Oct 21

CS Tea: Laura Biester '16 (Michigan CSE)

Thu, October 21, 2021 • 4:00pm - 5:00pm (1h) • Olin 306

Laura Biester will speak on a recent research project, and also talk about her path from Carleton to where she is today.
(Note:  the audience will be gathered together in Olin 306; the speaker will be presenting remotely.)

Abstract:  In this talk, I will present methods that I have developed with my collaborators to study individual and population-level mental health in a non-invasive manner, through location traces and data from social media websites. These methods build upon techniques in machine learning and natural language processing, including embeddings, supervised machine classification, time series analysis, and topic modeling, and can be applied in a number of settings. In addition to discussing my research, I will also share an overview of my path to graduate school and my experiences as a PhD student at the University of Michigan.

Biography:  Laura is a fourth-year PhD student in the Language and Information Technologies lab at the University of Michigan. Her research focus is in the intersection of natural language processing (NLP) and computational social science, with a particular focus on applications in mental health. Laura has also spent some time in industry, including a full-time position at Pinterest where she worked on databases and an internship at IBM research where she worked on clinical NLP. Laura graduated with her BA from Carleton College in 2016.

from Computer Science

Event Contact: David Liben-Nowell

Event Summary

CS Tea: Laura Biester '16 (Michigan CSE)
  • Intended For: Students, Faculty, Staff

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