Feb 8
LTC Lunch - Understanding the Class of 2025 and Late-Pandemic Campus Climate
Going into the 2021-22 school year, we all faced a number of questions about the ways campus culture would shift as we lifted pandemic restrictions and welcomed a new class of students who, in some cases, spent almost half their high school years online. How would the Class of 2025 adjust to college life? What gaps in their academic and social preparation would emerge? How would upperclassmen, particularly sophomores who've never had a 'normal' Carleton experience, adjust to the new normal? In this session, we'll begin answering these questions by discussing our disparate experiences from Fall of 2021. George will present some general trends that he's observed in conversations with staff across campus before, throwing the conversation open for attendees to add their own experience and present questions that remain unanswered or in flux.
George Cusack, Director of Writing Across the Curriculum, Senior Lecturer in English
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