Sep 28
CS Tea: Rou-Jia Sung presents "A biochemist, a computer scientist, and a chemical education researcher walk into a classroom: lessons learned with BiochemAR"

Dr. Rou-Jia Sung from the Carleton Biology department will speak about her collaborative research to build an augmented reality tool to help students learn biochemistry.
A fundamental learning objective in biochemistry is connecting the 3D structure of a molecule to its biological function. To facilitate this objective, we developed an augmented reality (AR)-based app, BiochemAR, that allows students to easily engage with 3D virtual models of molecules important in biochemistry. Our research questions are centered around 1) the experience of students using the technology and 2) the impact of the technology on student dynamics in the classroom/learning outcomes related to the material. This project has been the result of a dynamic collaboration between a biochemist, a computer scientist, and chemical education researchers; the focus of this talk will be on lessons learned as part of both the project and the collaboration.
from Computer Science
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