward equity and inclusion? For instance, are there ways public scholars can position themselves in opposition to attacks against marginalized communities? Does our public scholarship inform our teaching or vice versa? In what ways can we prepare our students to become public scholars?
This event is intended for faculty and academic support staff interested in learning more about public scholarship practices and deepening the growing community of those engaged in this work at Carleton. This is also a space for those interested in the ways public scholarship can advance more just, humane higher education systems for those who work and learn within them. Experience conducting public scholarship is not required. All are welcome.
Registration form will be coming soon. Register by June 1.
With questions, contact Palmar Alvarez-Blanco, palvarez@carleton.edu.
from CCCE
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