Oct 25

Applying for Government Jobs and Internships: Prep Session (In-person)

Mon, October 25, 2021 • 3:30pm - 4:30pm (1h) • Willis 204


Government Jobs

Over two million Americans and foreign nationals are employed by the U.S. Federal Government. The federal workforce fulfills essential missions including caring for the nation’s environment, being at the frontiers of technology and cybersecurity, and negotiating international agreements. Rachel Leatham, Carleton’s resident expert about the federal hiring process, will also share insights from her own hiring process as a civil servant, foreign service officer, and Presidential Management Fellow.

If you are curious about the hiring process and different hiring pathways, please come to this information session.

Our agenda will include:

  • USAJOBS: the Federal Government’s official employment site
  • Resume writing basics for federal jobs
  • Carleton alums in the Federal Government

We will have ample time for Q&A and discussion.

Session: Monday, October 25, 2021 at 3:30-4:30p.m.; Willis 204, please RSVP via Handshake

This session is also to prepare you for the Government & Nonprofit Career Fair taking place on Friday, October 29th. Register by October 20th via handshake!

from Career Center Events

Event Contact: Andrea Kubinski

Event Summary

Applying for Government Jobs and Internships: Prep Session (In-person)
  • Intended For: Students, Faculty, Staff

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