Apr 9

Geology Department Student Comps Presentations

Sat, April 9, 2022 • 9:00am - 3:00pm (6h) • Olin 149
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Schedule for the student presentations

9:00   Allegra Johnson McKee
9:15    Mattison Shreero
9:30   Jennifer Delgado
9:45    Ethan Karp
10:00  Break
10:15    Reed Culverwell
10:30   Celine Smith
10:45   Cassie Smith
11:00   Alexis Walters
11:15    Break
11:30   Declan Ramirez
11:45   Becca Horwitz
12:00  Jeep Maneenoi
12:15   Hana Uyeda
12:30  Lunch (for all presenters)
1:30    Josh Isaacs
1:45    James McGehee
2:00   Jaren Yambing
2:15    Oscar Kimzey
2:30   Gabe Lobet

Zoom Information
Meeting ID: 914 3082 2616  Passcode: 913605
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from Geology

Event Contact: Tami Little

Event Summary

Geology Department Student Comps Presentations
  • Intended For: General Public, Students, Faculty, Staff, Alums, Prospective Students, Families
  • Categories: Comps

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