Feb 14
Mathematics and Statistics Group Comps Presentation
Join us to help support the seniors presenting comps.
Title: Mathematical Modeling: from Anglers to Astronauts, 3-4 pm
Katherine Ahlgren, Sydney Bell, Zack Dong, Cathy Guang, Sammy Roman and Lingyu Wei
Title: Stock Price Prediction with Long Short-term Memory (LSTM) Networks and Social Sentiments, 4-5 pm
Carl Zhang, Kevin Chen, David Chu and Jeanny Zhang
Title: Bayesian Statistical Inference for Animal Population Modeling, 5-6 pm
Eway Cai, Eric Cheng, Luke Mager, Alexander Staff and Nina Sun
Title: Unpacking Algebra: Lesson Planning with Applications, 6:00-7:20 pm
Michael Dreger, Michaela Polley, Tia Ahmed, Rachel Ziems, Raine Bernhard, Andrea Ramos, Riley Madsen and Isaac Fried
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