Oct 27
Breakfast with Staffan Lindberg
Fri, October 27, 2023
• 7:30am
- 8:30am (1h) • Hasenstab, second floor lounge/library
- Professor of Political Science and Director of the university-wide research infrastructure V-Dem Institute at the University of Gothenburg
- Founding Principal Investigator of Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem), founding Director of the national research infrastructure DEMSCORE, ERC Consolidator, and Wallendberg Academy Fellow
- Author: Varieties of Democracy (CUP 2020), Why Democracies Develop and Decline (CUP 2022), as well as many other books, and more than 60 articles on issues such as democracy, elections, democratization, autocratization, accountability, clientelism, sequence analysis methods, women’s representation, and voting behavior.
Event Contact: Julie Buchwald
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