Feb 25


Fri, February 25, 2022 • 7:30pm - 9:00pm (1h 30m) • Weitz Theater

le•tit is an absurdist abolitionist optical circus art experience. Built from four pillars, 1. make visible that which society disappears, 2. unsettle dominant logics, 3. advocate freedom, liberation, sovereignty, and autonomy, 4. resist capitalism, the show's improvisational and participatory structure takes audiences to new places! Engross yourself in the epic of fishtianity, glimpse the great gargoyle gathering and games, be unsettled by the pervasiveness of tapitalism, get bound by bureaucracy and the land of lawz all the while learning a rich history of parasitic vexation. Join us as we puzzle through dinks, donks, quarks, illusions, and wild feats of the imagination!

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MASKS REQUIRED. Audience members not part of the Carleton community are expected to be either fully vaccinated, or to have received a negative COVID test no more than 24 hours prior to attending the event.

In the production you will encounter flashing lights, optical and hypnotic effects, loud and sudden noises, profanity, and passive and active invitations for audience participation. There are various seating options for those needing different ways to occupy the theater space. A written copy of the show's outline and structure can be requested by emailing lbenge@carleton.edu.

from Theater & Dance

Event Contact: Sally Pierce

Event Summary

  • When
    • Friday, February 25, 2022
    • 7:30pm - 9:00pm (1h 30m)
  • Where
    • Weitz Theater
  • Mode
    • In-Person
  • Event Contact
  • Copy Share Link
  • Intended For: General Public, Students, Faculty, Staff
  • Categories: Performing Arts

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