Sep 26

Harvard Divinity School Information Session

Tue, September 26, 2023 • 4:00pm - 5:00pm (1h) • Alumni Guest House

Director of Admissions at Harvard Divinity School, Odeviz Soto, will be holding an in-person information session to talk about HDS's graduate programs. Feel free to check out Odeviz’s blog post.

HDS graduates engage in a wide variety of professions. They continue in academic careers and go on to educate future scholars and teachers of religion and theology; they become ministers and leaders in their own religious traditions; they work in public service and with governmental, nongovernmental, and social organizations, in nonprofits and in business, in the arts, in health care, and in other professions.

Interesting fact: For many years now, Carleton has dominated HDS' alma maters--by far! So there's quite a community of Carls in the Boston area. And it isn't just for Christians or people headed into parish ministry--Harvard has worked hard to be relevant for people of all religious backgrounds and headed into many fields (diplomacy, social service and social change work, academia, medicine, and hospital and college chaplaincy, in addition to more pastoral ministries).

Fun fact: Nicole Collins ’22 (Philosophy) is Harvard's returning as a graduate assistant this upcoming year! Check out Nicole's blog post.

This event is brought to you by the Career Center.

from Chaplain's Office

Event Contact: Andrea Kubinski

Event Summary

Harvard Divinity School Information Session
  • Intended For: Students, Faculty, Staff
  • Categories: Info Session/Fair

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