Oct 12
AAMC Virtual Medical School Fair 2022
Connect to Virtual Event
Join us for the 2022 Virtual Medical School Fair on Wednesday, October 12th (11 a.m. – 4 p.m. ET) and Thursday, October 13 (11 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET). Speak directly with participating medical schools, associations, and programs to help you gain information and insights about applying to medical school.
The fair is open and free for all attendees interested in a career in medicine. Your FREE registration includes a 15% discount on a 1-or 2-year subscription to the Medical School Admissions Requirements™ (MSAR®) website. This resource contains comprehensive profiles for each medical school and allows you to save favorites, take notes, compare schools side by side, send your favorites list to your advisor and more!
from Pre-Health Program
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