Dec 5
Empowering Tribal Communities in Natural Resource Management: A Community-Based Approach
The American Studies and Environmental Studies Programs invite you to an Indigenous Studies Postdoc Candidate talk.
Tribal sovereignty, a fundamental aspect of self-governance for indigenous communities, is often disregarded in interactions with state and federal agencies. Tribal communities frequently experience a lack of substantive engagement from these agencies, resulting in the omission of tribal perspectives, values, and needs in the management of shared resources. This inadequate engagement leads to feelings of disenfranchisement, hampers information exchange, compromises natural resource management, and results in negative outcomes for human and wildlife communities. In this research presentation, the candidate will illustrate the community-based participatory research approach they use to integrate tribal perspectives, knowledge, and values into the creation of culturally-customized outreach materials and community-specific management plans. They will discuss their experience employing this approach to support tribes in the Great Lakes Region in addressing the growing threat of chronic wasting disease in deer, which poses a threat to cultures, traditions, food security, and community well-being. Furthermore, they will outline their vision for Carleton College students and faculty to cultivate relationships with tribal communities, assist tribes with addressing their environmental concerns, and uphold tribal sovereignty and wellbeing.
from American Studies
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