Oct 7

Burren College of Art

Thu, October 7, 2021 • 12:00pm - 1:00pm (1h) • Zoom

Study Abroad art students are invited to study with us in Ireland for 1-2 semesters, earning up to 15 transferrable credits each semester. Our small campus community creates an exciting platform for discussion, artistic collaboration and cross-disciplinary exchanges. Students are assigned a large studio space, to which they have access 24/7. Our campus is located in the rural West of Ireland, which creates the perfect location for ecological explorations of art. For additional information, please watch this YouTube video.

A Burren College of Art program representative will host an virtual information table via Zoom (meeting ID: 99581290754, passcode: 367612) on October 7th from 12-1pm.

If you are unable to attend at this time and would like more information, email Lisa Newman at lisa@burrencollege.ie.


from Off Campus Studies

Event Contact: jmcmurray
Event Link: for More Information

Event Summary

Burren College of Art
  • Intended For: Students, Faculty, Staff

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