Dec 5
Who We Are: An Indigenous Perspective on Culturally Responsive and Trauma-Informed Instruction
This half-day session will briefly cover the history of Indigenous peoples in the United States, with a more direct look at the Mdewakanton Dakota peoples of Minnesota. This history will cover topics such as: educational systems, historical systems, legal systems, economic systems, and cultural and societal systems. The session will then proceed into goal setting and methodology to working with Indigenous people. This will include benchmarks set by members of the community, objectives, and navigating delivering cultural curriculum. The last part of the session will explore how all of this is done in practice, looking at how the presenters have implemented this in their own work.
This program is made possible in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities in partnership with the Social Science Research Council. It is co-sponsored by the Center for Community and Civic Engagement and the Perlman Center for Learning & Teaching.
from CCCE
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