Oct 18
Critical Affordances & Shared Spaces by Benedict Distinguished Professor Anthony Chemero

Are you interested in expanding your knowledge of the mind, cognition, and current topics in cognitive science? Are you a first- or second-year considering a major in cognitive science, philosophy, or psychology, and interested in learning more? Are you fascinated (or mildly intrigued) by such topics as what constitutes “thinking,” intelligence, and cognition?
Join us this Wednesday at 7:00 PM in Leighton 304 for a talk from Benedict Distinguished Visiting Professor Anthony Chemero: “Critical Affordances & Shared Spaces.” Refreshments will be provided. All are welcome!
When: Wednesday, Oct. 18 @ 7:00 PM
Where: Leighton 304
What: "Critical Affordances & Shared Spaces"
Whom: Benedict Distinguished Visiting Professor Anthony Chemero (and you!)
Email the Cognitive Science SDAs (folgeri@, chowdhuryt@, rapoports@) with any questions!
from Cognitive Science
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