Sep 28

Mayo Innovation Scholars Info Session

Tue, September 28, 2021 • 12:00pm - 1:00pm (1h) • Anderson 121

After a year hiatus due to COVID-19, Carleton will once again participate in the Mayo Innovation Scholars Program.  Plan on attending this info session where you will hear from Carleton's faculty mentors, Biology Professors Debby Walser-Kunz and Matt Rand, and Economics Professor Ethan Struby to learn additional details about this exciting opportunity allowing you to apply your economics and science knowledge and skills while working alongside a start-up medical device company and business school graduate student.

This year, Carleton’s student team will be working on their assigned project with an early-stage medical company.  This project has biomedical applications and will require background research, analysis and recommendation on next steps as well as understanding the place of the project in the market.  The end result of the team investigation will be a business plan and final presentation to the company in early March. This is a prestigious opportunity and students receive a $1000 stipend for completion of the project. 

Lunch will be served.

from Economics Department

Event Contact: Sara Nielsen

Event Summary

Mayo Innovation Scholars Info Session
  • Intended For: Students, Faculty, Staff

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